Series: Kings of Hell MC 01
Author: K.A. Merikan
Genre: Horror, Action & Adventure, Gothic
Length: Novel (489pgs)
Publisher: Acerbi & Villani Ltd. (April 29, 2017)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts
Blurb: — Nothing can stop true love. Not time. Not even the devil himself. —
1805. Laurent. Indentured servant. Desperate to escape a life that is falling apart.
2017. Beast. Kings of Hell Motorcycle Club vice president. His fists do the talking.
Beast has been disfigured in a fire, but he’s covered his skin with tattoos to make sure no one mistakes his scars for weakness. The accident not only hurt his body, but damaged his soul and self-esteem, so he’s wrapped himself in a tight cocoon of violence and mayhem where no one can reach him.
Until one night, when he finds a young man covered in blood in their clubhouse. Sweet, innocent, and as beautiful as an angel fallen from heaven, Laurent pulls on all of Beast’s heartstrings. Laurent is so lost in the world around him, and is such a tangled mystery, that Beast can’t help but let the man claw his way into the stone that is Beast’s heart.
In 1805, Laurent has no family, no means, and his eyesight is failing. To escape a life of poverty, he uses his beauty, but that only backfires and leads him to a catastrophe that changes his life forever. He takes one step into the abyss and is transported to the future, ready to fight for a life worth living.
What he doesn’t expect in his way is a brutal, gruff wall of tattooed muscle with a tender side that only Laurent is allowed to touch. And yet, if Laurent ever wants to earn his freedom, he might have to tear out the heart of the very man who took care of him when it mattered most.
Erotic content: Scorching hot, emotional, explicit scenes
WARNING: This story contains scenes of violence, offensive language, and morally ambiguous characters. .
Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: Oh what a riveting, fantastic story. I was entranced from the beginning when Laurent, a servant from the eighteen hundreds, finds himself in the present. The man who finds him is called Beast, a badly scarred man the result of a fire.
The thing I liked was the differences between them. The past and present collide in a well written story that is mysterious, suspenseful and oh so good. These two souls have been through so much yet together they must continue to fight if they both want to survive.
I loved things were different from Laurent’s perspective. I cannot imagine how I would be if I were in his shoes seeing things I have never seen before and trying to process everything. The mystery was outstanding and well thought out.
I don’t want to give anything away so no spoilers from me sorry. Needless to say I was hooked from start to finish. I could barely put it down for any reason until the very end.
Amazing story that I highly recommend to all.