Title: Only For You Bundle (Gay For You Romance)
Author: Chad Lane
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Anthology (118 pages)
Publisher: Chad Lane (March 11th, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5 nearly 4Hearts
Blurb: Book 1 – When genius college student David and jock ex-rugby player Matt are put together as college roommates, they’re both in for an education that will change their lives. David’s sheltered upbringing has left him socially awkward, a 80s fashion sense and a stick-thin physique. Matt decides to look out for the daydreaming student and teaches about some of the things he has missed out on. They quickly become best friends.
However, David’s feelings for Matt grow deeper than just friendship. After an awkward encounter with a girl Matt sets him up with, David knows he only wants one thing.
But will David convince Matt to succumb to their desires? Or will it all end in disaster?
Book 2 – David, the geeky genius, and Matt, the jock, are happy and experiencing real love for the first time. In the height of their “honeymoon stage,” however, Christmas break sneaks up and they have to go their separate ways for a month.
Both struggle with being apart for the first time in months, while also dealing with parents who want to know about girlfriends and their futures.
David’s family is more accepting so he comes out to them. But Matt’s family is more traditional and very conservative so his month long break gives him some moral doubts. When they come back to campus this divide begins to tear at the relationship.
And when David gets involved with the LGBT group on campus and attracts the attention of an it’s gorgeous leader, Joshua, the relationship begins to strain.
Despite the bond they have built, Matt’s reluctance to be open with their relationship is driving them apart. When Matt’s parents visit and set him up with a family friend’s daughter, Matt is forced to make a decision. Under all the stress of his sexuality, he kisses the girl at the end of the night but realizes its David he really wants. But David is already at the January Prom with Joshua…
Book 3 – Matt has finally told his Dad about David and is dealing with his families anger and disappointment in him. He knew they wouldn’t be as accepting as David’s. But when Matt’s father cuts him off from the family business, he is devastated.
In the meantime, the two boys work on being more open with their relationship in public – it’s a struggle, but they both try to overcome their fears together.
Matt hasn’t spoken to his parents since the confession, but one day he gets a call from his mother inviting the two boys to come spend a weekend at their family home. This weekend will test their relationship to the absolute limits. But that doesn’t mean they can’t have some fun, especially when a game of tennis turns very sexual.
Will Matt’s parents accept their son for who he is?
Will their relationship last the weekend?
Will Matt show David his favorite make-out location?
Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/Only-For-You-Bundle-Romance-ebook/dp/B00IY1O7GA
Reviewer: Harper
Review: I enjoyed this bundle, much like I enjoyed other bundles by this author. However, I have a few points to make…
In the very beginning of the book, the author has some editing issues with regard to the names of characters, which caused me to have to reread parts numerous times. But, thankfully, it was only for the first few pages and after that, the name issue was no longer. Much like the author’s other bundle, these are not 3 novel length books, more 3 short novellas which put together still equated to a shorter book. I managed to read the entire bundle in the space of 3 hours.
Although I like the book, I did at times find the story to be too syrupy sweet. The reactions of their peers for example was just a little too good to be true. Sadly, it’s not realistic to say everyone was ecstatic that the king of the studs had discovered he’s gay.
Despite my points above, I did enjoy the bundle and will actively look to read another book by this author.
If you are a fan of sweet GFU love stories, then I’d highly recommend this book and this author to you.