Hi guys, we have Torquere Press and several of their authors stopping by today with their newest anthology release Mythologically Torqued Vol II, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Lisa’s review so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

Mythologically Torqued, Volume II
Adrik Kemp, Alex Cohen, B.A. Tortuga, Corrine A. Silver, Darren Endymion, Drea Silvertooth, John Amory, Lazuli Jones, Logan Zachary, Lynn Townsend, Madeline Moore, Moxie Marcus, Natasja Hellenthal, Rhidian Brenig Jones, R.R. Jones, Veronica Sloane, and Yolande Kleinn
Mythology, whether classic or modern, has always taken readers on a magical ride. Mythologically Torqured, volume 2, takes those tales from days of old, or more recent history, and places a unique spin on the beloved lore.
The gods of Olympus make appearances, as do deities from Japanese, Native American, and other belief systems. With rampant sexual desires, these gods manage to slake their thirst for passions of the flesh in a rather untraditional manner… if the oral traditions passed down from generation-to-generation were at all accurate.
These eighteen stories are penned by both seasoned scribes and new authors; the anthology provides readers with the perfect opportunity to explore offerings from their favorite storytellers as well as find a new favorite or two. And, a unique perspective on the stories we enjoyed—or were forced down our throats at the hands of a sadistic English teacher or two—in our youth.
Containing M/M and F/F as well as Trans stories from authors Adrik Kemp, Alex Cohen, B.A. Tortuga, Corrine A. Silver, Darren Endymion, Drea Silvertooth, John Amory, Lazuli Jones, Logan Zachary, Lynn Townsend, Madeline Moore, Moxie Marcus, Natasja Hellenthal, Rhidian Brenig Jones, R.R. Jones, Veronica Sloane, and Yolande Kleinn, Mythologically Torqued, volume 2 is sure to have something for every penchant.

from By Hand and Heart by Yolande Kleinn
That night Luis dreams for the first time in years.
His surroundings are a surreal clash between pub and coffee shop. The bar is one he frequents only when he craves the noise and companionship of a crowd instead of an empty studio. The coffee shop is where he sat only days ago, agreeing to take on his first commission in ages. The mix of locales is strangely chaotic, too many details going awry between them. Gray windows hang opposite the bar itself, reflected by a wide mirror along the back wall. Yellow light glints from the ceiling, painting the pub brighter than Luis has ever actually seen it.
The booth he occupies is plush, empty but for himself, and the cushions beneath and behind him are cracked with wear.
“Can I join you?” a coffee-smooth voice asks, and Luis raises his eyes to find absolute perfection smiling down at him.
He can’t answer. His voice has frozen in his throat.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” the man says, dropping into the booth across from Luis. Mischief glints in dark eyes, and Luis stares in helpless silence, taking in everything he’s been searching for in a thousand unsuccessful sketches. Sharp cheekbones cut across a narrow face, perfectly symmetrical and softened by a widening smile. The face is narrow, but the jaw is strong, the nose straight and broad and fitted perfectly to deceptively delicate features. There’s an uncanny smoothness to the brow where it slopes beneath dark curls, but the smoothness creases when sharp eyebrows rise in pointed amusement.
Generous lips quirk into an even wider smile, and the man asks, “See something you like?”
Luis tries to reply, but he’s still too floored. Even knowing this is a dream, he’s mortified with himself for gawping. It’s embarrassingly difficult to summon his voice and answer.
“You’re perfect.” He means to say more, but a grating alarm sounds, jarring him. When he blinks he’s not at the bar any longer, but at home in his own bed, early sunlight piercing between window curtains and the alarm clock a cacophony in his ears.
The grogginess of sleep vanishes in a rush of adrenaline, and Luis reaches for the sketchbook on his nightstand

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Title: Mythologically Torqued Anthology Volume 2
Series: Anthology
Author: AAdrik Kemp, Alex Cohen, B.A. Tortuga, Corrine A. Silver, Darren Endymion, Drea Silvertooth, John Amory, Lazuli Jones, Logan Zachary, Lynn Townsend, Madeline Moore, Moxie Marcus, Natasja Hellenthal, Rhidian Brenig Jones, R.R. Jones, Veronica Sloane, and Yolande Kleinn
Genre: Gay Erotic Romance
Length: Novel (366 Pages)
ISBN: 978-1-61040-956-8
Publisher: Torquere Press (19th August 2015)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts (Overall)
Reviewer: Lisa
Blurb: Mythology, whether classic or modern, has always taken readers on a magical ride. Mythologically Torqued, volume 2, takes those tales from days of old, or more recent history, and places a unique spin on the beloved lore.
