Title: Missing His Cage
Series: Return of the Originals 06
Author: Aeryn Jaden
Genre: Paranormal
Length: Novella (153 Pages)
Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (April 17, 2018)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
Blurb: Tormented and tortured by his adoptive family, Cage flees in the night with only his instincts to guide him. Destination? A human city, apparently. His confusion is cleared after a chance encounter with a man straight out of his dreams.
Mikkal Daggart was tired of being on the run. After being framed, he’d disappeared, waiting for the right moment to prove his innocence. The best place to hide? A human city. Only trouble seems to follow him everywhere and after saving a strange man’s life, Mikkal knows his hideout is no longer safe. Not that it matters much, he has bigger problems. They go by the name of Cage.
Was this a second chance to regain something Mikkal had thought lost forever? Will Cage find out just what had always been different about himself? Will finding answers help the two broken men mend their hearts and build a happier future?
ISBN: 978-1-64243-103-2
Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: Nigal and Mikkal found each other many years ago and died together. Their deaths were brutal and harsh, but they knew that they would find each other again. Many years have passed but it was not always a good life. Cage had lived pretty much in a cage. His adoptive family should have been shot for what they put that child through. Now the time has come.
Mikkal has found his mate once more. To bad he was on the run from those who wanted him dead. He had been framed and needed to prove that he was not the guilty one. He saves his mate only not to realize it right off the bat. His hiding spot has been found and those after him were coming.
It was hard to get engaged with this book. It was a slow paced story that just didn’t catch my attention like it should have. I am not really a fan of death and bringing back to life again. It is just a bit creepy but also I guess kind of sweet. To be designed for each other, then to loose each other only to come back again to find each other. But these two seemed to have had a harsh life their entire time is a bit too much for me. I liked the characters quite a bit but their story just didn’t work for me. I could not keep my attention on it like I should have. The story had great potential but seemed a bit off to me.
I will admit that this story is not one of those that will be read more than once. There just wasn’t enough spark in the story to keep it going. For now I hate to say it, this story just wasn’t for me.