The Tyger King by Shannon West

Title: The Tyger King

Series: Mate of the Tyger Prince 07

Author: Shannon West

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Science Fiction

Length: Novel (271 Pages)

Publisher: Painted Hearts Publishing (October 31, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: đź’–đź’–đź’– 3 Hearts

Blurb: The fallout from Derrick’s union with Rhaegar and Blake’s aid in his son’s elopement has been intense, to say the least. After a blistering brawl between Blake and Davos, Davos leaves Blake, because he isn’t ready to forgive him, and most shockingly of all, he says he isn’t sure he even wants to.

Blake is frightened and hurt by his actions, but terribly angry. He follows the king back to Tygeria, if only because Davos had the gall to take their two younger children with him when he left. His ship is slower than the king’s, though, and when he arrives back on Tygeria, he finds the king has left again, on a wild chase after his errant son and his pirate mate. Even worse, he makes a unilateral decision to send their son Larz to a faraway planet for military training, against Blake’s express wishes.

When Davos, Derrick and Larz all go suddenly missing, Blake attempts a rescue mission, but encounters a strange wormhole in space, and is flung through it to crash on an unknown planet called Tveir. Strangest of all the planet is populated by Tygerians and their handsome king. Injured and disoriented, Blake begins to feel as if he’s trapped in some crazy story. Except this isn’t any kind of story at all—this is Blake’s life, and the plot has just taken an unexpected, heartbreaking and totally infuriating twist.

ISBN: 978-1-946379-33-7

Product Link: Painted Hearts | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Blake and Davos have one hell of a fight after Blake helped his son escape with Rhaegar. So much so that each man said something horrible, but Davos even more. Then he leaves Blake on one planet and heads home, but of course Blake is going to follow. Especially since Davos took their two youngest back with them. When Blake makes it back home, it is to only find out Davos went to find his son and son’s husband. Blake is pissed and going to get them all back. To bad the trip doesn’t go as plan, think alternate universe.

Too bad Davos and Rhaegar are not the same when they crash. Now it is going to take Blake and Derrick all they have and know to get them all back home. Might not be as easy as one thinks.

This story is a great idea but failed to deliver for me. It was hard to follow especially in the beginning. I knew right off the bat about alternate universe but to think that if they lived there, then the ones that come through the wormhole are basically emerged in to one. With very few memories of the lives they led before they ended in hell. I guess it should be called parallel universe, but still strange. The only reason Blake and Derrick remember all is because they never lived in the new world, so to speak.

I knew why Davos was the way he was, but it made the story drop quite a bit for me. He didn’t make it up when Blake finds out he is pregnant. However in the end he does make up for being an ass. However it was a bit too late for me to even truly like it. I was a bit disappointed in it. I can honestly say that this is not one of those memorable stories. I can also tell you that this is one of those books that I will probably never read again, which was not a good sign for me.

Over all the story is well told, fast paced but also mixed with a slower pace in some parts, danger filled and action packed. It is an entertaining story but was just to much stuff in it that made it dull for me.

Full Circle by Victoria Sue Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!


Hi peeps, we have Victoria Sue popping in today with her brand new Sirius Wolves addition Full Circle, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~


Full Circle

(Sirius Wolves 07)

Victoria Sue

“Win the love of the wolf with the hardest heart.”

Faced with eternal banishment to hell, Anubis, god of the underworld, has found a loophole in one of the oldest laws which will allow him to unleash his evil on an unsuspecting human world. Orion’s only hope to stop him is to accept his challenge: send a champion to win the love of the wolf with the hardest heart. It will take someone with a pure heart to soften a closed one, so faced with the threat of losing not only the werewolves, but the destruction of the human race, the gods can only do one thing — send Adam, one of their own.

Adam quickly realizes that the werewolf whose love he must win is Jed.  Wounded after the loss of his wife and son, Jed promised he would never love again or be responsible for someone else’s happiness. Adam has been given a near impossible task.

Anubis is eager to see Adam fail, and unbeknown to everyone takes matters into his own hands to make sure of it. Everything happening now is part of his master plan, and finally it has come full circle.

Even if Adam succeeds and wins Jed’s heart, will that love survive when Jed discovers the whole thing was nothing more than a bet? Or when Adam does the one thing he mustn’t and falls in love himself, will he not only break Jed’s heart but completely destroy his own?

Dark Hollows Press | ARe | Amazon | Kobo Store

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Full Circle by Victoria Sue Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway!


