Hi guys, we have Silvia Violet stopping by with the tour for her newest Fitting In series release Going Deep, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Cat’s review so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Going Deep
Silvia Violet
Gray, Jack, and Mason are back. Their threeway relationship keeps growing stronger, and Gray ‘s feelings for his partners run deeper than he ever thought possible. While he’s learned to be romantic at home, at work, he’s still a big tough cop that nobody wants to cross. When the murders of several young prostitutes falls to him to solve, and he has no suspects and no motive, his confidence takes a hit. Every dead end, every day that goes by, adds to the urgency he feels to find the murderer.
Gray desperately needs a break, with the case and for himself. He excels at taking care of both his men, in bed and out, but when it comes to accepting comfort in return, he shuts down, even with everything at work going to hell. Jack and Mason want him to take a vacation when the case ends, but Gray knows he sucks at down time unless it’s spent in bed.
With his case weighing on him and his partners trying their best to help, Gray is going to have to figure out how a high-handed man like himself can let go.

Mason cupped Gray’s face and turned him for a kiss. As Mason’s tongue made a lazy exploration of his mouth, Jack slid from the couch and knelt before him. Gray opened his legs, encouraging Jack to settle between them. If they’d asked him, Gray would’ve said he was too tired for anything but cuddling and watching a movie. Now his cock was trying to convince him he was very wrong.
Gray tightened his grip on Mason and deepened the kiss, letting Mason know he’d had enough of slow. Jack unfastened Gray’s pants and nuzzled his cock. Mason did some unzipping of his own and repositioned himself, slinging a leg over Gray and offering his cock for Gray to suck. No way in hell was Gray going to refuse him. Jack had Gray’s dick out now and was lapping the head as Gray gripped Mason’s hip in one hand and used the other to guide Mason’s cock into his mouth. Jesus, he tasted good. Gray loved the way the thick flesh filled his mouth, the way Mason wasn’t shy like he would’ve been at one time.
Gray was on sensation overload as Jack sucked him hard and fast while working a hand between Gray’s legs to tease his ass. As Jack’s finger brushed over Gray’s hole, Gray moaned around Mason’s cock and Mason’s gasp told him just how much he enjoyed the vibration.
“So fucking good,” Mason murmured.
Gray grabbed Mason’s ass and pulled him in, letting him know he was ready for Mason to get rough.
Jack pushed a finger into Gray’s ass, and that plus Mason’s dick driving down his throat was enough to send Gray over the edge. He reached for Jack, sliding a hand into his hair and thrusting deeper into his mouth. Seconds later he was coming, and Jack took it all, swallowing rapidly like he wanted nothing more than Gray’s cum. Mason pulled back, letting Gray enjoy the orgasm.
“Get each other off,” Gray ordered when he could speak. “I want to watch.”
Mason climbed off the couch and pulled Jack to his feet. He licked his palm and then wrapped a hand around both their cocks. Jack thrust into his hand, and Mason increased his speed as Jack pulled him in for a kiss.
Gray couldn’t take his eyes off them. Soon Jack had covered Mason’s hand with his own. Gray sensed that they were seconds from coming.

About Silvia
Silvia Violet writes erotic romance in a variety of genres including sci fi, paranormal, alternate history, and historical.
She can often be found haunting coffee shops looking for the darkest, strongest cup of coffee she can find. Once equipped with the needed fuel, she can happily sit for hours pounding away at her laptop. Silvia typically leaves home disguised as a suburban stay-at-home-mom, and other coffee shop patrons tend to ask her hilarious questions like “Do you write children’s books?” She loves watching the looks on their faces when they learn what she’s actually up to. When not writing, Silvia enjoys baking sinful chocolate treats, exploring new styles of cooking, and reading children’s books to her wickedly smart offspring.
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Title: Going Deep
Series: Fitting In 04
Author: Silvia Violet
Genre: MMM Ménage, BDSM, Suspense
Length: 175 pages
ISBN: 9781311799982
Publisher: Silvia Violet Books (February 22nd, 2016)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Cat
Blurb: Gray, Jack, and Mason are back. Their threeway relationship keeps growing stronger, and Gray’s feelings for his partners run deeper than he ever thought possible. While he’s learned to be romantic at home, at work, he’s still a big tough cop that nobody wants to cross.
So, when the murders of several young prostitutes falls to him to solve, and he has no suspects and no motive, his confidence takes a hit. Every dead-end, every day that goes by, adds to the urgency he feels to find the murderer.
Gray desperately needs a break, with the case and for himself. He excels at taking care of both his men, in bed and out, but when it comes to accepting comfort in return, he shuts down, even with everything at work going to hell. Jack and Mason want him to take a vacation when the case ends, but Gray knows he sucks at down time unless it’s spent in bed.
With his case weighing on him and his partners trying their best to help, Gray is going to have to figure out how a high-handed man like himself can let go.
Warning: there is some kinky sex, bondage and submission. If you have triggers or are not into that, this may not be for you.
Product Link: http://amzn.to/1LDyLRj
Review: Yay for us Gray, Jack, and Mason fans! They are back and hotter than ever! Gray is now a detective and the public face of the department, which he hates. Gray is a big, tough, growly bear of a man, so, this was a bit funny and awesome at the same time.
We also get a bit of Gray’s past. We get to see through Gray’s tough police officer, and strong Dom, almost unreal, personality and see the man there. And WHAT A MAN! (You can probably see I am a big Gray fangirl!)
The story is scorching hot. If you have read any of Silvia Violet, you know what I mean. There is sex scene after sex scene, but there is also an action plot…this is a case that has Gray rattled, and an emotional plot—Gray worrying about losing his men by not showing his feelings enough.
Though I think that is rubbish, he shows them plenty how much he loves them. (Here I go again singing Gray’s praise!) I couldn’t put it down once I started!
I thought the plot was good. It had lots of action and kept me on the edge of my seat, was a bit morbid, though. I also adore Mason and Jack, and the scenes of them were amazing.
Now for the sex. Going Deep is a ménage story. Jack Mason and Gray are committed to each other. Menage and threesomes aren’t my favorite, but I would fight to read Silvia Violet’s. She has a way of showing each man’s feelings, showing a relationship of any kind takes work, and each scene is unique and doesn’t get tiresome.
Going Deep is a series and does need to be read in order, at least, the first book, so you know who the characters are and how they got to be a threesome.
If you like ménage, spanking, D/s, bondage, other kinks, police officers, detectives, firefighters, bartenders, sexy bears, fetishes, a great romance and some scorching hot man-sex, then this is for you.

Congrats on the new release! Thank you for the reviews and excerpt!