Hi guys, we have Silvia Violet stopping by today with her fantastic new audiobook release Fitting In, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Cat’s review, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Fitting In
Silvia Violet
Two cops walk into a bar. Mason, the bartender, waits for the punch line, because no way in hell are these ridiculously hot men real cops. They’re straight out of a cop-fetish fantasy. But he quickly learns that Jack and Gray are the real deal, and they want him in the worst way.
What starts as a night of hot, three-way sex becomes a lot more. The two cops fulfill Mason’s submissive fantasies, but they also meet a more basic need, comfort. They want to take care of Mason, to offer him unconditional friendship, but their concern for him unnerves Mason more than even the kinkiest sex.
To find happiness with his new partners, Mason must change his belief that love is as much a fantasy as a pair of gorgeous, handcuff-wielding cops landing in his bed.

Two cops walked into a bar. Mason, the bartender, waited for the punch line, because no way in hell were these ridiculously hot men real cops. They were one hundred percent fantasy material. He hoped to hell they were strippers, and they’d be willing to do a private performance for him.
Their dark blue uniforms were snug, hugging their bodies in all the right places. The taller of the two men was big enough to bench-press Mason. His shirt looked like it might burst at the seams, and Mason hoped it would. Dark, wavy hair fell over his forehead and softened the hard lines of his face. His eyes were dark without being warm, just right for a cop.
His partner was shorter, about Mason’s own five foot eleven or so. He had buzz-cut dirty blond hair and blue eyes. He looked younger than his partner, like he hadn’t been out of the academy for long, but he was just as ridiculously hot as the bigger man. His looks were the all-American-boy type. He’d probably played baseball in school and won the heart of every girl he smiled at. He was a perfect counter to his partner’s rough, domineering appeal. They could play a scintillating game of good cop, bad cop, and Mason would love for them to play it with him.
If Mason were in a porno, the cops would cuff him and drag him to a back room where they would proceed to plow his ass until he couldn’t stand up. Sadly, this was real life. They were probably relentlessly straight and only here for a beer.
They headed toward the end of the bar by the register where there weren’t any customers during the midafternoon lull.
“What can I get for you, officers?” Mason asked.
The big one smiled. “Anything cold.”
The shorter man punched his partner’s arm. “Nothing. Thank you. We’re here on official business.”
The big man rolled his eyes. “Can’t I at least get a soda?”
“Fine. Two Cokes please.”
Mason was glad to have the simple task of scooping ice and pouring fountain drinks to distract himself for a few minutes. What official business would they have here? While the occasional fistfight broke out, most typically during the NCAA basketball tournament, Nathan’s Public House was hardly a hotbed of crime.
He picked up the drinks and faced them again, willing his hands to stop shaking. It wasn’t like he hadn’t served plenty of attractive men in the past. What was it about these two that had him so stirred up?
He set the drinks on the bar in front of them and watched as they both took a sip. His cheeks heated when he realized he was staring, openmouthed, at the flex of muscles in the bigger man’s throat as he swallowed.
Focus, Mason, focus. “So…um…what kind of business brings you here?”
The shorter man smiled and held out his hand. “I’m Officer Jack Abney, and this is my partner, Gray Sadler. We want to talk to the staff who were working last night when Gino’s was robbed in case anyone might have seen or heard something that will help with the investigation.”
Mason took Jack’s hand. His skin was softer than Mason expected, and he held Mason’s hand a few seconds longer than he needed to. “Um…I’m Mason Shields.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Shields,” Jack said, grinning.

About Silvia
Silvia Violet writes erotic romance in a variety of genres including sci fi, paranormal, alternate history, and historical.
She can often be found haunting coffee shops looking for the darkest, strongest cup of coffee she can find. Once equipped with the needed fuel, she can happily sit for hours pounding away at her laptop. Silvia typically leaves home disguised as a suburban stay-at-home-mom, and other coffee shop patrons tend to ask her hilarious questions like “Do you write children’s books?” She loves watching the looks on their faces when they learn what she’s actually up to. When not writing, Silvia enjoys baking sinful chocolate treats, exploring new styles of cooking, and reading children’s books to her wickedly smart offspring.
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Win a Audiobook Copy of ‘Fitting In’ by Silvia Violet!
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Title: Fitting In
Series: Fitting In, 01
Author: Silvia Violet
Genre: Contemporary, MMM Menage
Length: 4 hours and 22 minutes (Unabridged Audiobook)
Publisher: Silvia Violet (January 18th, 2016)
Narrator: Greg Boudreaux
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Cat
Blurb: Two cops walk into a bar. Mason, the bartender, waits for the punch line because no way in hell are these ridiculously hot men real cops. They’re straight out of a cop-fetish fantasy. But he quickly learns that Jack and Gray are the real deal, and they want him in the worst way.
What starts as a night of hot, three-way sex becomes a lot more. The two cops fulfill Mason’s submissive fantasies, but they also meet a more basic need: comfort. They want to take care of Mason, to offer him unconditional friendship, but their concern for him unnerves Mason more than even the kinkiest sex.
To find happiness with his new partners, Mason must change his belief that love is as much a fantasy as a pair of gorgeous, handcuff-wielding cops landing in his bed.
Product Link (s): http://amzn.to/1oefmS7 | http://www.audible.com/pd/Fiction/Fitting-In-Volume-1-Audiobook/B01ANZK83K/
Review: Fitting In is a scorching, sexy story. Mason meets two cops that are obviously in a relationship, but he can’t help but fantasize. One night his fantasy comes true when Mason and Jack how up and ‘arrest’ him. He enjoys his night knowing it will be the one and only having had bad experience being a third in a relationship. Will one night be enough for these three men?
This story is very well-narrated. Greg Boudreaux has a calm and relaxing voice. It is easy to follow the story the way he tells it. His inflections of Mason’s view are extremely well done and hot. Gray and Jack’s voices are also easy to discern from Mason. He makes the story fascinating and smoking hot.
Fitting In is so sexy that I don’t recommend listening to this in public without good earphones!
If you like bartenders, cops, threesomes, cop fetishes, and some sweltering man-sex, this is for you.

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I haven’t read any of Silvia’s books yet… But I’m really looking forward to it.
I’m not sure if I could just pick one of Silvia’s characters, but this is one of my first series and absolutely loved it. I’m excited that it is coming out in audio. I’d love to be able to pick up a copy. Thanks for a chance in the giveaway.
I just started reading Fitting In, so I’d probably choose Mason at this point. 🙂