Title: Home to Cedarwood
Series: N/A
Author: Megan Slayer
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (83 pages)
Publisher: Loose Id, LLC. (May 12th 2015)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 3 ½ Hearts
Blurb: Colin Baker owns a bookstore and he’s back in Cedarwood with his son. He’s looking for a new start after a bad breakup, but he never expected that start to include his old crush, Officer Jordan Hargrove. Jordan hasn’t come out, but if he can score with Colin, then he’s all in. He’s dreamed of hot nights with the quiet man.
After a speeding ticket and some hurt feelings, sparks fly between the bookstore owner and the police officer, but Cedarwood is a small town with small town values, and a gay couple isn’t what the town expects. Colin’s created a support group for single gay fathers and he feels he’s making some difference in Cedarwood. Some folks in Cedarwood are fine with these two men reconnecting, but some aren’t.
Will the naysayers be enough to drive Colin and Jordan apart, or will they make their way together in this small town.
ISBN: 978-1-62300-925-0
Product Link: http://www.loose-id.com/home-to-cedarwood.html
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: This is the first story of Megan’s that I remember reading and I can say that I am impressed. I do wish that it had more to it though. It has a great story line that seems to have a little extra meaning to it. It shows what some of the gay community goes through in different places. It also shows you what needs to be done in a way to fix it. I was pleased with the way the police chief helped his man though.
Colin had once been with his man for over eight years but only seven were good. As soon as they became parents, Nicholas left him. Now he has moved back to his hometown with his son. His brother is there, the book store and a great school. The only bad sign is the person that is putting dog shit on his porch. A damn homophobe is making the gay community suffer. Then he came across an old classmate that was not so nice to him.
Jordan has always felt bad for what he had done to Colin when they were in school and also for giving him the speeding ticket which is how they met once more. Now he is interested in Colin and is hiding in the closet. Boy does he need to get his head out of his ass and to show the man he wants that he is more important. That and show the little boy that he can make a good step-father.
This is a fascinating little story and I had a blast reading it. My only problem with it was that it was way too short. Felt like a little taste that left me wanting more. I would definitely recommend reading this story. It is short, sweet and downright sexy when they get together.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *
Thank you for the review. 🙂 Much appreciated. 🙂