The gods of Olympus make appearances, as do deities from Japanese, Native American, and other belief systems. With rampant sexual desires, these gods manage to slake their thirst for passions of the flesh in a rather untraditional manner… if the oral traditions passed down from generation-to-generation were at all accurate.
These eighteen stories are penned by both seasoned scribes and new authors; the anthology provides readers with the perfect opportunity to explore offerings from their favorite storytellers as well as find a new favorite or two. And, a unique perspective on the stories we enjoyed—or were forced down our throats at the hands of a sadistic English teacher or two—in our youth.
Product Link: http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=200&products_id=4452
Review: Now I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I received this book, but I have to tell you it tops many anthologies. However I can’t really go too detailed without giving the stories away. You just have to read it. The only problem I had with it was the books that contained the females in it. I have never really like those types of books and cannot really get into them as well. In fact I have to skim over those books. Many of these authors are new to me so I wasn’t too sure what to expect from them.
By Hand and Heart By Yolande Kleinn ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
When Luis Pygmalion accepts a commission—to sculpt the most beautiful man he can imagine—his own dreams conjure the perfect image. But Luis falls in love as he works, until he begins to doubt he can part with his masterpiece.
I have to tell you that it is a surprising tale, but a bit bizarre to me. Luis rarely takes commissions but he decided to do this one. Talk about a twist for him. He falls in love with his creation. Wasn’t what I expected but it was hot, however short that it was.
Raven and Coyote Make a Wager By BA Tortuga ♥♥♥ 2.5 Hearts
Soon Raven will have to migrate away from his friend and lover, Coyote, for the winter, so he makes a wager. No matter who loses, there will be pleasure for all.
I have actually had the pleasure of reading a few books by this author. However the way this one was wrote, it was confusing. It might have been better had it been longer with a bit more depth to it. I had difficulties with it. Although I must admit it was hot.
The Gift of the Hunter By Rhidian Brenig Jones ♥♥ 2 Hearts
May and the morning of Beltane. A young nobleman wanders alone, his thoughts distracted, his blood fired, and his forbidden lust for men quickened by the awakening of the land. Deep in the green wood, his lonely cry of desire rings out, and his cry is heard.
It was a confusing story and a bit hard to follow. However I have got to admit that it was funny when the old woman grabbed the poor guy’s balls. Not something I expected. The story all over was hard to follow for me.
The Altar of the Fox by Em Anthony ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
Cam, a young man from a rural mountain village, falls in love with a fox god named Hara. After he fully dedicates his life to Hara as a priest, the romantic future he envisions is all-too-quickly stamped out.
At first I thought that Hara was with Lin, and then Lin was killed. That Cam was just a priest who had the hots for Hara. However Em shows up and boy does everything change for all. However the whole story was hard to figure out and get into. Maybe it was just me though.
Persephone’s Fruit By Corrine A Silver ♥♥ 1.5 Hearts
What happens in the Underworld stays in the Underworld: The real story of how Eurydice became the Princess of the Underworld.
Eurydice and Persephone’s are not what I call a good bit of fun. In fact I couldn’t even get through the first paragraph. I am sorry but this is one story that was not for me.
Autumn Nights By R. R. Jones ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Rowen hates being gay. He’s been in love with his best mate, Schultzy, for years, but in their line of work, you just aren’t gay. So one night he meets up with a queen and gets his wish. Too bad the truth comes out. He just had not expected it to come from Schultzy.
This story has been the best I have read in this anthology. It was more convincing and fun to read. Not to mention there is heat.
Threads of Discord By Darren Endymion ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
At a crossroads of destiny, Riley must choose between two potential loves. As he sets to make his choice the gods intervene, and their battle will shake both Olympus and Earth. A choice written in a piece of cloth.
It was pretty good, if not a bit strange. I did enjoy it though. It has a bit of a twist to it, from what I could understand. I would definitely read this again.
To Hell and Back By Madeline Moore ♥♥ 2 Hearts
It’s not easy being a Private Investigator when you’re a gal, even if you’re a tough broad like P.I. Hermione Trent. When her new client, the luscious and distraught Demi Delphin, warms the cockles of Trent’s cold, cold heart, the gumshoe is sure of only one thing: to win the woman she must solve the puzzling case of the missing daughter.
