Hi guys, we have Sue Brown popping in today with the tour for her new release Alpha Chef, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Lisa’s review, so check out the post and enter that giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Alpha Chef
Sue Brown
When Greg Mitchelson’s home is torched and his employer killed, Greg fears it’s retribution for his past testimony against a notorious drug gang. Alone, with no money and only the clothes on his back, Greg turns to Colm Riordan, the Deputy US Marshall who’s protected Greg for the last 3 years. But Riordan doesn’t return Greg’s phone calls, and the local Marshal’s office refuses to help him.
In desperation, Greg goes on the run to Wyoming to find his brother, Mitch, whom he hasn’t seen in over a decade. As he reconnects with his brother, Riordan appears, searching for his missing witness. But Greg needs the answers to a lot of questions before he’ll trust Riordan again. Why didn’t he return Greg’s call? Is Riordan there to help Greg – or kill him?
Amazon US | Amazon UK

Lost in a Black-Eyed Peas’ song, Greg Mitchelson rounded the corner into his street. The rap vanished as he focused on the flashing lights, fire trucks and police cars surrounding his small clapboard, one-story house. Greg was rooted to the spot as he watched flames lick through the building, consuming what few possessions he owned. Jets of water shot high into the air, spraying the trees and adjoining properties as fire-fighters tried to minimize the spread of flames. The dense hedge that bordered the righthand side of his house was already a blackened mess, and sparks licked at the two trees on the sidewalk.
Greg swallowed around the lump in his throat as he stared at what had been his home for the last three years. He’d seen enough fires to know the building was beyond saving. His home was gone and he was in danger. There was a good chance his house had been torched deliberately and Greg was going to be the number one suspect, but he couldn’t afford to get involved with the local cops. Hanging around here was only going to increase the risk of a bullet with his name on it. Greg casually backed around the corner before anyone spotted him and headed back the way he came.
They’d found him again. He would have to move. Another town, another job, another name. Dammit! Greg’s heart raced as he ran, panic setting in, the blood pounding in his ears. Tears pricked his eyes, and not only from the smoke. He’d miss Raleigh, it was the first place that had felt like home. Greg ran toward the diner he’d left only five minutes before. He hoped Willie would understand. He’d really miss him and, although stopping to talk to him was increasing the risk to himself, he didn’t care. Willie was a good man. He’d been like a father to Greg. A better father than Greg’s old man ever had been, and he deserved an explanation—of sorts. At least, the only one Greg could give him.
Willie’s Diner was in sight and Greg checked the traffic before he jogged across the road. He’d just reached the sidewalk when the blast knocked him off his feet onto the asphalt, spraying him with shattered glass. He lay where he landed, unable to breathe, waiting for his diaphragm to work again before he could move. Pinprick cuts stung his face, matching the rawness of his back. All around him, car alarms shrieked and dogs barked, but the sound was muffled as if he was wrapped in cotton. What the hell just happened? Greg dragged in a shaky breath and got to his feet, although his head spun and his ears rang in dizzying counterpoint. He sucked in a few deep breaths, swallowing hard against a wave of nausea. His eyes streamed with tears and hurt like crazy when he blinked. His cheeks stung and, when he gingerly touched them, his fingertips were dotted with blood. Greg blinked a few times to try and clear his vision. Then he looked at the diner.
It was gone. At least the front of house was, obliterated by the blast. Willie! Fuck! If Willie had been in there, he’d be dead for sure. Greg ran into twisted remains of the building, praying for a miracle. He picked his way through glass and metal, hoping his employer had been in the kitchen which had taken less of the impact. He didn’t get his miracle. Greg found Willie behind the counter as if he were playing hide and seek.But Willie wouldn’t care if he was found, his neck had been broken in the explosion.
“Oh, Willie, I’m so fucking sorry. This is all my fault.” Tears streamed down Greg’s face as he stared Willie’s crumpled body.
Even in his grief, his senses were screaming at him to get away. His home and job had been destroyed. This was no coincidence. He’d been found. Greg’s mind was a whirl of questions and fear threatened to strangle him in its grip. Lack of danger had made him soft, he’d gotten sloppy.
He said a farewell to Willie and stood. People were coming out of their houses to see what had happened. It wouldn’t take long for a customer to spot him, then he’d be in trouble. The local cops were frequent visitors to the diner, too. Most of them were decent guys but Greg had still been considered an outsider, even after three years. They wouldn’t look far for a suspect.
Greg had one thought in his mind—getting to Colm Riordan, who was the one man who could make sense of what was going on. He picked his way over the mangled remains of the furniture until he was back on the sidewalk, and walked away from the diner as fast as he could, trying not to attract attention, then hit the ground running. Greg ran every day and he’d put several miles between him and the diner until he was sure he was far enough to breathe easy. He ran his hands through his long hair and grimaced at the sharpness of glass and grit caught in the heavy strands. He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a band to tie his hair back until he could brush it out.
Then he found a bar. The barman looked askance at the blood on his face and his disheveled appearance, but it wasn’t the kind of place where questions were important. He bought a beer and retreated to a booth, sliding over the cracked vinyl seats until he was out of sight of anyone who came in.
Greg tapped in Riordan’s number. He’d memorized it a long time ago. It rang and rang, each trill making Greg more anxious. “Come on, come on,” he muttered, “where the heck are you?”
“It’s Riordan. Leave a message.”
Greg’s relief at hearing the deep Irish tones vanished as he realized it was voicemail.
“It’s… Logan Kelly. Call me. Something’s happened.”
He tried Riordan’s partner. No answer. Then he tried another number.
“US Marshals Service.”
Greg frowned. He didn’t recognize the light female voice, but it had been a while since he called the office. “Is Colm Riordan there?”
“Who’s calling?”
“This is Logan Kelly. I need to talk to Riordan, or Clyde.”
“They’re unavailable, sir. You’ll have to call back.”
Greg stared at his phone as the call ended abruptly. “What the hell?”
He called again.
“US Marshals Service.”
“This is Logan Kelly—”
“I’m sorry, sir, but Deputy Marshal Riordan is out of the office and won’t be back for at least a week.”
“What about Clyde?”
“He’s also unavailable.” Her voice changed, became cooler, less patient.
“I need to talk to someone, another marshal. What about Schulz?”
“I’m sorry, sir, like I said, call back in a couple of weeks.”
“I need to speak to someone now. I’m in trouble—” He was talking to himself again.
Now Greg knew he was fucked. He’d lost his home, his job and he’d been burned by the marshals. The money in his wallet wouldn’t last more than a few days, and the clothes on his back were almost shredded. What the hell was he going to do? Greg bought another beer and stared into the pale amber liquid while he reviewed his limited options. He couldn’t stay in Raleigh and could only think of one place he might survive beyond the end of the week.
He needed his big brother. The last time they’d been in the same room, they’d spoken with their fists, not words. Teenage Greg was furious that his brother was leaving him to go into the army. It was something Greg had always regretted, but he’d never thought that would be the last time he’d see his brother. Cole was deployed and, two months after that, his father threw Greg out of the house. Six weeks later Greg was in WITSEC and without family or friends.
Now Greg had an address. A few months ago, he’d been scrolling through social media when he’d seen a blog post about a dirty cop who’d been killed in a bar in Wyoming, just south of Yellowstone National Park. The blog site reveled in the death of another pig cop, but Greg ignored the text, he was riveted by a man in the photograph that accompanied the post. There was no name but Greg had known immediately that it was his big brother, Cole Mitchelson, staring into the camera with an uncomfortable scowl. But Cole had been headed for a shining career in the army. How had he gotten from the army to a bar in the middle of nowhere?
After so many years, would Cole even want to see him? Especially once he found out Greg’s dirty secret?
He curled his lip as he remembered his father’s bitter, angry words as he threw Greg out of the family home.
He drained the beer and headed toward the exit. There was only one way to find out.

