Hiya guys, today we have Joy Lynn Fielding stopping by with her newest release Blowing Off Steam, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Lisa’s review. Check out the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

Blowing Off Steam
Joy Lynn Fielding
Two guys, a train, and lots of steam.
Sam Chancellor has been in love with the steam engine Old Bess since he was six years old. Well, maybe not literally, but even when he’s lost everything else in his life, he’s always had her. But now her place in his heart has been unexpectedly challenged. Her new driver, Ryan Saunders, is the embodiment of all Sam’s fantasies.
Ryan has written off Sam as just another geeky trainspotter—until the moment Ryan sees him without his usual shapeless hoodie and realizes that, for a nerd, Sam’s pretty built.
When Ryan overlooks Sam’s awkwardness long enough to suggest a hook-up, Sam seizes the opportunity—and Ryan—with both very eager hands. Finding common ground in their shared love of Bess, their time together is better than Sam ever dared dream.
But there’s a reason Ryan never talks about his past. And when Ryan’s job is threatened, Sam’s well-meaning intervention puts both Ryan and Bess in deadly danger.
Warning: Contains train geekery, bed-hogging, a hero with no experience and another with plenty to spare, and a spider called Mabel.

“You’re kind of built for a nerd, aren’t you?” Ryan said. “I guess trainspotting’s a more active hobby than I’d thought.”
Sam should have walked away because this guy was insufferable. Except there was humour gleaming in those eyes as well as something else. Something that if he wasn’t entirely losing his mind was actual, sexual interest.
In him, Sam Chancellor.
“It’s all that running alongside the engines to get the numbers down,” he blurted out before he could stop himself.
To his amazement, Ryan laughed. A true laugh that caused his eyes to crinkle at the corners. It made him even more gorgeous than he already was.
“Ryan Saunders,” he said. “I drive old Bessie.”
“Bessie?” Sam was horrified at the heresy. “She’s Bess. She’s always been Bess.”
“Given I’m the one whose hands have been over every inch of her, I guess she’s allowing me intimacies the general public doesn’t get,” Ryan said.
The low seductive voice and the thought of Ryan’s hands stroking over him the way they did over Bess meant Sam was getting hard. He clutched his satchel in front of him like some sort of shield, except that wasn’t helping at all because it was pressed against his dick and, God above, he was about to get a hard-on, here and now, right in front of Ryan Saunders.
“You haven’t told me your name,” Ryan said.
“Sam,” he choked out. “Sam Chancellor, and I have to go.”
He put his head down and fled.

About Joy
Joy Lynn Fielding lives in a small English market town, where she indulges her passions for vintage aircraft, horse-riding and gardening (though not all at the same time).
Joy has a tendency to wax lyrical about the fascinating facts she discovers during her research for books. Thankfully she has a very patient Labrador who has a gift for looking interested in what she’s saying while he waits for the food to arrive.
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Title: Blowing Off Steam
Author: Joy Lynn Fielding
Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Contemporary
Length: Novella (157 Pages)
ISBN: 978-1- 61922-846-7
Publisher: Samhain Publishing (May 26, 2015)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Lisa
Blurb: Two guys, a train, and lots of steam.
Sam Chancellor has been in love with the steam engine Old Bess since he was six years old. Well, maybe not literally, but even when he’s lost everything else in his life, he’s always had her. But now her place in his heart has been unexpectedly challenged. Her new driver, Ryan Saunders, is the embodiment of all Sam’s fantasies.
Ryan has written off Sam as just another geeky trainspotter—until the moment Ryan sees him without his usual shapeless hoodie, and realizes that for a nerd, Sam’s pretty built.
When Ryan overlooks Sam’s awkwardness long enough to suggest a hook-up, Sam seizes the opportunity—and Ryan—with both very eager hands. Finding common ground in their shared love of Bess, their time together is better than Sam ever dared dream.
But there’s a reason Ryan never talks about his past. And when Ryan’s job is threatened, Sam’s well-meaning intervention puts both Ryan and Bess in deadly danger.
Product Link: https://www.samhainpublishing.com/book/5442/blowing-off-steam
Review: Now I have to admit when I saw the title I had to have it, that and the fact that Joy is one of my top ten favorite authors. However when I saw the cover, my thoughts were a bit different. My first impression was that it was an historical book so I was not too sure I wanted to even start it. However from the moment I started reading, I was captivated. My attention was caught and I could not even put the book down till I got to the end. I was intrigued by the characters, especially the spider called Mabel.
Sam is the perfect guy for this story. He comes off as a nerd who is in love with trains. Bess is one hell of a glorious steam engine and Sam loved her. He also liked the man that drove her. He would sit for hours on his day off just watching them and learning as much as he could about them. He had always been fascinated by them since he was a small child. He had lost his parents when he was little and had been raised by his great, great uncle who was the one to take him for his first ride on Bess. Now he came to watch her and the others, but he also comes to take a peek at Ryan.
Ryan is not one of my favorites, well that only lasted till almost the end. He was the son of a very wealthy man and comes off harsh. He had gone through the stages of anger, trouble maker and even jailbird. His father had even put money towards Bess and basically got him the job. It was to get Ryan as far away from him as possible. He is an ass at his best sometimes. However he sees Sam really sees him and after a bit he soon takes an interest in him. It soon blossoms into deep attraction and love. When things start happening that concerns Bess it is Sam that wants to figure it out. Unfortunately he is a very trusting young man, and almost cost Ryan what he has left in his life. When it almost cost Sam his life, Ryan realizes that Sam is what he wants most.
I usually can tell if I would love the story by a few factors and even though it took me a bit to liking the cover I can tell you that this one is for me. After reading the story I went back and realized that the cover was perfect for this book. The characters are also perfect. They were well developed and the heat from them pours off the pages. You can tell when an author puts their heart into their stories and this is one of those books. I had a blast reading it and look forward to reading it more than once. I would recommend it to everyone, trust me this is the story to read. I loved it and look forward to the next story from this amazing author.

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Thank you so much for having me here today! I’m thrilled you enjoyed “Blowing Off Steam”. 🙂 I’ll be popping in and out all day if anyone has any questions for me, or would like to chat about trains, how an arachnophobe ended up writing a spider as a character, or anything else.
Hey Joy! I have this book and need to read it… like now. I’ve not ever taken a leisure train ride, but I’m thinking about taking one in October… we’ll see 🙂
Hi Crissy! I do hope you enjoy the book, and who knows, maybe it will convince you to take that train ride? 🙂
Love the excerpt! I’ve always thought traveling by train would be fun..maybe someday.
Thanks, Marla! And yes, train trips can be great fun, just as long as you avoid the rush-hour trains. 🙂