Hi peeps, we have Victoria Sue popping in today with her brand new Sirius Wolves addition Full Circle, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~


Full Circle

(Sirius Wolves 07)

Victoria Sue

“Win the love of the wolf with the hardest heart.”

Faced with eternal banishment to hell, Anubis, god of the underworld, has found a loophole in one of the oldest laws which will allow him to unleash his evil on an unsuspecting human world. Orion’s only hope to stop him is to accept his challenge: send a champion to win the love of the wolf with the hardest heart. It will take someone with a pure heart to soften a closed one, so faced with the threat of losing not only the werewolves, but the destruction of the human race, the gods can only do one thing — send Adam, one of their own.

Adam quickly realizes that the werewolf whose love he must win is Jed.  Wounded after the loss of his wife and son, Jed promised he would never love again or be responsible for someone else’s happiness. Adam has been given a near impossible task.

Anubis is eager to see Adam fail, and unbeknown to everyone takes matters into his own hands to make sure of it. Everything happening now is part of his master plan, and finally it has come full circle.

Even if Adam succeeds and wins Jed’s heart, will that love survive when Jed discovers the whole thing was nothing more than a bet? Or when Adam does the one thing he mustn’t and falls in love himself, will he not only break Jed’s heart but completely destroy his own?

Dark Hollows Press | ARe | Amazon

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Darkside by Shannon West

Shannon West - Darkside CoverTitle: Darkside

Series: Mate of the Tyger Prince #2

Author: Shannon West

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (202pgs)

Publisher: Dark Hollows Press LLC (April 5, 2016) 

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: The course of true love never did run smooth. Ryan is settling into his role as a new father and the royal consort of Mikos, the fierce and handsome Prince of Tygeria. He’s still deeply in love and happy—most of the time. But the former Alliance colonel is a bit restless, and even though he loves his child and his mate, he needs a bit more to occupy his time. Mikos thinks giving him more babies to care for will help, but Ryan comes up with a different idea for some diversion and physical challenge by forming his own team for the dangerous Arena Games.

Meanwhile, Haggoz and Kevin are deeply involved in a much more serious game of their own. The king warned Haggoz that punishing his own mate and holding him prisoner would be nearly impossible, but Haggoz can’t bear to be parted from him. Locked in a seemingly endless war between his love for the former marine and his duty to his king, Haggoz is struggling to survive. 

Just when it seems that they’re hopelessly deadlocked, Mikos and Haggoz go on what should be a routine mission against an ARes training facility on a distant moon. When disaster strikes and word gets back to Ryan that Mikos and Haggoz are both in terrible danger, he embarks on a desperate mission to save them and bring them safely home. Ryan finds an unlikely ally in Kevin to help him save the men and discover that even though the course may be rocky, true love will always find its way.

ISBN: 978-1-944054-55-7

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa 

Review: Each book in the Mate of the Tyger Prince collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. 

Ryan loves what he is and his life, however he seems to be missing something. Mikos thinks giving him more babies will fix that, but Ryan has other ideas. It is not what you’re thinking, so get your minds out of the gutters. Haggoz and Kevin are in some big trouble. Haggoz is keeping his mate prisoner and is still on the punishing him part. Too bad he can’t seem to stop having sex with the man. He is being torn in two. Then they are sent on a mission that turns bad, it is up to Ryan to save their asses.

I didn’t much care for the jump between all of the guys. Haggor is a total ass, but he will need both his mate and Ryan if he wants to survive what is going on. Here Ryan is getting depressed and needs to make a plan to fix it. What does one expect after having a baby? Ryan wants to play in the war games, yet his mate has other ideas. It would seem that he has forgotten where his mate has come from and who he is. Never get in the way of a marine. Then you have a man who keeps his mate locked up but can’t stay away from him. I just don’t get it. 

I don’t really care for books that are longer. It just seems to drag stuff out that is boring to me. Don’t get me wrong this book rocks, but it didn’t keep my attention like it should have. I just don’t care for multiple characters having trouble in one book. I did like to hear about Mikos and Ryan, but I was hoping that this would just focus on Haggoz and Kevin. Other than my problems with it, this book did exactly what it was supposed to. It entertained me for most parts. I liked how Ryan and Kevin were the ones to get their mates out of trouble. I felt bad for Kevin though. 

Now the story was pretty damn good, but it didn’t set off any explosions for me. It was a fun read but one that I could have done without. My attention was not caught like it should have which was a bit disappointing in the end. I hope that the next book comes off a bit better to me. 

