Title: Healed Hearts
Series: Heartland 01
Author: Logan Meredith
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novel (200 Pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (August 24, 2015)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Blurb: Even men afraid of donuts deserve a happy ending.
Second-grade teacher Seth Ray has experienced more than his fair share of heartbreak. On his own since his mother’s death, Seth remains burdened by frequent anxiety, which he manages by steadfastly avoiding anything that might set it off—including men whose names start with the letter J and donuts. Unfortunately, after a night with Jude Murphy, he encounters both and flees into the street.
Jude’s not your typical twenty-something-year-old gay man. The youngest of six boys, he desperately wants to start a family of his own. The puzzling morning-after with Seth reminds him why he doesn’t sleep around.
When Seth discovers the man he brushed off is the uncle of one his students, he’s compelled to smooth things over to save face, but Jude lays it on the line—he wants Seth, but he doesn’t do casual. The allure of the sexy redhead compels Seth to face an entire family of J names for a chance at happiness.
ISBN: 978-1-63476-308-0
Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: Now I am one that doesn’t much care to try new to me authors because I don’t really know what to expect of them. However the title caught my attention then I read the blurb and knew I had to read it. It was such a cute little taste, so I knew I had to bite.
Seth, like many, have lived through heart break and pain. He is a elementary school teacher who has some anxiety. He also seems a little bit odd to me, which means I like him even more. He has two little rules that he follows and one of them is he stays away from donuts. Like I said the man is odd. Donuts are good but he also stays away from men whose name starts with the letter J.
One night with Jude and damn he is going to go nuts. He can’t seem to get away from both. Jude however has the hots for Seth and is trying to figure out what to do. He wants children, but he is left with questions after his hot night with the sexy man. Now one would wander why a man doesn’t like donuts, well it is from his father saying he was going to get donuts and never coming home. A seven year old is left remembering that statement. Then in highschool he is attracted to Jason and gets beat up for it. Well that explains those two hates, but it seems he actually might just like them both.
Now Jude’s problem is he introduced himself by his middle name Daniel and asked him if he wanted a donut. Talk about setting off Seth’s buttons. Yeah I can see why he ran, but damn there is so much heat there. It has some drama that was not really needed for this story and a bit too much detail that could have been left out. However I had so much fun reading this that it made me want to look at more books by this author.
That is not to mention the hot sex and damn kinky parts to this story. It also had a lot of heart put into this whole story. You get so many feelings coming out there that you are left feeling it too. The story is well written that flows off the pages. I enjoyed it and would see myself reading it more than once.
This story rocks my world.