Hi guys! We have B.G. Thomas popping in today with his upcoming release Getting His Man, we have a fantastic guest post from B.G. and a tantalising teaser of an excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Getting His Man
B.G. Thomas
A love story worthy of an old movie… with a new twist.
Artie needs a hero, a man like those he’s always revered in Golden Age films. His drug-dealing jerk of a roommate got him arrested, and since his savior isn’t likely to sweep in and save the day, Artie calls a bail bondsman.
August has always imagined himself a hero from a black-and-white movie, but he’s never found a man willing to let him play that role—at least not until he gets the call from Artie.
Both of their dreams might come true, but not before August must use his skills as a bounty hunter as well as a bondsman. Artie is on the run for his life, and August must protect him and help him clear his name. Only then can they both finally get their man.
Pre-order: Dreamspinner Press ebook | Dreamspinner Press paperback | Amazon US | Amazon UK

B.G. Thomas!
Hello! Wow! It is so good to be here at MM Good Book Reviews again. Pixie and all of you always make me feel so welcome. And it’s nice to have this be one of the very first places to tell you all about my new novel Getting His Man.
I am so happy with this novel. I had so much fun writing it and I think that you all will like reading it as well. It’s a little different than my usual fare in that there is very little angst and a whole lot of fun to be had. That’s because it is a part of Dreamspinner Press’s Dreamspun Desires house line of books, “contemporary category romance novels, complete with your favorite heartwarming heroes, crazy clichés, and terrific tropes. It’s all about the feel-good loving that will leave you grinning.”
And I hope Getting His Man will leave you grinning. And maybe fanning yourself just a little bit as well.
My husband is a little responsible for this one, and that makes me happy. He’s that typical husband…not really interested in gay romances…despite the fact that he is gay. See, he’s typically not very romantic. He’s the straightest gay man I know. But when he is romantic—whew!—he is very romantic indeed. And giving me an idea for a story? Taking an interest in what is so important to me? Wow! Makes me happy. So when he said, “Have you ever thought about doing a story about a bounty hunter who goes after a guy and then the two of them fall in love?,” well, I had to do him proud.
I think I did.
Yup! This is about a bounty hunter. But instead of going after a bad guy, he goes after an innocent one. And it was that very innocence that spurs him on. Because he believes Artie—one of my heroes in Getting His Man—deserves a chance. And he gives it to him. Artie is a guy who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And August Sterling is just the knight in shining armor—or in this case a 1972 Chevy Malibu—to ride in and save the day.
It’s something from the line right on the cover, “A love story worthy of an old movie… with a new twist.”
Old movies are partially what brings them together. They both love them. They both dream of living a romance worthy of their favorite films…and by goodness, they are going to find it. Including a romantic dance, but neither of them has to wear high heels or dance backward.
I think Artie is one of my sweetest characters. And August one of my most dashing heroes. And anyone who reads my stories know I love both kinds of characters. I fell in love with both these men. I couldn’t tell you which is nearer and dearer to my heart.
Here is the book blurb….
A love story worthy of an old movie… with a new twist.
Artie needs a hero, a man like those he’s always revered in Golden Age films. His drug-dealing jerk of a roommate got him arrested, and since his savior isn’t likely to sweep in and save the day, Artie calls a bail bondsman.
August has always imagined himself a hero from a black-and-white movie, but he’s never found a man willing to let him play that role—at least not until he gets the call from Artie.
Both of their dreams might come true, but not before August must use his skills as a bounty hunter as well as a bondsman. Artie is on the run for his life, and August must protect him and help him clear his name. Only then can they both finally get their man.
Sound fun? I sure hope so!
One of the fun things about writing this book was my interaction with my readers. It was pretty much with this one that I started a little something different. I’ve always asked readers to do little things like name the cat in my new work in progress (in fact that is how Maximillian—a big orange fuzzball—gets his name in Getting His Man). But with this book I asked for lots of reader participation, including many of their favorite old movies. Those movies touched both Artie and August, and Getting His Man as well.
This participation to this degree with readers is a new thing for me. Everything I’ve written since, and I am writing now, includes this interaction. So join my Facebook page and maybe you will become a part of the next novel (https://www.facebook.com/bgthomaswriter)!
For instance…right now I am looking for some excellent vegan recipes. Write me at my blog and give me any you like. They just might be a part of what I am writing as we speak!
And if you like stories with adventure, chances, bad guys and very good ones, plus some sweet (and hot) loving, then check out Getting His Man. I don’t think you’ll regret it!
Love, Namaste, and Happy Holidays!
BG “Ben” Thomas

