Hi guys, we have Patricia Logan popping in today with her newest release Buttermilk Ranch, Patricia answers a couple of questions for us, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Cat’s review so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

Buttermilk Ranch
Patricia Logan
Wendell Blackowl has spent all his life in the working cow horse show ring where toiling with sweaty cowboys all day is the fodder for wet dreams. Though privately he’s come to terms with his sexuality, publicly Dell’s had to build a façade. When his beloved horse Buttermilk dies, Dell finds himself at loose ends so he decides to pick himself up by his boot straps and do what he’s always wanted to do… open an environmentally friendly organic vegetarian café.
Pace Avila, well known music critic, has been drawn to Austin by the live music scene. When friends invite him to check out a fresh new dinner experience, Pace reluctantly agrees to push the deadline on his national column. He isn’t interested in vegetarian food or a restaurant with the cheesy name of Buttermilk Ranch Café, but the moment Pace lays eyes on the stunning cowboy chef, things begin looking up.
When openly gay Pace walks into his cafe and his life, Dell realizes he’s tired of living a lie and tired of being alone. When Mother Nature throws an unprecedented storm at Austin, the muddy waters threaten to wipe out everything Dell’s worked so hard to build. He soon realizes that with a man like Pace by his side, love really can conquer all.

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Patricia Logan author of Buttermilk Ranch
Hi Patricia, thank you for agreeing to this interview.
How do you feel about e-books vs print books?
As far as reading them, either works. As far as what the future will be, I hope both. I’d hate to see libraries with print books disappear the way book stores have. As far as sales go, I sell 95% eBooks and about 5% print so that tells me, at least in my genre, people are reading electronically.
What process did you go through to get your first book published?
I wrote a solid first draft and then went through it twice. I sent it off to have several publishers and agents look at it and finally, found one who liked it enough to offer me a contract after I’d cleaned up major issues. Once that was done, I went through a series of edits with a very patient editor who was wonderful, I approved cover art, I supplied a blurb (which was incredibly hard for me to write at the time) and they generously published me. It was rigorous and thrilling for me at the time and I’m still incredibly grateful to them.
How do you find or make time to write?
I live for my writing so it’s quite effortless. When I’m not doing it, I’m thinking about doing it. I sit down every day and write if possible.
Name one person who you feel supported you outside of your family members?
My mentor, GA Hauser. She was there for me, encouraging me from day one. I love her like a sister and I’m blessed to count her among my closest friends.
Tell us about a book you’re reading now.
I actually just finished the Lei Crime Series by Toby Neal. This series is set in Hawaii and they are 9 amazing books. My friend AJ Llewellyn wrote a companion novella to the series using one of Toby’s characters and I am doing one as well. AJ’s story, Coffee and Kukui nuts is the last book I read and it was hilarious. This is an amazing series and it is not MM, there’s no sex on the page, but they aren’t romances either, though there is romance in there. I’m excited as hell to be writing one of my own, “Unforeseen Danger” which will come out this Oct.

“Yoo Hoo! Dell, ya up there, ya sidewinder! Get outa bed or I’m gonna drag that lazy ass out!”
“What?” Pace said, startled awake as he lifted his head from Dell’s chest where he’d fallen asleep in the wee hours of the morning. He wiped his face of drool and stared across the muscled chest he loved, finding Dell’s face. He had one eye peeled open and he didn’t look all too happy by what sounded like Branch’s bellowing from downstairs.
“Fuckin’ ass poor timin’,” Dell grumbled as they both sat upright in bed. Pace knew it would be pretty awful if Branch came bursting into the room with them, lying buck naked in bed. “Guess I’d better find out just what the hell he’s doin’ here.” Pace watched as Dell threw his legs over the side of the bed. He watched his ass from behind, noting the muscled expanse of his back and the thick thighs he loved so much, as the man stood.
“What the hell is he doing here? He and the boys had a show,” Pace grumbled.
“Ya rattlesnake! Ya need me to come up there and put my boot up yer ass?” Branch howled. Pace couldn’t help but chuckle. He loved his brother but he loved the disgusted look on Dell’s face more. Dell walked to the doorway and stuck his head out.
“I’ll be down in a minute, ya jackass… unless ya want to see me in all my nekkid glory!” Dell yelled back.
Pace heard a chuckle coming from downstairs. “Hell naw! Get some clothes on there, scarecrow! Yer movin’ slower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut.”
“Oh for Christ’s sake, here we go,” Dell said, glancing over at him. Pace just buried his face in the pillow and laughed.

