Title: Sex, Love and Rock ‘n’ Roll
Series: Rock Stars 02
Author: Andrew Jericho (A.K. Kinley)
Genre: Contemporary/MMM Ménage
Length: Novel (113 pages)
Publisher: Siren Publishing (August 28th, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts
Blurb: Sex, love, and rock ‘n’ roll are all Adam believes is holding the band Rock Hard together. In the weeks following their last concert, Adam, Deuce, L.T., and Jamie have not held a practice, and their new album is unfinished.
The jealousies and secrets that almost tore them apart have changed to new conflicts. In a fit of rage, Jamie tells Adam that the five of them are nothing but “jealous hearts,” when the insanity hits.
Zane, the band’s physician, is now living at the Rock Hard mansion full time. He believes that the four men, who have captured his heart, need the love of a real man to keep them grounded. As each man turns to Zane for comfort, Adam realizes they all need time to heal.
In what Zane calls a “tremendous act of love and devotion,” Adam gives a heartfelt message to Rock Hard’s fans in the hopes they can begin a new chapter in their lives.
Note: This book contains drug use.
ISBN: 978-1-63258-234-8
Product Link: http://www.bookstrand.com/sex-love-and-rock-n-roll
Reviewer: Prime
Review: This is book 2 in the Rock Stars series by Andrew Jericho (book 1 was published under the name A.K. Kinley). This is a true sequel in the sense that it picks up the story basically where book 1 finished, so if you try to read this one without reading book one, I know from experience you’ll get so confused you’ll go back to read book 1.
Sex, Love and Rock ‘n’ Roll is just one massive wow! It’s a great book but is so heavy on sex that it seems that a chapter doesn’t pass without at least one sex scene. It was also odd in the way that it intrigued me and sucked me in, yet at the same time had me wanting more in terms of plot. I find it a unique book in terms of the fact that the true distinction is made between polyamory and ménage relationships.
This story centres on four men who have been in a poly amorous relationship for some years; they’ve also been members of the same band for just as long. Although the story particularly centres on the fifth man to recently join the relationship in book one, Zane. Zane is a doctor that initially started out as the band physician before things with him and one of the men, David (or Deuce). However, in this book he seems to become the glue holding the band together as they go through their own issues, all of them interesting. In particular, I have to say Jamie’s (known as James to Zane) storyline is really very fascinating.
One thing that I love about this book was the relationships and the subtle (or not so subtle) differences the different relationships showed. They also had different dynamics because of the different personalities. With five different people resulting in 10 different relationships between each different couple (had to do the math on that one!), this is by no means a simple dynamic and the clash in personalities and jealousies the men felt is really well written.
About the good doctor, Zane, I really like how in his relationship with the men that he insists on using their proper names. He does come across as geeky and formal but he is an interesting character with many layers. Likewise with all the other characters.
I love Jamie, he’s adorable yet I know him so much as a character that I know that if he was real and in front of me, he would throw a spectacular hissy fit if he heard me.
Adam is a wonderful character but he takes everything to heart and feels responsible for everyone and everything: so his asthma masks his stress problems.
David, I adore, after going through his issues in the first book and continuing on with them. I feel all the guys have let him down but it’s great that Zane has come to shake things up and get David the help he needs.
LT is a strong, silent character. It’s not until the end of this book we learn more of him and it turns out he’s more vulnerable then we realise.
I am really looking forward to the third book in this series because I really want to see these guys reconcile their different personalities and expectations and somehow make a cohesive relationship out of what they have started. I really don’t want Zane to be used in the sense that he’s good to have around while everyone else is having their crises.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *
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