The Beginning by Victoria Sue Release Blitz!

Victoria Sue - Siruis Wolves Banner 2 copy

Hi guys, we have the brilliant Victoria Sue stopping by today with her newest installment of the Sirius’ Wolves series The Beginning, check out the post & enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Victoria Sue - The Beginning Cover s

The Beginning

(Sirius’ Wolves 06)

Victoria Sue

The Winter Circle is on the rise and the most desperate hour for humankind is at hand. Working from the shadows, the dark god Anubis, jealous enemy of the goddess Sirius, is setting years’ long plans in motion, a master scheme that will strike home in the heart of Jefferson Pack.

Nate is a survivor.  He survived rejection by his father and his pack when he was a child. He survived being alone, kidnapped, starved, and tortured. But the more he recovers, the more he realizes he seems to be developing abilities that surpass those of the Supreme Alphas.

More than that, though, he can’t move past the scar of knowing he was responsible for killing Darric, even though the Alpha was resurrected by Orion and Nate was forgiven; he can’t let go of his fear that there is something terrible hiding in the many holes in the memories of his childhood.

The Winter Circle strikes, and there is a traitor within the pack, one who means to see the end of all hybrids, including Nate and Kellan’s pups.

But as all hell breaks loose Nate’s greatest fear is not the danger that surrounds him, it’s the danger that hides within him. When Nate’s finds out his true purpose, and terrible secrets are revealed, will love triumph over evil? Or will the secret that Nate carries just be the death of them all?

Victoria Sue - The Beginning Teaser

About Victoria

Victoria Sue has loved books for as long as she can remember. Books were always what pocket money went on and what usually Father Christmas brought. When she ran out of her kids’ adventure stories, she would go raid her mom’s. By the age of eight she was devouring classics like Little Women, and fell in love with love stories.
She especially loves writing gay romance because as far as she’s concerned the only thing better than one hot guy, is two of them.

Where to find the author:

Facebook Author Page | @Vickysuewrites | Blog

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The Dilemma by Victoria Sue Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Victoria Sue - The Dilemma 960x350

Hi guys, we have the brilliant Victoria Sue stopping by today with her newest installment of the Sirius’ Wolves series The Dilemma. We have a great excerpt and an exclusive sexy excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Lisa’s review, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Victoria Sue - The Dilemma Cover

The Dilemma

(Sirius’ Wolves 05)

Victoria Sue

Marcus has just become the only human ever to be Alpha of a werewolf pack and thwarted the plans of Anubis to destroy the goddess Sirius’ creation – the werewolves.

Now, Anubis has decided to focus his efforts instead on Marcus and his new pack, to try and destroy the pack from within. In order to do this, Anubis seeks the one thing Marcus wants above all else and when he finds it, will use that to get him to walk away from his lovers and the pack.

Unaware of the evil god’s plans, Marcus works together with Kellan and Ricoh, not only trying to help Nate recover from the vicious torture he has undergone at the hands of the terrorist group, The Winter Circle, but to also come to terms with leading a pack of over two thousand wolves.

Marcus soon will be faced with a dilemma, but will he give everything up for his mates and the pack or will the temptation Anubis offers him be too much for one human to refuse? Will Marcus put his wolves before himself or will he be tricked into leaving them behind forever?

Dark Hollows Press | Amazon | ARe

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The Dilemma by Victoria Sue

51Wi0j+S7iL._SX390_BO1,204,203,200_Title: The Dilemma

Series: Sirius Wolves, #5

Author: Victoria Sue

Genre: Paranormal/ MMMM MĂ©nage

Length: 163 pages

Publisher: Dark Hollows Press (April 7, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5Hearts

Blurb: Marcus has just become the only human ever to be Alpha of a werewolf pack and thwarted the plans of Anubis to destroy the goddess Sirius’ creation – the werewolves.

Now, Anubis has decided to focus his efforts instead on Marcus and his new pack, to try and destroy the pack from within. In order to do this, Anubis seeks the one thing Marcus wants above all else and when he finds it, will use that to get him to walk away from his mates and the pack.

Unaware of the evil god’s plans, Marcus works together with Kellan and Ricoh, not only trying to help Nate recover from the vicious torture he has undergone at the hands of the terrorist group, The Winter Circle, but to also come to terms with leading a pack of over two thousand wolves.

Marcus soon will be faced with a dilemma, but will he give everything up for his mates and the pack or will the temptation Anubis offers him be too much for one human to refuse?