About Patricia
Patricia Logan resides in Los Angeles, California along with her husband, four children, her grandchild and ever increasing number of cats. When not being stage mom, baking cookies, or scooping kitty litter, she writes steamy, award winning, gay erotic romance and tries to lead her readers on a journey of discovery with more than a little angst.
Where to find the author:
Facebook | Facebook Author Page | Twitter | Website

Win an e-copy of ‘Buttermilk Ranch’ by Patricia Logan!
Patricia Logan Rafflecopter giveaway!

Title: Buttermilk Ranch
Series: The Hard Riders, #1
Author: Patricia Logan
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novel (189 pages)
Publisher: Westburg Publishing (August 29th 2015)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Cat
Blurb: Wendell Blackowl has spent all his life in the working cow horse show ring where toiling with sweaty cowboys all day is the fodder for wet dreams. Though privately he’s come to terms with his sexuality, publicly Dell’s had to build a façade. When his beloved horse Buttermilk dies, Dell finds himself at loose ends so he decides to pick himself up by his boot straps and do what he’s always wanted to do… open an environmentally friendly organic vegetarian café.
Pace Avila, well-known music critic, has been drawn to Austin by the live music scene. When friends invite him to check out a fresh new dinner experience, Pace reluctantly agrees to push the deadline on his national column. He isn’t interested in vegetarian food or a restaurant with the cheesy name of Buttermilk Ranch Café, but the moment Pace lays eyes on the stunning cowboy chef, things begin looking up.
When openly gay Pace walks into his cafe and his life, Dell realizes he’s tired of living a lie and tired of being alone. When Mother Nature throws an unprecedented storm at Austin, the muddy waters threaten to wipe out everything Dell’s worked so hard to build.
He soon realizes that with a man like Pace by his side, love really can conquer all.
Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/Buttermilk-Ranch-Hard-Riders-Book-ebook/dp/B012J29SQI
Review: Wendell Blackowl is ready for a new start in life. He has had a very good run on the working cow horse circuit but with the loss of his mare Buttermilk, he is ready to move on to his next dream. He is also tired of hiding his true self and if he could meet the right man he would have no problems coming out.
On the anniversary party of opening his dream restaurant, he meets Pace, the half-brother of one of his cowboy friends, Branch.
Pace is unlike any man he has ever met. He is flamboyant, confident and has no problem going after what he wants. What he wants is the sexy cowboy chef Branch introduced him.
First of all I need to warn you this story has lots of sex. Very explicit sex. If you are a fan of Patricia Logan as I am you already know this, if not be forewarned. Though I prefer tamer sexual content, sometimes you like to heat things up, and I know I can count on Patricia to do just that.
I love cowboys, and I love cooking so this blend was perfect for me. Make Dell Native American and Pace a dominant, flamboyant twink and you have a story made in heaven!
I will admit the story is a bit predictable but who cares. Sometimes predictable works, and it does here. There is some drama and near the end we get cameos from some characters from Invitation Only one of Patricia’s other series. I adored seeing Wade and Phoenix again as well as Maverick and Ricky.
I had only one small issue with the story. I felt their names were overused. It seems that Dell or Pace was in nearly every sentence, and it was a bit overwhelming other than that this story was amazing and one you didn’t want to put down once you started!
Buttermilk Ranch is a set-up for a new series, and I cannot wait for the next.

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Congratulations on the new release, Patricia. It sounds really good.
Congratulations on your new release. Great cover!