Hiya peeps, we have Tempeste O’Riley stopping in today with her upcoming release Dreamers’ Destiny, we have brilliant guest post and a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Dreamers’ Destiny
Tempeste O’Riley
Liam Grady is the owner of the Feathered Quill, a quirky little bookstore in Asheville, and—though he doesn’t realize it yet—a dream walker. His last relationship failed almost a year ago, and he’s not had the interest or nerve to pursue anyone he’s met since.
Cameron Danu is a tattoo artist from rural Georgia. Cameron is left without a job after his boss, Jose, is forced to close the shop after a heart attack. When Cameron learns Jose has set up an interview for him at a small tattoo parlor in Asheville, he hopes for a fresh start in a new town.
Fate brings Cameron and Liam together, and they realize they’ve met before—in their dreams. A chance encounter and a winged tattoo might lead them to their destiny—if fear doesn’t turn their dreams into a nightmare.

Tempeste O’Riley
Good morning and thank you for hosting my newest book. Dreamers’ Destiny isn’t quite like my other stories, though it is in many ways. Clear as mud, right? 😉 Dreamers’ Destiny came about as both a request and a challenge, one from my publisher, Elizabeth North (whom I simply adore!), and one from a friend (you see him in the dedication 🙂 ). But this is a story, at its core, about two souls finding their way to one another, through distance, misunderstanding, and outsider jealousy.
It’s also a story where you get to see Liam learn a little about what being a dream walker and dream weaver is. He learns more about who he is, and who wants to do that when they already thought they knew that, dammit! It was so much fun writing Dianne, especially as she tries to convince Liam that Cam might just be real—imagine being in his shoes… yeah, I’d think my BFF had lost her ever lovin’ marbles, personally. But hey, Dreamer’s Destiny is a story of love, lust (it begins not only with a dream, but a smexy one!), and acceptance, so it has to work out in the end right?
You will find love and acceptance to be a driving force in many of my stories (all I would dare say) as those are things that drive me, that drove me to write my very first novel, in fact. It’s not an easy thing to find in the world at times, but it’s often not something we find within either… but that’s the place that’s most important.
You’ll see my bio says a little about me, but what it doesn’t say is how long it took me to “stand up” for who I am and who I love. To come to terms with my loss of mobility most days (an ongoing project, lol), etc. These are things you will see show up in my stories as well. Yes, I bleed all over the words of my books, but then what author doesn’t. You’ll see some of that hesitancy in Liam (not the mobility but a bit of the rest). Cam, however… he’s a little ball of energy—the Energizer Bunny has got nothing on this guy!
I hope you’ll give my newest a try. Just be forewarned… Liam and Cam are not prudes 😉 *evil cackle* At least not once the door closes or the dreams begin, LOL.

Liam walked beside Cam, noting every nuance of the man he’d been with most of his life, even if they’d never met while awake before. He was entranced with how Cam moved. He thought of the way Cam had spoken using his hands to emphasize and punctuate his voice when they were inside the tattoo shop, and even the little sidestep to separate them didn’t surprise or bother Liam any. Liam had expected it, truthfully, but he’d needed to feel Cam, to know he wasn’t imagining all this, either—that fleeting touch in the tattoo shop hadn’t been nearly enough.
Working with Nosha the last couple of weeks had been interesting, and he’d started to believe Cam might be real. However, seeing and touching Cam was very different from trying to willfully take control of his dreams or debating Cameron’s possible existence. And touching him? Liam suppressed a shiver as he opened the door for Cam to enter the little coffee shop.
“Thanks,” Cam murmured. “You always do things like this in the dreams too,” he added so softly Liam almost missed it.
Liam smiled, hoping Cam could adjust to this new knowledge and glad he’d noticed how Liam acted both in their dreams and now.
Thankfully, it wasn’t busy right then, so they got their coffees and were seated at the farthest table from the other patrons in a few minutes. Liam waited, watching Cam as he fidgeted with his cup, steadfastly refusing to meet Liam’s eyes.
Liam cleared his throat and asked, “Will you look at me, please?”
Cam raised his head slowly before finally meeting his gaze. “I don’t understand how you’re here. You’re supposed to only exist in my head. Well, in my dreams, anyway.”
Liam chuckled, thinking of how he’d made the same argument with Di and Nosha not that long ago about his seeing Cam at the club. “I’m still not entirely certain how all this works, but I’m quite real. As are you, it seems.”
The silver eyes before him flashed a moment before Cam snorted softly, then smiled, almost. “Why don’t you seem more, I don’t know, upset? I mean, this should be just as much of a shock for you as it is for me. Or do you go around invading people’s dreams and doing all those things with others you do with me all the time?”
He blinked hard as he thought about what to say and which questions to even answer.

About Tempeste
Tempeste O’Riley is an out and proud pansexual genderfluid whose best friend growing up had the courage to do what she couldn’t–defy the hate and come out. He has been her hero ever since.
Tempe is a hopeless romantic that loves strong relationships and happily-ever-afters. Though new to writing M/M, she has done many things in her life, though writing has always drawn her back–no matter what else life has thrown her way. She counts her friends, family, and Muse as her greatest blessings in life. She lives in Wisconsin with her children, reading, writing, and enjoying life.
Tempe is also a proud PAN member of Romance Writers of America®, Rainbow Romance Writers, and WisRWA. Learn more about Tempeste and her writing at http://tempesteoriley.com.
Website ♥ Tempeste’s Temptations ♥ Twitter ♥ Facebook ♥ Google + ♥ DSP ♥ Blog

Other Tempest books
Designs of Desire – Simple Desires*+ – Bound by Desire* – Desires’ Guardian – Temptations of Desire – Truth in Lace* – Desires’ Pride* – Signs of Desire – Micah’s Medicine+ – Caged Sanctuary – Whiskers of a Chance
*shorts in series +shorts in anthologies
“I found it a beautiful tale of unhappiness changed to romance and then love with a happy ending.”
—Rainbow Book Reviews, on “Designs of Desire”
“Designs of Desire is a tough realistic book that is touched by violence countered by the growing love between the two heroes.”
—Sensual Reads, on “Designs of Desire”
“It paints a stunning image of rebirth as Deacon and Kaden’s relationship begins to unfurl, like a rose as it opens its petals to the sun.”
—Carly’s Book Reviews, on “Caged Sanctuary”
“This is my favorite in this series so far. I love seeing how these characters are growing, all of them. As individuals, as couples, as friends, and as a family.”
—MM Good Book Reviews, on “Desires’ Guardian”
“The writer did an excellent job with the characters, they are likable and perfect. Not perfect in the way that they have no flaws, but in a way that they grab you and complement each other.”
—Love Bytes Reviews, on “Temptations of Desire”
“Tempeste created an amazing world for these paranormal species. I got lost in the story and wondering how all the pieces wove together.”
—Molly Lolly, on “Whiskers of a Chance”

Thanks for hosting my newest! <3