Add Love and Mix by Sean Michael Guest Post & Excerpt!

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Hi peeps! We have Sean Michael stopping by for a quick visit with his upcoming release Add Love and Mix, we have a wonderful guest post and an excellent excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

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Add Love and Mix


Sean Michael

Firefighter Jason Weller and EMT Scott Bronson are living the perfect life. They work together in jobs they love, they live together, and in their downtime, they still can’t get enough of each other. It’s been six amazing years. Then on Christmas Eve, Jase’s former lover Elsa shows up with a six-year-old girl in tow. The strung-out junkie claims Kerry is Jase’s daughter and it’s his turn to care for her, and then she walks out.

Shocked at both the fact that Elsa is now a junkie, and that he has a daughter he never knew about, Jase nonetheless steps up to the plate as her father, and Scott offers his full support. Having an instant family comes with plenty of challenges, and the two men work to deal with sweeping changes in their lives and to make things right for Kerry.

It’s not going to be easy, and their new circumstances test them and their relationship like nothing ever has. They’ll need all the love they have for each other, and the love they discover for their daughter, to keep from breaking apart.

Release date: 26th December 2016

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Sean Michael!

Christmas Gifts

I love getting Christmas gifts for people. I always try and get it all done ahead of time because I don’t love going to the stores when they’re crowded, but aside from that, I love the whole process. I make my list (I usually check it more than twice.) Then I decide what the ideal gift would be for each person. If I can come up with a clever wrapping strategy, or a little play on words or something to go with the wrapping, I’ll do that. For instance, one year I gave the beer lover on my list “the twelve beers of Christmas.” I went to the LCBO, picked out twelve neat looking beer and in the top of the box, I put a sheet with a beer version of the twelve days of Christmas.

I enjoy the wrapping, choosing the right paper, adding a bow, or not, filling out the tag. And I love being there to watch as my gift is opened. Did they like it? Did they love it? Did I choose correctly? It’s all good.

In Add Love and Mix, Jason, and by extension Scott, get quite the unexpected gift. It’s one that they totally weren’t expecting or prepared for, and one that is going to be with them, changing their lives for a very long time. Kind of sounds like the perfect gift to me.


smut fixes everything

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“Jase, man, you got someone at the front asking for you.”

“Seriously?” Practical jokes abounded at the firehouse. Especially when they were working holiday shifts.

“No, I’m making it up. Yes, seriously.” Andy rolled his eyes again, and Scott laughed, snapping his ass with a towel.

Jase sent a mock glare at both of them and pulled on his jeans and a T-shirt before heading out to the front.

He blinked at the woman standing in the lobby. She looked like shit—strung out and hollow cheeked, hair stringy and ragged.

“Can I help you?” Jase asked.

“What? You don’t remember me? We slept together for six months, you pig.”

He shook his head. He didn’t know any crackheads. The only woman he’d slept with for six months was just before he’d met Scott. He and Elsa had broken up over six years ago.

He met her eyes, ready to tell her he wasn’t who she was looking for, when he saw a flash of Elsa in the sunken eyes.

“Elsa? No way.”

Sean Michael - Add Love and Mix Bookmark“You do remember. Excellent. I got something that’s yours, and I don’t want the little bitch no more.”

With that, she shoved a skinny, filthy little girl with tears streaking her cheeks and a huge bruise on her tiny face toward him.

“Mommy! Mommy, please!”

“Shut up. This fucker is your dad. You’re his problem now.”

The girl started crying outright, and Elsa went to backhand her, but Jase stepped in between the two of them, hand on the little girl’s shoulder as she began to wail louder. “Hey! What the hell happened to you? And what are you talking about, I’m her dad?”

This was not the woman he’d known. And they’d always been careful. He knew they had.

Aside from condoms, she’d been on the pill.

“You left, and I found out about the little bitch three weeks later. Tried everything to get rid of it, but it lived.”

“Hey there, sweetie.” Scott’s voice was soft, gentle. “Would you like to see my ambulance? Maybe have a Coke?”

Jase turned and nodded to Scott, mouthed, “Thanks,” then shifted his attention back to Elsa.

“Why didn’t you call me?” He would have helped. Gotten her and the baby the proper care. Hell, helped pay for the abortion if Elsa was determined to go through with it. “And when did you get hooked?”

“Fuck you. I was using when I was with you. Why do you think I had to start selling shit? You weren’t ever there. I needed something.”

“Jesus, Elsa….” He didn’t know what to say. He totally didn’t recognize this awful bitch in front of him. Either physically or mentally. “I’m sorry. You need some help getting clean?”

“Fuck you. I’m out of here.” She tossed a tiny backpack at him. “I tried to sell her. No one wants her. She’s worthless.”

Jase’s mouth dropped open in pure, unadulterated shock.

That shock began to turn to anger as Elsa turned on her heel and marched out.

He went to go after her, but Andy grabbed his arm, held him back.

“Don’t, man. That kid is better off pretty much anywhere else.”

He nodded jerkily. Andy was probably right.


Jase was nearly shaking, his emotions a jumble.

“Why don’t you go find Scott and see how she’s doing?” Andy suggested.

“Yeah, yeah. Good idea.”

He headed out to the bay where the ambulance was parked.

“Do you like the red ones? I do. Lots.” Scott was talking, chattering away, and the little girl’s tears had dried up.

“Hey, there,” he said quietly. Shit, Elsa hadn’t even told him her name.

Scott and the little girl both looked up, and Jase crouched so he wasn’t so tall. “What’s your name, honey?”


Jase blinked. That had been his twin sister’s name. She’d died when they were six. A boating accident. “That’s a beautiful name. I had a twin sister named Karissa.”

He saw Scott looking at him in surprise.

Jase didn’t talk about her very much, but it seemed appropriate, what with the little girl in front of him.

“Mommy told me. She drownded, and she’s a ghost that pinches bad girls.”

Scott’s eyes widened farther.

“What? No. No.” Jase put his hand on her back. “She was a wonderful little girl, and she would never pinch anyone.” Maybe him, when they were bickering, but usually only in retaliation. “She’s my guardian angel, and I bet she’s looking out for you too.”

“Are you really my daddy?”

He looked at Scott. What did he tell her?

She was the right age for it to be a distinct possibility. And Elsa had named her after his sister.

But would it be fair to say yes and have it turn out later that she wasn’t?

He looked from Scott to her, and she stared back, giving him his first look at her big blue eyes. Christ, he saw those eyes in the mirror every morning, and he’d seen them every time he’d looked at his twin sister too.

“Yeah, Kerry,” he told her, his twin’s nickname falling off his tongue easy as anything. “I think I am.”

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About Sean

Sean Michael author picBest-selling author Sean Michael is a maple leaf–loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.

Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

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