Now I liked the idea of a PI and the case. It was a good idea, if it had not been for the fact that they were females. I never could get into stories like that. Give me two gorgeous hot men, but females are a no for me. Over all, the story was a bit fun.
Ori and Rhys By Moxie Marcus ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
When Rhys first met Ori, he knew Ori was a star. He had no idea Ori would have to rescue him. Talk about getting into a pickle.
I had a blast with this story although I have to say it is a bit strange. It had more fun to it than some of the others though.
A Selkie’s Kiss by Drea Silvertooth ♥♥ 2 Hearts
When a young, deaf woman falls in love with a selkie on the beach of her family home, she discovers that the enchanting selkies have more to fear from men than women or seals alone.
I liked the idea of the woman being deaf and falling in love. It showed a bit more. However the fact that it had females in it, made it a no go for me.
Lineage by John Amory ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
Peter Chronis wants to honor his Greek heritage by visiting the place his family came from. But when he sets foot in his ancestral home, an encounter with a beautiful stranger will change everything for him.
Now this was hot. I hate that you can’t go into a story like this without giving it away, but let me tell you that it was something new. If not just new but a bit strange.
The Rainbow Serpent’s Gift By Adrik Kemp ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
On a hike in the Australian wilderness, Justin and Luke stumble across a hidden grotto of natural beauty. Between making love under the open sky and exploring the depths of a newly discovered cave system, they disturb a sleeping legend and their most intimate desires are made flesh.
Now you get these men together and it is hot. The story was cute and way to short. However it was a fun read.
The Ballad of Daphne and Leucippos By Alex Cohen ♥♥ 2 Hearts
The nymph Daphne has caught the attention of the god Apollo, but she has no affection for men. Instead, she grows close to the newcomer, Leucippos who harbors a secret that could change everything.
My attention wavered with this story. I am not now nor have I ever been a fan of two females in a story or hell even one female, but this one has a little bit of a kick. The only problem was for the fact that it had women in it, which for me brought the book down.
Sleeping Beauty and the Awake Woodsman By Logan Zachary ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
Disappointed Prince Hayden tried to rescue Princess Aurora but found her fast asleep. Dust covered and sweaty, he decides to skinny dip when the Woodsman Tom arrives. Who needs a sleeping beauty when he has found a fully awake and handsome woodsman?
I wonder what happened to sleeping beauty when Hayden got his hands on Tom. Talk about hot. It was a pretty good story.
The Dragon Prince By Lazuli Jones ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
Takashi had never been a fan of tradition. After he is sent by his family to visit his ancestral Japan, a sea rescue brings him face-to-face with a creature from ancient legend.
Fun filled story with a different story for me. It gave me Takashi, which is a plus on my side. It was a cute little story but way to short.
Fallen Stars A twist on a Native American Myth By Natasja Hellenthal ♥♥ 2 Hearts
When beautiful but lonely Iras of the Bear clan sees a bright star in the night sky and starts talking to it, she soon disappears without a trail. When Aponi, a Pawnee wandering absconder comes across the Bear tribe and hears about Iras’ mystery she decides to starts an investigation of her own. Will Aponi succeed to rescue Iras? Can she trick the mysterious Starman who holds Iras captive?
Might have been a cute story, had I been able to get into it. For me it was a downer because I have never been a fan of females in my stories.
Cadmean Victorious By Veronica Sloane ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
The thief who is never caught locks horns with the hunter who always catches his prey. Their merry chase becomes a seductive dance.
And a dance that it was. Hot and very tempting. It was a cute little story that was in need of expanding. I had fun with it.
How ‘Bout Them Apples? —A tale of our modern Dionysus By Lynn Townsend ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
A tale of forbidden lust and the seeds of desire, How ‘Bout Them Apples applies a twist to the story of one of America’s greatest folklore heroes, John Chapman. Can a poor farmer and a traveling gardener find love in the western frontier land?
I am not too sure about this story. It was a bit strange, but fun to read. It catches ones fancy that is for sure.
Overall this whole book was not one that I would have choosen if I had thought about it. It was a bit of a disappointment to me. It was eighteen short stories brought in to intrique you and keep you captivated. To be truthful I wasn’t even sure which one had the transgender person in it. The female stories were not my type of stories so I had a hard time getting into it. Otherwise it was fun to read. Just not for me.

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The three fates, Clothos, Lachesis and Atropos are my favourite mythological characters.
My favorite mythology are the Nordic Sagas, and my favourite characters are Freyja and Thor