ARTIE COULD smell pot halfway up the stairs.
He stopped and considered turning around and heading to The Corner Bistro by himself. He could literally hear the echo of Ross’s words in his head: “You know, sometime the cops are going to show up because of his frigging music and they’re going to smell that weed a block away and bust you all, even though you don’t smoke.” But Artie was tired. It had been a long evening, even though he’d had so much fun. One drink would probably be enough to make him drunk, let alone two. And he didn’t drive drunk.
With a sigh, he went up the stairs, the skunk-like marijuana smell getting stronger the closer he got to the door. Crap! And with the music playing that loud, one of these days the police really could show up. Then what would he do? There’s no way the cops would believe he wasn’t a part of it. Except maybe after a piss test—which would of course be clean—but it would still be an awful mess to go through.
He slipped his key in the lock and opened his mouth to say, “Can you please turn it down?” But when he stepped through the door, the words froze in his mouth. Not only was he almost knocked over by the smell and the volume, but he beheld something that at first his mind couldn’t even absorb. Sitting in the purple glow of a couple of black-light bulbs were Willie, his chubby pot-buddy, Jorge, and two girls Artie didn’t know—big surprise when it came to Willie—who were all passing a bong. But the thing that shocked Artie speechless was what was piled up on the coffee table.
Was that…?
Holy crap! Pot?
A whole lot of it!
He quickly closed the door, locked, and dead-bolted it before walking zombie-like to the center of the room.
“Hey, dude,” Willie all but shouted to be heard over the blasting music.
Artie looked down, and whoa, yes, there looked to be a small mountain of sandwich-bag-sized packages of marijuana on the coffee table. That or oregano, and somehow Artie didn’t think that was it.
“Shut the front door,” he said, although he doubted anyone heard him over the blasting lyrics that seemed to be composed almost entirely of the word “fuck” and a repeated phrase imploring someone to “burn it down.” Artie wasn’t sure. It was hard to understand.
He looked at his roommate, who was taking an insanely protracted hit on the foot-long bong, and wondered, What are they thinking? If the police came now, they’d all be in for it.
“Willie,” he cried. “What the heck?” He pointed at the not-oregano.
Willie waved away Artie’s comment as if it were nothing and passed the bong to the girl next to him. “Relax, dude.”
“Relax?” Artie almost shouted, then got ahold of himself. “Relax? Willie! Look how much you’ve got here. If the cops come….”
“Relax. Ain’t no cops showin’ up tonight.”
“No, dude, take it easy.” Willie stood up, walked around the coffee table, and put a hand on Artie’s shoulder. “Come here,” he said and guided Artie to their little kitchen. “Have a beer, man. And a brownie.”
Artie lit up. He loved brownies more than anything on earth, and these even had icing. Imagine. Willie taking time to put icing on anything instead of just suggesting people use it like dip.
“I put the icing on” came a slurred voice.
Artie glanced up to see one of the girls standing behind Willie, head on his shoulder. She was so stoned she looked like she might melt, but she’d solved the icing mystery.
“Thanks,” he said and took one of the bigger brownies and gobbled it down so fast it took him a moment to realize they tasted like… “This tastes like alfalfa.”
“No,” Willie replied. “Like weed.”
“Weed?” The shock sent his eyelids up. “Pot?”
“Sure, dude, what’d you think?”
“I didn’t think marijuana!”
“How much did you put in these?” he exclaimed.
Willie shrugged and gave him a grin. “I threw in most of a bag.”
“I told him he didn’t need near that much,” said the girl with her head on Willie’s shoulder.
Gosh gosh gosh! He hadn’t smoked pot but once in his entire life, when he was eighteen and at a graduation party he’d been astonished he’d been invited to. He wasn’t one of the more popular kids, outside of drama club. He hadn’t liked getting high. Didn’t like the cotton-headed floatiness, the feeling of not being in control. It had been five or six years, and now it was going to happen again.
The only reason he didn’t panic was that at least he was at home. None of the confusion of being at a stranger’s packed-to-the-rafters house. No worries about driving. If only I had gone to The Corner Bistro, maybe I could have avoided this. He looked at Willie and shook his head.
“What, dude?” Willie asked.
Dude. Geez, he hated that word.
“I’m going to bed, Willie….”
“And waste your high?” Eyes wide and unbelieving.
“Yes. And can you do me an effin’ favor?” It was all he could do not to scream.
The girl turned around and swayed back into the purple haze of the living room.
“What?” Willie asked.
“Can you turn the music down some? Please. And for Pete’s sake, put a rolled-up towel against the bottom of the door. You can smell the pot halfway downstairs.”
“Okay!” Willie raised his hands. “No problema! Geez.”
It was then that Artie felt his head detach and try to float away.
Whoa. Oh, wow. Already?
Somehow, he got to his room and closed the door. He half undressed, turned off the light, and climbed into bed. Thankfully, he fell almost instantly asleep.
Which made it all the more shocking and wonky unsettling when some unknown time later, his bedroom lights blazed on, and he looked up through shielded hands at a female police officer.
“Excuse me, sir. I need you to get up and get dressed. You’re under arrest.”

About B.G.!
B.G. Thomas lives in Kansas City with his husband of more than a decade and their fabulous dogs Sarah Jane and Oliver. He is blessed to have a lovely daughter as well as many extraordinary friends. He has a great passion for life.
B.G. loves romance, comedies, fantasy, science fiction, and even horror—as far as he is concerned, as long as the stories are character driven and entertaining, it doesn’t matter the genre. He has gone to literature conventions his entire adult life where he’s been lucky enough to meet many of his favorite writers. He has made up stories since he was a child; it is where he finds his joy.
In the nineties, he wrote for gay adult magazines but stopped because the editors wanted all sex without plot. “The sex is never as important as the characters,” he says. “Who cares what they are doing if we don’t care about them?” Excited about the growing male/male romance market, he began writing again. He submitted a novella and was thrilled when it was accepted in four days. Since then the romantic tales have poured out of him. “It’s like I’m somehow making up for a lifetime’s worth of story-telling!”
In 2015 he made and entry every day in his blog “365 Days of Silver,” where he found something every day to be grateful for. You can find it right here: https://365daysofsilver.wordpress.com/
“Leap, and the net will appear” is his personal philosophy and his message. “It is never too late,” he testifies. “Pursue your dreams. They will come true!”

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