Title: Deathtrap
Series: The Wyverns, # 2
Author: L.M. Somerton
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (66 pages)
Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing (July 14th 2015) Early Download Available June 16th 2015
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts
Blurb: A man without scars never had to fight for something he believed in.
A new relationship takes time and effort. A new relationship with Orlando de la Pena takes a whole lot more. As a Dom, Rogue knows what he wants, but Orlando refuses to fit neatly into the box labeled ‘submissive’. He’s feisty, demanding and far too pretty for his own good.
Orlando loves Rogue and he’s learning to love The Wyverns, but he hates being stuck out in the desert. Finding a niche in the world of bikes and fierce warriors is difficult, and Orlando’s impatience gets the better of him. He walks out into the desert and runs into an antisocial diamondback.
Rogue has more than one problem to deal with. The Longhorns MC issues a challenge for territory. The Bellazi cartel is out for Wyvern blood.
The Wyverns are under siege, and Rogue has to work out how to save not just Orlando, but all of them.
Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of mild BDSM.
ISBN: 978-1-78430-628-1
Product Link: https://www.totallybound.com/deathtrap
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: This the second book in the Wyvern’s series.
Orlando is a feisty, smart man who is in love with Rogue, but feels like all he is a servant. When he decides to go out for a walk despite the danger he realizes he may have been a little too impulsive. Rogue is a dominating man who cares for Orlando deeply but has never told him. When Orlando’s live is in danger he realizes just how deep his feelings run.
I loved Orlando’s attitude in the face of large tough bikers. He seemed fearless and was not afraid to speak his mind. Rogue seemed to pay more attention to the club’s problems rather than Orlando’s needs until it was almost too late. So glad he came to his senses. These two seemed made for each other.
The fight between Wayne and Rogue was intense. I thought it was funny how Rogue took care of the Bellazi problem without having to lift a finger. Great read.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *