Hi guys, we have N.R. Walker stopping by today with the tour for her new release Imago, we have a fantastic giveaway and my review, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

N.R. Walker
Nerdy, introverted genius lepidopterist, Lawson Gale, is an expert on butterflies. He finds himself in a small town in Tasmania on a quest from an old professor to find an elusive species that may or may not even exist.
Local Parks and Wildlife officer, Jack Brighton, is an ordinary guy who loves his life in the sleepy town of Scottsdale. Along with his Border collie dog, Rosemary, his job, and good friends, he has enough to keep from being lonely.
But then he meets Lawson, and he knows he’s met someone special. There’s more to catching butterflies, Jack realises. Sometimes the most elusive creatures wear bowties, and sometimes they can’t be caught at all.
Lawson soon learns there are butterflies he can’t learn about it in books. They exist only in a touch, in a kiss, in a smile. He just has to let go first, so these butterflies can fly.
Imago is the story of finding love, bowties, and butterflies.

About N.R.
N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn’t have it any other way.
She is many things; a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who she gives them life with words.
She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things…but likes it even more when they fall in love. She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.
She’s been writing ever since…
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Title: Imago
Author: N.R. Walker
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (118pgs)
Publisher: BlueHeart Press (18th February 2017)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Pixie
Blurb: Nerdy, introverted genius lepidopterist, Lawson Gale, is an expert on butterflies. He finds himself in a small town in Tasmania on a quest from an old professor to find an elusive species that may or may not even exist.
Local Parks and Wildlife officer, Jack Brighton, is an ordinary guy who loves his life in the sleepy town of Scottsdale. Along with his Border collie dog, Rosemary, his job, and good friends, he has enough to keep from being lonely.
But then he meets Lawson, and he knows he’s met someone special. There’s more to catching butterflies, Jack realises. Sometimes the most elusive creatures wear bowties, and sometimes they can’t be caught at all.
Lawson soon learns there are butterflies he can’t learn about it in books. They exist only in a touch, in a kiss, in a smile. He just has to let go first, so these butterflies can fly.
Imago is the story of finding love, bowties, and butterflies.
Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/Imago-N-R-Walker-ebook/dp/B06VXS641F | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Imago-N-R-Walker-ebook/dp/B06VXS641F
Review: Imago is a wonderful story of a Parks and Wildlife officer meeting a nerdy butterfly expert who is just perfect for him.
Lawson is heading for a small town in Tasmania to hunt for a butterfly that has only ever been seen once, but he discovers something he never thought he’d ever have: love. Jack, a Parks and Wildlife officer, is instantly smitten with the cute, awkward, nerdy looking guy and jumps at the chance to help the guy out, and by the end of one week knows he has found the perfect man for him.
This is a brilliant story that managed to reel me in within a couple of pages; both Jack and Lawson are incredible characters and seeing them come together and just fit easily into a relaxed relationship with an easy atmosphere was perfect, there was no tension between them so we could just enjoy their relationship and Lawson’s hunt for the butterflies.
Lawson and Jack are two very different people, Lawson is a genius, social awkward and is pretty blunt, Jack is easy going, friendly and adores Lawson’s bluntness. The two men mesh from the start (once they actually speak to each other and Lawson is assured that Jack isn’t a serial killer) and their attraction to each other is obvious.
Their relationship does move pretty fast but doesn’t feel that way, I mean they meet have a date that night then spend the day together in a work capacity have another date and it repeats like that throughout the week, the sexual side has a slow work up so it starts out with sweet kisses and progresses as their dates progress. So even though it’s only a week they spend nearly all their time together either dating or working and they get to know each other really well, so it feels much longer than just a week that they have known each other.
I must admit to becoming fascinated with Lawson’s quest to find an elusive butterfly, it was interesting to learn about the conditions for an optimum location for a butterfly and just goes to show how much the author has put into the story to make it perfect. I also really loved how they story changed perspectives every chapter; we get to see what both men are thinking and feeling so we aren’t left feeling like we missed out on anything.
I really can’t fault this story as it is a sweet contemporary where love comes quickly for two men who really deserve it; we also have a flash of danger in the form of a raging fire, and there’s a really cute 4 year old chef!
So I recommend this to those who love sweet contemporary’s, two wonderful characters who are quite different but still perfect for each other, who love interesting stories and a very happy sweet ending.

Check out the other blogs on the blog tour!