Hello peeps, today we have Charley Descoteaux and her Mended Daily Dose Not the Doctor. I had the chance to interview Charley, so I did 😉 and I also got to review this nice little story which has a slight May – December relationship. So I will leave you to it with the usual message… leave a comment for a chance to win your very own copy of Not the Doctor and give that Rafflecopter a click if you haven’t already…. and remember to click it again to earn extra chances by tweeting daily! <3 ~Pixie~
And our winner for Mars Novak’s Move as Water in a Basin iiiissss Jbst 🙂 Congratulations!
Various Authors
Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love.
Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson
Interview with Charley Descoteaux
Pixie: Hello to Charley Descoteaux who is joining us today for the Dreamspinner Press Daily Dose with her release Not the Doctor, hiya Charley.
Charley: Hiya, Pixie! Thanks so much for having me. I’m excited about this release—it’s the first time I’ve written a friends-to-lovers story and I hope readers will enjoy it.
Pixie: Charley your contribution to the Daily Dose is Not the Doctor, why don’t you tell our readers a little about it.
Charley: I love hurt/comfort stories, and wanted to write one where the character who usually receives the comfort is the one to give it instead. Kai has Rheumatoid Arthritis and lives with his aging aunt so they can help each other. Joe has helped them whenever he sees they need it. Joe’s pain is hidden beneath the surface, until he breaks his arm and needs surgery.
Pixie: Was Not the Doctor already a story idea or did the muses strike after the Mended submission call?
Charley: My muse has a twisted sense of humor. As soon as I saw the Mended call I started thinking about the hurt/comfort trope and what kind of story I could tell within those boundaries, but nothing clicked. Until 30 days before the deadline. I’m usually a slow writer so I was afraid that wouldn’t be enough time, but I put aside almost everything else (sleep is a luxury item, right?) and worked on it every day to make the deadline.
Pixie: Kai and Joe are wonderful characters, was it easy to write about them?
Charley: Thank you! I love those guys but they weren’t easy, at least not at first. It didn’t take long for Joe to open up once I really started listening, he wanted to tell his story (once my muse let me in on it). Kai was more difficult. Probably because my original intention was to tell the whole story in Joe’s POV. I didn’t think I had time to get to know both of them well enough to write from inside their heads. But one night, just as I was falling asleep, Kai started talking. I turned on the light and wrote his first section in one of the notebooks I keep beside my bed. After that it got easier to write this story, but much harder to sleep!
Pixie: Do you think you could give the readers a little teaser, just a couple of lines?
Charley: Here’s a little of that first bit I got from Kai.
Those two, the Prescotts, they’re about as straight as they come. George wore a sport jacket to take Joe to the hospital. Even he wouldn’t have gone home during the procedure to change. Probably kept his head bowed over an iSomething the whole time. But he noticed me. He always notices me, and not in the same way Joe does. No, George had me pegged from the gate. If I didn’t have thirty years of experience saying I knew better, the zealous way he stepped between us would’ve made me wonder.
But if I’m interested in Joey he has to be straight because that’s my mo. Show me a hot straight guy—bonus points for each prejudice and phobia he brings to the table—and before you can say Judy Garland, I’ve fallen for him.
Pixie: What do you have planned next?
Charley: My first novel is scheduled for an August release—not sure of the exact date, but I’m excited about sharing the story with everyone. It’s about a self-employed ESI manager and a musically inclined plumber’s apprentice. My YA story “It’s Not Our Fault” was just accepted for Harmony Ink’s First Time for Everything anthology, which is very cool too!
My WIPs include a holiday story about second chances and a novel that takes place in a Portland wrecking yard. I also have a rough outline and first chapter done for a YA novel. It’s fun to have more than one project in the works, but some days I feel a little psycho—the loudest voices in my head are a 48 year old man and a 17 year old girl. J
Pixie: Now why don’t you let the readers know where to find you.
Charley: Rattle my cages anytime!
Blog: http://cdescoteauxwrites.com/blog/
Dreamspinner Author Page: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/index.php?cPath=879
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharleyDescote
Goodreads: http://tinyurl.com/aqe7g7r
e-mail: c.descoteauxwrites@gmail.com
Pixie: Before we go is there anything you’d like to tell the readers and fans?
