Hi peeps, we have Kate Pearce visiting today with her new release Retribution, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Portia’s review, so enjoy the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Kate Pearce
Cheated out of his exit from the Tribute program, Kai Mexr is forced to return as a trainer for one more year. His trainee, Aled Price, is an idealistic Mitan patriot who Kai struggles not to loathe on sight, and who seems up for any challenge Kai sets him. As Aled learns to give up control and endure the program’s worst, Kai is drawn into an intense sexual game that leaves him wanting more.
But then Aled must fulfill his duty as Tribute. He must endure the Ungrich—or die.
When Aled returns, it takes Kai’s ruthless presence to pull his trainee back from the brink of madness. Surviving the Ungrich makes Aled doubt his blind allegiance to his planet—and to everything else he’d never thought to question. But with Kai at his side, Aled finds a new cause to believe in. And with the help of master trainer Akran and his partner Anna Lee, Aled and Kai forge unbreakable allegiances of blood, sex, and love that could save the entire planet from the Ungrich for good.

Aled glanced across the arena at the other male who was still running. Everyone else had dropped out. One guy had passed out, but whether from fear or lack of fitness Aled didn’t know. For some reason, he wanted to win. He wanted to show that bastard Mexr he wasn’t just a walking fuck toy, but a soldier who deserved some respect. The other trainers had all gone, leaving Mexr and the one called Malke watching.
He almost stumbled when the two men vaulted over the side of the arena and came toward him. His wary gaze shifted between the grinning males. Malke jogged up to him and Kai went to the other guy. Just to add insult to injury, Malke ran backward in front of him, his breathing unaltered.
“If you lose this race, Price, do you know what’s going to happen to you?”
Aled just kept moving, his gaze fixed somewhere over Malke’s head.
“You’re gonna get fucked.”
“And . . . what about . . . if I win?” He managed to grind out the answer.
“You think you’ll win?” Malke smiled. “Dream on, buddy. My guy? He’s an ex-pro athlete. You don’t stand a chance.”
Aled set his teeth and just kept moving, wiping sweat from his eyes and ignoring Malke as he strolled back to the sidelines. Time passed in a blur and his feet felt like lead and lifting each knee was agony. He heard a groan beside him and risked a glance to his left to see his opponent stumble, fall to the ground, and not get back up. He set his sights on the far wall. The guy might still recover. He couldn’t afford to stop.
He put his head down and slogged onward, unaware of where he was in relation to anything and all too aware of the searing agony in every part of his body.
He collided with something solid and tried to swerve, but he no longer had the ability. Two big hands clamped around his upper arms, holding him still.
“You won,” Mexr said.
He tried not to sag into the arms of his trainer, but it was impossible. With a chuckle, Mexr lowered him to the ground and pushed his head between his knees.
“Rest up a minute. Malke is coming over with his trainee.”
He focused on breathing in air and was only just aware of the other man who slumped down beside him.
“This is Graif, Price,” Malke said. “As the winner you get to fuck him.”
“I . . . can’t,” Aled managed to wheeze out.
Mexr nudged him in the ribs. “Not an option, Price. You didn’t really think we cared who won, did you? You’re still just meat, and right now your dick is closer than us having to drag Graif to the lab for a nice long session with a dildo. So shut up and pick a hole to fuck.”
“I don’t want . . .” He shut up as Mexr yanked his leash, making his neck snap back.
“Then you want us all to fuck you? Right here, right now? Graif would do it, wouldn’t you, Graif?”
The other guy nodded but kept his gaze on the ground.
Malke shifted his feet and stroked his erection through his pants. “Come on, Price. I’m gonna fuck something and I don’t care which one of you it is.”
Mexr pushed Graif’s shoulder. “Let’s make it simple, Graif. Suck Price’s dick and Malke will fuck your ass.”
“And what will you be doing, Kai?” Malke inquired. “Judging?”
“Whichever one of you finishes first, I go next. Hell, if Graif is lucky, maybe I’ll do him both ways.”
Graif shuddered and looked up at Aled, his expression wry.
Mexr patted Aled’s head. “Take your dick out, Price, or do I have to do everything for you?”
Aled barely managed to shove down his shorts before Graif crawled closer and carefully licked his dick into his mouth. Malke uncovered his cock and crouched behind Graif, spitting on his fingers. Aled felt Graif shudder as those fingers disappeared between his ass cheeks. Then he groaned as Graif was shoved forward onto his cock in a regular, pounding rhythm.