Will Marcus put his wolves before himself or will he be tricked into leaving them behind forever?

ISBN: 9781944054540

Product Link:!the-dilemma/c19w3

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Sirius Wolves collection features pretty much the same couple although one or two is about another. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

There is nothing better than a good paranormal romance with two gorgeous men involved however in this one you have a four-way mating which is hot. I have found that this is probably the only series that has a darkness to it that doesn’t seem to take away from the story. Although it can be a bit confusing at certain parts, my attention was caught from the beginning.

Marcus is a human and the Alpha of the pack. He is mated to four men and let’s just say, it can be a bit strange. He had lost both his legs in an explosion and at times they hurt just to walk from the bathroom to the bedroom. Each of his mates has problems of their own. For instance, Nate had been kidnapped and tortured. He no longer wants his wolf, blaming him for everything. Marcus must help him heal from the emotional scars as well as from the physical ones.

Nate thinks he is broken and just wants to get rid of his wolf. However it would seem his wolf and the gods have other plans for Nate. Kellan and Ricoh each have other problems. However they all love their little wolf.

Then it would seem Anubis is back and is trying to find a way to stop the future from happening. He has a plan, and it is up to the wolves to stop him.

This is probably the only series that involves the same men but in a different way each time, that I can actually get into reading. Most books just seem to repeat but this one is unique. She gives each wolf their own personality. They have different strengths and weakness that don’t take away from the other.

Now in different paranormal worlds a man who has lost his legs would not be an Alpha, but this author has given us a different twist that I absolutely found perfect. I love this story and can’t wait to read the next book. I had fun with this and would definitely recommend it. This is one journey I don’t want to miss.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Then Sawyer Happened by Hurri Cosmo Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Hurri Cosmo - Then Sawyer Happened 960x350

Hi peeps, we have Hurri Cosmo stopping by with her new release Then Sawyer Happened, we have a short interview with Hurri, a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Shorty’s review, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Hurri Cosmo - Then Sawyer Happened Cover

Then Sawyer Happened


Hurri Cosmo

Trace is nursing a broken heart. He lost his job, his boyfriend of two years was cheating on him, and his apartment building burned right to the ground with all his worldly possessions.  It was time for Trace to get out of Minnesota. 

So Trace heads for Texas and Riven Creek Ranch, the horse farm his aunt Lois owns. But hours before he arrives, Lois is in a terrible car accident that nearly takes her life, and Trace finds himself in charge of the ranch kitchen. Sounds simple enough and it’s the least he can do for his recuperating aunt.  

Then Sawyer happens.

Sawyer is his aunt’s big, beautiful, muscle bound, incredibly sexy straight ranch manager. Someone who has no clue Trace is gay. And meeting the big man should have been okay, except it was in the middle of his aunt’s kitchen at five in the morning and Trace was nearly naked. Embarrassing? Yep. But the very next day Trace proceeded to ramp up his embarrassment by quantum leaps when he nearly sets his aunt’s house on fire and the brooding Sawyer has to come to the rescue. 

Seems like Trace’s “luck” followed him.

Not to mention that Aunt Lois’s “accident” was actually attempted murder. And now, they just might want Trace dead, too. 

Can Trace figure out who’s behind the attempts on his aunt’s life AND keep Sawyer from finding out he’s hot for the cowboy? 

He probably can’t. But he’s going to try.

Continue reading “Then Sawyer Happened by Hurri Cosmo Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Overtime by T.S. McKinney Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

T.S. McKinney - Overtime 960x350

Hi guys, we have T.S. McKinney popping in with her new release Overtime, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

T.S. McKinney - Overtime Cover



T.S. McKinney

Jagger Jameson could be the poster child for a nasty childhood campaign but he refused to allow it to dictate his future.  At an early stage, he learned to shut down all emotions and focus solely on survival.  As it turned out, survival came in the form of a basketball scholarship with the University of Kentucky Wildcats.  As the rest of the team around him focuses on having a good time and building friendships, Jagger worries only about using his talent to help him escape the life that was dealt to him.  Everything is going smoothly until somebody from his past makes a reappearance and with just the mention of a name, Jagger finds himself struggling to maintain his cool façade.

Colton Montgomery’s wealth allowed him the opportunity to have about anything in the world he could desire…except the only thing he’d ever really wanted – Jagger Jameson.  When the opportunity to try and tame his Wildcat comes his way, Colton gladly accepts the challenge.