Charley: I’d like to thank all the readers who take a chance on a new author when you could just as easily spend your hard-earned book money on one of your favorites. It’s not easy, but it means a lot to someone who’s releasing their first (or second, or fourth J) story and hoping someone will give it a try, maybe even like it.
Pixie: Charley thank you so much for joining us today 🙂
Charley: Thanks bunches for having me, Pixie!
About Charley
I write M/M Erotic Romance because watching two regular guys figure out how to be happy makes me happy too. Every one of them deserves a beautiful love story, and as long as they keep telling them to me I’ll keep writing them down. In my worlds you’ll find out-of-work teachers, motivational speakers, unknown jazz musicians, and maybe even an undercover colorist. I don’t have anything against billionaires and rock stars (okay, not against rock stars ;)), but other people have the alphas covered. And thank goodness, because I love a good sizzler about a fire fighter!
Home is the Portland Metro Area in Oregon, where nocturnal keyboard-junkies blend right in and in some places you can be as weird as you are without fear. As an out and proud bisexual and life-long weird-o, I think that last part is pretty cool.
This list of things I like isn’t anywhere near inclusive, but until I can think of something clever to post here, this is it: Love, Romance of just about any flavor, coffee, diet. Mt. Dew, the San Francisco 49ers, the color purple, reading, Metallica, knitting, jazz, rainbows, chocolate, the Seattle Seahawks, hearts & flowers, Slipknot, holidays, poetry, semi-colons, a West Coast-style piano trio, the color pink, football fans who appreciate a good running game, classic rock, Harley Davidson and Triumph motorcycles, cats (regardless of how grammatically correct they may be) and Beethoven.
I also enjoy photography. Some of the photos on this (Charley’s) blog were taken by me and may not be used without permission (which I’ll probably give, so ask me!). Thanks for respecting my IP.
Series: Mended Daily Dose 16
Author: Charley Descoteaux
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short (47pgs)
ISBN: 978-1-63216-088-1
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (1st June 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3 ½ Hearts
Reviewer: Pixie
Blurb: A moment of distraction on a lonely highway leaves middle-aged widower Joe Prescott with a broken arm and in need of surgery. He’s no stranger to long hours spent alone in his apartment, but until his arm heals, independence will be a luxury. Joe is used to helping others and doesn’t realize the strength it takes to accept a helping hand, especially from the neighbor he’s had a crush on since he moved in.
Kai Hosino, “retired” chef, lives with his elderly Aunt Tilly so they can help each other navigate life with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Kai is drawn to the silver fox next door, but his painful history of falling for straight men makes him hesitant to take a chance.
Purchase Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5138
Or as part of the 2014 Daily Dose Full Set Mended: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5113
Review: Joe broke his arm and needed extra surgery, with the help of his brother he manages to get through the first days but then he needs extra help which comes in the form of his cute neighbour Kai. Kai is attracted to the silver fox in the unit next door but believes Joe is straight, when Joe needs help after his surgery Kai offers his help and the two begin to open up to each other.
This is a lovely story of two lonely men finding love, companionship and passion. Joe has been on his own since his wife died, now he is alone when he needs support after his operation, his brother helps where he can but has a family of his own so when his cute next door neighbour offers to help Joe accepts. Kai has rheumatoid arthritis and can no longer work as a chef, he lives with his aunt and has a crush on his straight older neighbour, but when he begins to help Joe out he discovers that he might have a chance with Joe after all.
I really enjoyed this story of a slightly older man who needs comfort and support, and the slightly younger man who wants to offer support and comfort even when he is in pain himself. Both Joe and Kai are great characters and mesh well together, their interactions are well paced so we can see the relationship developing in the short amount of time that they share and they have just the right spark between them that their change in relationship isn’t unexpected.
I recommend this to those who love seeing relationships develop, who love an older/younger coupling and love to see hurt/comfort at its finest.
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I always like an older/younger couple. Please count me in, thanks
Loved the interview and excerpt.
Love the concept and can’t wait to read!
Great interview and the excerpt made me want to read more. Thanks for the chance to win!
Great interview! Thanks for the chance to win!
A lovely May-to-December, friends to lovers romance, hurt to healing and summed up in a short story. Thanks Charley 😀 for a chance to win a copy of your story and I look forward to reading more of your work.