Aled’s hips moved in the same rhythm. He couldn’t stop them or take his gaze away from the sight of his dick moving in and out between Graif’s lips.
“Yeah, that’s good, isn’t it?” Mexr murmured. “Fuck his mouth like I’m going to fuck yours.”
Aled yelped as Mexr grabbed a fistful of his hair and brought his head up to meet Mexr’s thick cock. He sucked and let himself be used—too tired to do anything else but endure.
Malke slammed in one more time and started to come, pulling out so that Aled got a far too close view of the come decorating Graif’s ass. Kai let go of Aled’s head, drew his cock away, and took Malke’s place behind Graif, fucking him hard and fast until Aled could hear each whimpered cry around his dick.
He closed his eyes and climaxed, hardly moving as his come pulsed out into Graif’s still-sucking mouth. God, it hurt. Each thrust exhausted him. With a groan he fell forward toward Mexr, who was still fucking away. He was unceremoniously pushed to the side. From his ground-level view, Graif’s dripping cock desperately fucked the air.
Mexr came and thrust deep, holding Graif’s hips to stop him going anywhere. When he finally released him, Graif just lay on the arena floor, shuddering.
Mexr stood and rolled Graif over. He touched the toe of his boot to the straining tip of Graif’s cock.
“Don’t lose next time.”
He scraped the edge of his insole up Graif’s shaft and the man climaxed. Graif didn’t even cry out, but his body jerked like a puppet. Aled didn’t get much time to stare as Mexr was already motioning him to get to his feet. It hurt to walk and he followed blindly, the rock walls and floors of the endless passageways torture on his bare feet.
Kai held open the door.
“I’m fine,” Aled managed.
“Such a brave little soldier. But I wasn’t offering you a bandage. You’re needed for blood work.”
He sat on the side of the gurney and stared at his bare feet. The rest of the trainees had already been processed and moved on. He was almost too exhausted to think about what had just happened. How had his promising military career ended up here? How in hell was he ever going to explain this to his parents? He remembered the paperwork he’d signed, swearing him to legal silence about this mission. For once he was grateful for that protection.
A couple of minutes went by, and then Malke came in with Graif. Graif sat next to him and Malke went out, leaving the two men in silence.
“One day,” Graif said conversationally, “I’m going to get those two guys, cut their dicks off, and fuck them with them.”
Aled glanced over at him. “You and me both.” He shifted awkwardly in his seat. “I’m sorry you lost.”
“No, you’re not. Or else it would’ve been you. No one wants to lose like that. Although I like sucking dick, so it wasn’t too bad for me.”
“You like—” He felt his cheeks heat up. “Sorry, none of my business.”
Graif cracked a smile. “It might be. Just remember if you have to fuck me, it’s okay. I’d rather it was one of the trainees than the trainers. Those guys are professional bastards.”
“You like pussy then?”
The door opened, and a female dressed in a white coat entered, carrying a cloth-covered tray. She came around to Aled first, wrinkling her nose as she got close presumably at the smell of sex and sweat coming off him. He was too tired to even be embarrassed.
She grabbed his arm and turned it out before jabbing two needles into his flesh. He watched the two microscopic pumps go to work, filling the blood vials attached to them until there was a beeping sound.
“Hold this.” She slapped a dressing over the oozing wounds, and he obediently held it in place while she attended to Graif. He closed his eyes, leaned his head back against the wall, and just let his shoulders relax.
All too soon he was jerked awake and instantly on his feet to find Mexr smiling at him. “No time for a nap, Price. Time to eat.”
Graif had already gone. Aled dropped the dressing in the trash and followed Mexr out into another of the identical rock passageways. There were no markings on the wall. He wondered how everyone found their way around and then realized that the authorities probably didn’t want the trainees to find their way anywhere. Although from what he’d seen on the incoming journey, there was nothing to run to, as the training camp was in the middle of a desert.
“Come on.”
Gods, he could barely pick up his feet. The smell of food became clearer and his stomach growled. To his annoyance Mexr walked past what appeared to be a mess hall and took him back into his cage. In the center of the concrete floor sat a tray with a box of military rations and a bottle of water.
“Enjoy your dinner.” Mexr unclipped the leash. “See you tomorrow bright and early.”
