Other Side of the Line by Marguerite Labbe

Title: Other Side of the Line

Author: Marguerite Labbe

Genre: Historical

Length: Novel (330 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (September 18, 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Caleb Hudson and Hal Zimmer became best friends the day they stood up against the schoolyard bully together. Life’s complicated enough with their friendship crossing racial lines in 1960s Charleston, South Carolina, but as time passes, they realize it’s more than their friendship that sets them apart from other kids. At first, Caleb denies his feelings for Hal could be more than companionship. He supports his friend when Hal admits he’s gay, but Caleb isn’t ready to face his own truth.

Hal becomes a staunch antiwar protester, and the divide between them widens after Caleb is drafted. But when Caleb returns from Vietnam, the time for denial is over. His homecoming sets off a series of events that force Caleb and Hal to confront their desires and what lines they’re willing to cross to get what they truly want out of life.

ISBN: 978-1-63476-584-8

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Marguerite is a new author for me and normally I am a little apprehensive when starting books by new authors. However this was an enjoyable story that captivates you from the moment you start reading and keeps your attention all the way to the end. I could not put this book down and wanted it to continue. The story was captivating, the characters were enticing and the world was riveting. I was quite surprised by this story.

I was also surprised to find out that it stated in the future and talks about their past. It talks about how they met and fell in love, how they loved each other desperately and leaves you wanting more. You get to see their children and grandchildren, how they are celebrating their long life together.

They met when Caleb was in grade school and was so different then many of the other children. He was the only black kid in class and goes through the trouble that many blacks went through back in the past. Where as Hal’s problem was his accent, but their differences is what pulls them together. In that time and place, their friendship was not welcomed by many others. However these two have the strength and heart to keep going when many would stop.

It is a sweet story showing their strength and love. It shows what happens when they get older, how after Caleb is sent to the war in Vietnam and came back. It shows so many aspects of their lives that you can’t help but wonder what it would be like to go through life with them. Like many couples they get together only to be pulled apart, but then get back together later on. I was so very glad that nothing happened to them like many other authors has happening.

Usually when there are time differences in a story, it pulls me in the other direction. It causes me to loose interest however this story did not do that. I had so much fun reading about Caleb and Hal that I can see myself reading this more than once.

I would definitely recommend it and can’t wait to see what other books this amazing author has out.