Title: Wolf Bound
Series: N/A
Author: Theo Fenraven
Genre: Paranormal
Length: Novella (136 Pages)
Publisher: Voodoo Lily Press (May 23rd, 2014)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts
Blurb: A year after suffering a disastrous end to his relationship with his partner, teacher Jon Anderson trades his apartment in the city for a lake house in the country. Told there is an author living nearby, Jon, who dreams of being a writer, goes in search of him and finds the attractive older man in a small, rustic cabin on a tiny island on a neighboring lake. Harrison Kalmes shows Jon around, but makes it clear he’d rather be left alone. Jon respects that wish until the night he and his friend, Suzie, drink a little too much scotch and impulsively decide to visit the island.
What happens then is the start of an incredible journey that will eventually take Jon all the way to mysterious and seductive Transylvania in Romania, where he searches for the answers that will save someone’s life while setting him on the road to rediscovering his own.
Beware the woods. Transylvania isn’t only about vampires.
Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/Wolf-Bound-Theo-Fenraven-ebook/dp/B00KJLJYBG
Reviewer: Tootsie
Review: Whether you are a shifter lover or not, you can’t go wrong with Theo Fenraven’s newest release, Wolf Bound. This author does not follow the guidelines we see in most shifter stories. He tells us a story from the human side of the equation. Instead of a paranormal fantasy where mating rituals are a must and the alpha wolf is the leader and everyone else follows, we connect with the main character, himself, someone who could be one of us in our everyday world. We learn the significance of how these changes have affected him and his life. Changes that lead to having no control over your actions. Even though we will never experience what the character/s go thru, you can still relate to his fears. He is one of us.
The story opens up with Jon, a teacher, want-to-be writer, who has recently moved to the countryside. While exploring one day, he stumbles across a trail or pathway that leads to another cabin. Curiosity gets the best of him so he makes his way to the small island with hopes of introducing himself and possibly meeting his neighbor. Introductions are kept short and sweet and he is politely encouraged to leave. However, with the visit of his best friend, Suzi, he can’t seem to leave well enough alone and he goes back. He just wants to show his friend, no harm in that, is there? How will he handle the situation when his curiosity leads him to the unthinkable? The unfathomable? Completely unprepared for what they find, when they enter the cabin, neither Jon nor Suzi, can make sense of what they see. But, they do see something.
Harrison Kalmes, thanks to a life altering misfortune, lives secluded in a cabin, on a small island, and has cut himself off from outside connections. Living a life of seclusion is certainly messing with his mental stability. He finds himself more and more depressed as his search for answers lead him nowhere. Now, he has a nosey neighbor snooping around, one that is having a hard time keeping his distance. As Jon learns Harrison’s secret, and once the shock factor wears off, he begins to feel alive and for the first time in a very long time, he has a small amount of hope. Thanks to Jon who doesn’t abandon him, they go to Romania in search of answers. Maybe, just maybe, they will find something or someone who can help. What they discover will lead, both Jon and Harrison, on a mission of truth and acceptance. They also discover they enjoy each other’s company, and being attracted to each other will lead to pleasure they both forgot existed.
Theo Fenraven is an incredible author who will take you inside the story, the inner organs of the plot. He is an amazing storyteller and has the ability thru details and descriptions to set the scene and plant you, the reader, there. His MC’s are smart, intelligent people, and once they understand their purpose, they don’t back away. He always includes side characters that are just as strong and vibrant, whether male or female, that add importance and depth to the storyline. If you are looking for an erotic, sex-filled, story, you won’t find that here. Ohh, his characters have sex, they have great sex, but it’s off page. He will lead you to it, but then you will have to take it from there. The scene that he lays out, thru his words and vision, will leave you feeling very fulfilled. He tells us a story that is full of fascination. A story that will have you appreciating his talent with each additional word. If you have never read a story by Theo Fenraven, I strongly encourage you to start. It will be an experience that will enrich your life, not only as a reader, but also as a person.