He sank down onto his blanket and contemplated the rations. He didn’t feel like eating a thing, but he needed his strength. He looked out at the other trainees and saw Graif three cages down, eating some kind of energy bar. Two of the cages were now empty, and two of the others held inmates who were curled up in the fetal position, crying. He almost didn’t blame them.
For more excerpt click here: http://riptidepublishing.com/titles/retribution (Just click the excerpt tab)
About Kate
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kate Pearce was born into a large family of girls in England, and spent much of her childhood living very happily in a dream world. Despite being told that she really needed to “get with the program,” she graduated from the University College of Wales with an honors degree in history. A move to the USA finally allowed her to fulfill her dreams and sit down and write her first romance novel. Along with being a voracious reader, Kate loves walking on the beach and climbing live volcanoes in her new home in Hawaii.
Kate is a member of RWA and is published by Kensington Aphrodisia, Cleis Press, Carina Press, and Virgin Black Lace/Cheek.
Connect with Kate:
- Website: katepearce.com
- Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1ASL0nK
- Blog: katepearce.com/blog
- Twitter: @Kate4Queen
- Facebook: facebook.com/kate.pearce
- Pintrest: com/kate4queen

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Title: Retribution
Series: Tribute, 02
Author: Kate Pearce
Genre: Science Fiction
Length: Novella (100 pages)
ISBN: 978-1-62649-288-2
Publisher: Riptide Publishing (October 5th, 2015)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Portia
Blurb: Cheated out of his exit from the Tribute program, Kai Mexr is forced to return as a trainer for one more year. His trainee, Aled Price, is an idealistic Mitan patriot who Kai struggles not to loathe on sight, and who seems up for any challenge Kai sets him. As Aled learns to give up control and endure the program’s worst, Kai is drawn into an intense sexual game that leaves him wanting more.
But then Aled must fulfill his duty as Tribute. He must endure the Ungrich—or die.
When Aled returns, it takes Kai’s ruthless presence to pull his trainee back from the brink of madness. Surviving the Ungrich makes Aled doubt his blind allegiance to his planet—and to everything else he’d never thought to question. But with Kai at his side, Aled finds a new cause to believe in. And with the help of master trainer Akran and his partner Anna Lee, Aled and Kai forge unbreakable allegiances of blood, sex, and love that could save the entire planet from the Ungrich for good.
Product Link: http://riptidepublishing.com/titles/retribution
Review: Retribution picks up where Sacrifice left off. Even though a reader could start here and enjoy the story, I recommend starting with Sacrifice.
The length of service for trainers in the program depends on the number of successful sacrifices they are able to prepare. Due to a technicality, Kai is forced to submit one more successful sacrifice, before he is a free man.
I really enjoyed the ménage between Akran, Anna Lee and Kai, but I ended Sacrifice itching to find out who Kate Pearce would pair with the sexy warrior. From the beginning, Aled captures Kai’s attention. Their interaction definitely falls under non-consent to start with. But, despite the secrets and pain, the relationship deepens. For me, it wasn’t the inferno that swept up Akran and Anna Lee, but more of a slow burn that was just as hot.
There is a lot going on, and many plot twist really amp up the excitement level of this series. We learn more about the aliens and learn a little more about the inner workings of the program.But, a few questions were dropped and not answered.
The sex is off the chart sexy, even when it’s meant as punishment, not pleasure. And the ending had me staring at my Kindle in disbelief.
This amazing trilogy wraps up with Triumph (scheduled release date 11/07/15) and I’ve already pre-ordered my copy. Mainly, because my bloodthirsty ass is hoping and praying that Kate found a particularly nasty way for a certain asshole to die…cuz some people just need killing.

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Fantastic excerpt, thanks for the giveaway.
lacombejc (at) suddenlink (dot) net
I missed this series. Must get it.
debby236 at hotmail dot com
Wow, what a book! Amazing excerpt and review. Thank you for sharing. Coreydclancy@gmail dot com
book sounds great
This series sounds hot- I love Sci Fi. Thanks for the chance to win.
Amazing cover and great blurb.
Sounds like an amazing read.
Congrats on the release, i like the blurb and the cover is very intriguing. And that excerpt 😉 wow, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for this post and the giveaway chance
Thanks for the excerpt and the review! amaquilante(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank you for the excerpt! The book sounds intense.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
I don’t usually read sci-fi but this one sounds interesting.