Title: Reawakening (2nd edition)
Series: Reawakening 01
Author: Amy Rae Durreson
Genre: High Fantasy
Length: Novel (280 pages)
Publisher: DSP Publications (October 27, 2015)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Blurb: For a thousand years, since their defeat of the Shadow at Eyr, the dragons have slept under the mountains. Now their king, Tarnamell, has woken. Driven mad by loneliness, he hurls himself south until he finds and tries to claim the Alagard Desert. Unfortunately, the desert already has a guardian spirit, and he doesn’t want to share. Amused by the cocky little desert spirit, Tarn retreats, planning to return in human form.
When his caravan enters the desert, however, Alagard is missing. Rumors fly of a dark power, and soon Tarn’s caravan encounters the living dead and an amnesiac mage called Gard.
Forced to take refuge in the Court of Shells, a legendary fortress in the heart of the desert, Tarn, Gard, and their allies decide to seek out the Shadow before it destroys the desert. But to confront the Shadow, Tarn needs to gather his strength. A dragon’s power depends on the love and loyalty of his human hoard, but Tarn’s original hoard has been dead for centuries. Before he can face his most ancient enemy, he must win the trust of new followers and the heart of a cynical desert spirit.
First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2014.
ISBN-13: 978-1-63476-166-6
Product Link: https://www.dsppublications.com/books/reawakening-by-amy-rae-durreson-163-b
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: I have mixed feelings on this story. Hence the lower rating than I would have usually given this type of story. Tarn has awoken from a very long sleep and so sets out to find a new horde. A horde of people? Umm could you not have said people loyal to him? They are not treasures they are living beings.
I understood Alagard’s antic’s in his spirit form but not in his form. He absolutely got on my nerves then. The story line slows on and off throughout and it drove me crazy as i was like can we speed things up please I don’t have all day.
Other than those things I really enjoyed this story. It was well written with adventure and mystery. Not to mention the evil guy that most paranormal stories have in them. I was captivated by the descriptions of the places where Tarn travelled on his mission.
Great read.