About Sue!
Sue Brown is owned by her dog and two children. When she isn’t following their orders, she can be found plotting at her laptop. In fact she hides so she can plot and has gotten expert at ignoring the orders.
Sue discovered M/M erotica at the time she woke up to find two men kissing on her favorite television series. The series was boring; the kissing was not. She may be late to the party, but she’s made up for it since, writing fan fiction until she was brave enough to venture out into the world of original fiction.
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Title: Alpha Chef
Series: J.T.’s Bar 02
Author: Sue Brown
Genre: Contemporary, Action
Publisher: One Hat Press (September 27, 2017)
Length: Novel (236 Pages)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Blurb: When Greg Mitchelson’s home is torched and his employer killed, Greg fears it’s retribution for his past testimony against a notorious drug gang. Alone, with no money and only the clothes on his back, Greg turns to Colm Riordan, the Deputy US Marshall who’s protected Greg for the last 3 years. But Riordan doesn’t return Greg’s phone calls, and the local Marshal’s office refuses to help him.
In desperation, Greg goes on the run to Wyoming to find his brother, Mitch, whom he hasn’t seen in over a decade. As he reconnects with his brother, Riordan appears, searching for his missing witness. But Greg needs the answers to a lot of questions before he’ll trust Riordan again. Why didn’t he return Greg’s call? Is Riordan there to help Greg – or kill him?
Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: Each book in the J.T.’s Bar collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.
It has been close to one full year since I read book one in this story and I wasn’t sure if I would actually remember it. However the moment I started reading it, it was like the first book was right there. I was very glad to have seen the mistakes the first book had were not present with this one. It is a very action packed story that will entertain you.
Greg has had a rough life. When his older brother took off to join the military, well his family life went down hill. His father is a homophobic ass and his mother just doesn’t seem to care. When it came out that he was gay, well his father kicked him out. Cole had always been the favored child in the family, but Cole had protected Greg until he left. Just trying to work to be able to eat leads him into a dangerous situation. He is the witness to a murder and is the only witness. Welcome to WITSEC, where Marshall’s protect you. The only problem is, the U.S. Marshall’s burned him. So he goes to the one person he hopes can protect him, his older brother.
Colm is a Deputy of the U.S. Marshall’s. His job is to protect his witness, not fall in love with them. When Greg’s home is burned down, and then his job, which killed the owner, Colm knew Greg was in danger. He knew where his man would go, and he was determined to protect him.
Now there are some pretty cool twists to this story, the problem is it was to predictable. It came close to mimicking the first book. However it was still a very enjoyable story that I had a lot of fun reading. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. The characters are dashing, sexy, very entertaining and all alpha’s. The story was fast pace and flowed pretty nice. It had a few bumps in the road, but they were not really noticeable. Other than a few little, minor issues this book rocked.
I had a lot of fun with it and cannot wait to get my hands on the next book. I just hope I don’t have to wait another year to get my hands on it. I would definitely recommend this book.

Check out the other blogs on the tour!

Thank you for the excerpt!