Title: Just the Thought of You
Series: Mann of My Dreams 03
Author: Tinnean
Genre: Suspense
Length: Novel (416pgs)
ISBN: 9781310124310
Publisher: Tinnean (18th May 2016)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖 3 Hearts
Reviewer: Maya
Blurb: Quinton Mann and Mark Vincent – still as dangerous, intelligent, and perceptive as they were when they started playing mind games with each other, and still in love. With Quinn having inherited the Mann family estate in a state of serious disrepair, he and Mark with the help of their family and friends decided to fix it up and then live there, together. But when a mystery from the Mann family past intersected with the death that led to Quinn inheriting the estate, Mark and Quinn were determined to solve it, and see Quinn’s cousin DB and his ladies safely married. But there are always eyes watching two such dangerous men. Would they be able to continue their relationship without nosy, judgmental people trying to put an end to it?
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Review: This is third book in series and it shows. This time we got both Quinn’s and Mark’s POV as the story continued from where previous book left off.
The story focuses heavily on Mark’s and Quinn’s interactions, through other characters weave their way in or out. While I liked the story, I didn’t enjoy it as much as previous books. The plot was loose – the story changed tracks several times and while events had their own charm I wasn’t hell bent of getting to the end the way at was with previous book. The impression I got is mostly of placeholder in the series – it deals with leftover ends from previous books and sets a stage for the next one. There is also more humor in this one. It’s more relaxed and easy-going.
It’s hard to give summary for this one, as it mostly focused on characters. Mark’s and Quinn’s banter is lively as ever, and their charm kept my attention on the book. It’s perhaps somewhat of a break from previous books, which bridled with action.
It’s a nice interlude in the series.