Left on St. Truth-be-Well by Amy Lane

LeftonStTruthbeWellLGTitle: Left on St. Truth-be-Well

Author:  Amy Lane

Genre:  Mystery Suspense, Humor

Length: Novella (152 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (July 24th, 2013)

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Heat Level: Moderate

Blurb: Carson O’Shaughnessy has one task: track down his boss’s flighty nephew, Stassy, and return the kid to Chicago. Then Carson can go back to waiting tables and being productively bitter about his life. He didn’t count on finding a dead body in Stassy’s bed, and he certainly didn’t count on the guy in the flip-flops and cutoffs at the local café helping him get to the bottom of the crime.

But Dale Arden is no ordinary surfing burnout—he’s actually a pretty sharp guy with a seductive voice and a bossy streak wider than the Florida panhandle. When he decides to boss Carson right into his bed, Carson realizes Stassy’s not the only one who’s been lost. Carson likes to think he’s got his life all figured out, that sex with guys is your basic broom-closet transaction; he may just have to revise his priorities, because nobody plans on taking a left at St. Truth-be-Well and finding love at the Bates Parrot Hotel.

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4031

Reviewer:  Cat

Review: Carson is sent by his employer to bring home his runaway nephew. Carson goes reluctantly since his boss gives him no choice and as we find out  later on in the story more of why his boss is so persuasive, but the main reason Carson goes is he feels responsible for Stassy running off since they had a brief encounter in the broom closet. But which man really is the one hiding in the proverbial broom closet? Stassy or Carson?

I absolutely loved this story of mystery and intrigue presented with a lighthearted humorous style and peppered with some sweet and hot mansex. The characters were intriguing the story slightly spoofy with the name of the hotel Bates Parrot Hotel and the mystery as it unfolds is also a bit spoofy, but I loved it. It was funny, cute, light-hearted and the real aspect of the story was the romance between Carson and Dale, and Stassy’s involvement and Carson’s sexuality.

I read this in one sitting not wanting to put it down and I’m not sure what kept me going the cheesy mystery or the sweet sexy story between Carson and Dale. All I now was I couldn’t stop reading till the end. LOVED it.


Recommendation: If you like stories written with humor, mystery and intrigue, sweet sexy romance and a couple twists that may shock you and a very good short read for a hot summer night this is a must!