Title: A Very Demony Christmas
Series: All I Want
Author: Nancy M Griffis
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: Short (29 pages)
Publisher: Torquere Press (December 4th 2013)
Heat Level: Mild
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts
Blurb: Damian and Laurent had danced around their attraction for years while fighting evil and saving the innocent. Stopping a demon from killing a homeless pregnant girl just before Christmas sets them on a path to stopping a hybrid demon from coming to power and maybe, finally, finding a way to be together in their crazy, dangerous lives.
Product Link: http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=79_108&products_id=4084
Reviewer: Tams
Review: Laurent is an 800-year-old immortal demon killer. He spends most of his time killing hunting down then killing vampires and demons to protect the innocent. The rest of his time is spent pining over his human partner, Damian. Two years ago Laurent saved Damian during a fight, and the two have been fighting off evil and their mutual attraction ever since. With Christmas, approaching Laurent has a special gift in mind for Damian, if they survive the recent high-level demon they’re tracking.
I do hope that this is just a synopsis of better things to come. I completely loved the premise, and for so few pages, the core of the story was explained well. I only got a make out session in the end, and I want more for these two characters. An Immortal and a Human demon hunting pair that become lovers is fascinating to me, I pray this becomes a full novel at least.
If you’re looking for something short and slightly sexy with a paranormal twist for the Holiday, this is perfect.
*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through MM Good Book Reviews*