Hi guys, we have Alina Popescu stopping by today with the blog tour for her new release Dawn to Dusk, we have a great new excerpt and a fantastic giveaway! So check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Dawn to Dusk
Alina Popescu
That first encounter with Robert in rural Romania at eleven. A summer spent together in the same setting a year later. Their first text exchange in high school. The first sexual experience. The first heartbreak—the second and third and fourth chance. The point of total breakdown and the despair of failing. More love than anyone could have warned him about.
No matter how much time passes, no matter how different their paths, every meeting brings Edi and Robert closer together. Those stolen moments shine brighter than any. Yet loving Robert is not easy, not when Edi wants to be true to himself and is met with dishonesty. Or when Robert keeps parading new conquests and ignores Edi more often than not.
Edi has always loved Robert, but he must decide if his journey leads to or away from his childhood friend. Is it true love or is Edi just unable to let go?

By the looks of the poor kid, that hadn’t been his first cry or sound of distress. He looked like he’d taken a few blows already. He wasn’t short, but he was meek-looking and super-thin, which made him look younger than he was. I knew him, even if I didn’t know his name. He was a seventh grader, from the recently introduced gymnasium classes my high school had. His was the first generation of fifth to eighth graders to study here.
“Hey, what the fuck are you doing to him?”
I caught the aggressor’s arm just when he was about to slap the kid again. I turned him around to see it was one of my classmates. Toma, captain of the freaking basketball team, beating on a kid.
“The little homo was staring at my ass. He’s always staring at guys’ asses.” Toma’s face was twisted in something. It wasn’t anger, it was a mix of cruelty and fear. It didn’t matter though, the moment he’d called the kid homo, he’d sealed his fate. I didn’t care if the kid was actually gay, the fact that warranted a beating made me snap.
“You fucking pussy!” I yelled as I slammed Toma into the wall, right next to the scared kid. “You all right, kid?”
The kid looked up at me with so much relief it made my heart ache. In a split second, the relief vanished to be replaced by pure fear. His eyes were big and watery and he’d stopped breathing. Why the hell was he afraid of me? Was it because I had my hand around Toma’s neck? The bastard deserved it.
“Hey, you’re fine. Just stay here while I take the trash out.”
I dragged Toma to the locker room and closed the door behind us. I slammed him into the lockers and pinned him down with my body. “The hell were you thinking hurting that kid? Wanna get expelled?”
“He wouldn’t have told on me,” he snarled, his spittle reaching my face.
“Maybe, but I sure as hell am going to.”
“You can’t do that,” he said, his shoulders slumping and the fight seeping out of him.
“Why not?”
“C’mon man, he’s just a homo.”
I slammed my body into his and he groaned. Good, he deserved the pain. “I don’t care. He can be whatever the fuck he wants. Until he grabs your ass or kisses you against your will, you can’t touch him.”

About Alina
Writer, traveler, and coffee addict, Alina Popescu has been in love with books all her life. She started writing when she was ten and she has always been drawn to sci-fi, fantasy, and the supernatural realm. Born and raised in Romania, she finds her inspiration in books of all genres, in movies, and the occasional manga comic book. She is a proud geek who needs her fast Internet and gadgets more than she needs air.
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