Hi guys! We have the anthology Resist and Triumph cover reveal today. A collection of authors have come together to write an anthology for charity in resistance to the oppression that has risen up in the wake of the last US Presidential election. The authors have written positive stories of hope and love, so lets support these amazing authors and enjoy some wonderful man on man loving ;-). Grace R. Duncan is also putting up one of her backlist titles for the giveaway, so check out the cover, enjoy the guest post from Grace and enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Resist & Triumph
Perci T. Brooks, Tucker McCallahan, Mandi Ware,
Carol Pedroso, Shane Morton, Maria Siopsis, Vicktor Alexander, Helen Dupres, Grace R. Duncan
As 2017 opened, the United States took several steps back in the progress toward equality. In response, a group of authors has stepped up to offer positive stories of hope and love. In an effort to help fight and support those groups who are facing even greater challenges, we wrote these stories to offer a small amount of aid.
Stories of hope, resistance, and ultimately triumph fill the pages of this anthology.
All proceeds of the anthology go to The Trevor Project and GLAAD to help fight the effects of the dark times we’re facing.
Breaking Ties with the Bully by Perci T. Brooks
Consummation by Tucker McCallahan
Fighting the Alpha, the Omega Way by Carol Pedroso
Get Off of My Runway by Shane K. Morton
Leto of The Ionian Sea by Maria Siopsis
Red, The Mo Shíorghrá Saga by Vicktor Alexander
The Respect of Love by Mandi Ware
Small Victories by Helene Dupres
White Rabbit by Grace R. Duncan

Grace R Duncan!
In 2016, after the election, I found myself struggling with what looked like a very bleak future. Like other authors, I had trouble writing. The words just wouldn’t flow. I knew we needed worlds to escape to, knew we needed positive stories to keep the hope going, but knowing something and being able to do it were two very different things.
Still, I tried. I plugged away at various stories, getting nowhere. I listened to some of my fellow authors talk about how they had the same worries, the same fears. No matter what I did, however, I couldn’t get past this and just write like I needed to.
But I’m not one who easily lets things keep me down. With so many programs, rights, and more on the chopping block, I wanted to do something. There had to be some way to offer hope—beyond the stories.
Thus the Resist & Triumph anthology was born. It was a challenge—corralling authors is a bit like herding cats—but with an amazing crew of volunteers, we’ve managed to put together a collection of stories I’m very proud of. Tucker McCallahan, despite a grueling schedule, jumped up and offered to help me organize and put together the anthology. I’m pretty sure I’d be curled up under the desk, rocking myself, if it hadn’t been for that.
I also had some wonderful volunteer editors, some who would prefer not to be identified, but some who didn’t mind. Tricia Kristufek, Sara Testarossa, and Tucker McCallahan all helped to make sure the stories shone. IndiGo Marketing generously contributed promotional help. And Jess Small gave a boatload of time to create a beautiful cover and promotional graphics.
The authors, editors, and others who donated to this anthology look forward to sharing the hope and promise in these stories with you.
All proceeds from the anthology go to The Trevor Project and GLAAD.

About Grace!
Grace Duncan grew up with a wild imagination. She told stories from an early age – many of which got her into trouble. Eventually, she learned to channel that imagination into less troublesome areas, including fanfiction, which is what has led her to writing male/male erotica.
A gypsy in her own right, Grace has lived all over the United States. She has currently set up camp in East Texas with her husband and children – both the human and furry kind.
As one of those rare creatures who loves research, Grace can get lost for hours on the internet, reading up on any number of strange and different topics. She can also be found writing fanfiction, reading fantasy, crime, suspense, romance and other erotica or even dabbling in art.
Find Grace here:
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Win a Grace R. Duncan Backlist eBook!

Sorry don’t see e-retailers listed is the book just available through Amazon? Congrats on the upcoming anthology release!
Hey H.B.! I’ll have them up on all the other retailers on release day. They don’t allow private publishers to do preorders the way Amazon does, but I’ll get it set up on the others for release. 🙂
Thank you!
Awesome. Looking forward to it.