Ghost of a Chance by Lee Brazil

18158604Title: Ghost of a Chance

Series: Chances Are, Book 04

Author: Lee Brazil

Genre: Contemporary/Mystery

Length:   Short (44 pages)

Publisher: Lime Time Press (June 28th, 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Cat

Blurb:Chance thought he knew true heartache when Cannon walked out on him. He finds out how wrong he is when current lover Rory decides he’s done waiting for Chance to return his love. 

After two months of seeking amnesia in the bottom of a bottle, Chance is on the verge of resurrecting the protective shell that kept his emotions safe for so long. Then the past comes knocking on his door again, and he has no choice but to own his mistakes. 

Odds are fifty-fifty he’ll get a second chance…will he make the same mistakes all over again or does he stand a ghost of a chance?

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Review: This book picks up where the last ended with Rory gone. It’s been two months and even Wick hasn’t been able to find him. Chance has realized that he loves Rory, but it’s a little late.

I love this series. I like the way each character blends in form the other books in this series by the other authors as well, though if you don’t read the other books you really don’t know too much about those characters. It’s about time Chance starts showing some feeling, though I like he isn’t a sappy character, though in this one he tends to be. I felt he became more human in this book. I can’t wait to see what Rory’s reaction is if and when Chance finds him.

I recommend this if you like, strong feelings, ex-cops, private detectives, a man finding his feelings, and some mystery.