Series: Hart Medical Center 01
Author: Shea Balik
Genre: Omegaverse
Length: Novella (144pgs)
Publisher: Shea Balik
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts
Blurb: Detective Jamal Tuma was used to life not going his way. As an omega in an alpha dominated world, he’d experienced more than his fair share of bigotry when he’d decided to enter the police force. His life had been put in danger more times than he could count for no other reason than alphas above him thought it wouldn’t matter if he’d died on the job. Yet, in the six years he’d been a cop, he’d never come quite so close to death as he did when an alpha doctor didn’t feel it necessary to treat his gunshot wound.
Brace Jacobs had never given much thought to the omegas in their world. As a doctor, he’d taken an oath to heal, no matter their color, creed, sex, or even their omega status. But not everyone felt the way he did. It didn’t sit well with Brace, but he didn’t go out of his way to fix the problem, either. That was until Detective Jamal Tuma came through those doors and nearly died with Brace’s hands deep in his body as he fought to save the omega.
Warning: Hijinx and mayhem will ensue as these two fight the world around them, as well as their own ridiculous preconceived notions, as they hope to build a future together. But that might be easier said than done when there are stalkers, assholes, idiots, and one very determined Patient Care Coordinator, who will kick everyone’s ass while planning a circus, if that’s what it takes for them to begin Breaking Barriers.
Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: From the moment Brace meets an omega with a gunshot to the abdomen he has been at the man’s side waiting for him to come out of his coma. The new patient coordinator, Shale is a blast as he doesn’t crap from anyone. This was a delightful story to read with colorful characters, a mysterious stalker and alphas who are bigots trying hard to stop the changes implemented at the hospital.
I loved how Jamal stood up for himself even against Brace. He’s as fierce as Shale when he is determined about something. Jamal and Brace were off the charts cute together. Even though we still don’t know who the stalker is I enjoyed the story. I really felt for omegas as some alphas see them as less than. It really angered me that some police and doctors who are sworn to protect and serve everyone shun them.
I am honestly intrigued with this series so far and am looking forward to getting to know the characters more as the series progresses.
Fantastic read and highly recommended.

Thank you! You have made my day. I’m glad you enjoyed it.