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The Wrong Kind of Woman by Voss Porter Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Voss Porter - The Wrong Kind of Woman 960x350

Hi guys, we have Voss Porter stopping by with the cover to her upcoming lesbian release The Wrong Kind of Woman, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Voss Porter - The Wrong Kind of Woman 400x600

The Wrong Kind of Woman


Voss Porter

All of her life, Dana Anderson has done what was expected of her. She put herself through school, she worked hard for her career, and she held her brother together even after the loss of both parents. As summer comes, and her inhibitions lower, however, she finds herself face-to-face with danger, mystery and an illogical chance at true love. Will rough and ready biker, Bri Gunner, be the woman of her dreams? Or will the heat of their passing flame burn out?

Release date 18th February 2016
Pre-order: Amazon

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The Promise by Victoria Sue Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Victoria Sue - The Promise Banner FinalVictoria Sue - The Promise 960x350

Hi peeps, we have Victoria Sue popping in with the tour for her latest release The Promise, we have a short interview with Victoria, a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Leigh’s review, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~ 

Victoria Sue - The Promise cover

The Promise

Sirius Wolves 04

Victoria Sue

The time of Anubis is at hand. Working together against him, the goddess Sirius and the god Orion have helped mankind prepare by uniting Blaze, Conner, Darric, and Aden to fight the evil in the world. But in the war to come, the werewolves will need more allies, and this will extend beyond werewolf kind.

Marcus, an ex-Marine who’d lost both his legs in a landmine accident, is now Human Liaison Officer for Blaze’s pack. Having lost his lover too when the man couldn’t bear to live with a cripple, the last thing he expected was that he’d fall in love again, let alone with the werewolf Kellan who seemed to be universally hated by the pack.

The Winter Circle is moving, and a psychopathic pastor has abducted Nate, one of the wolves from Hunter’s pack. For once the wolves cannot rescue him — it has to be a human — and now Marcus must save the wolves from their biggest threat: one of their own.

If Marcus succeeds, he will bring in a new era in mankind’s battle against the power of evil, starting with a simple promise and ultimately mending four broken hearts.

Continue reading “The Promise by Victoria Sue Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

The Promise by Victoria Sue

51zwpuOEf0L._SX390_BO1,204,203,200_Title: The Promise
Series: Sirius Wolves, Part 4
Author: Victoria Sue
Genre: Paranormal
Length: Novella (142 pages)
Publisher: Dark Hollows Press (January 14th 2016)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Blurb: The time of Anubis is at hand.

Working together against him, the goddess Sirius and the god Orion have helped mankind prepare by uniting Blaze, Conner, Darric, and Aden to fight the evil in the world. But in the war to come, the werewolves will need more allies, and this will extend beyond werewolf kind.

Marcus, an ex-Marine who’d lost both his legs in a landmine accident, is now Human Liaison Officer for Blaze’s pack. Having lost his lover when the man couldn’t bear to live with “a cripple”, Marcus never expected that he’d fall in love again, let alone with the werewolf Kellan, who seemed to be universally hated by the pack.

The Winter Circle is moving, and a psychopathic pastor has abducted Nate, one of the wolves from Hunter’s pack. For once the wolves cannot rescue him — it has to be a human — and now Marcus must save the wolves from their biggest threat: one of their own.

If Marcus succeeds, he will bring in a new era in mankind’s battle against the power of evil, starting with a simple promise and ultimately mending four broken hearts.

Product Link:!the-promise/c1knf

Reviewer: Leigh

Review: This book is part of a series and should be read in order.

I was thrilled to read more about the Sirius Wolves. This series has intrigued me and drawn me in since the beginning. This book continues that theme for me. I honestly have to be careful how I write this review so I don’t drop any spoilers. Because let me tell you things happened that really shocked me.

What I can say is that Victoria Sue has done it again with this book. The writing was on point except for a few minor editing issues. But even they did not distract from the amazingly web the author created. It really left me guessing until the end.

This book gave a very awesome look into the heads of Marcus and Kellan. Marcus a human injured veteran living within the wolves’ circle of power. The way he is accepted by most of them and respected more by the wolves than most humans give was touching.

However Marcus at times has a hard time accepting and understanding it himself. Marcus may be human, but he shows the wolves something that makes them give him the utmost respect.
Kellan is hated by most of the wolves for his part in things that were beyond his control. But with Marcus and others in the inner circle he finds acceptance and his strength. It was wonderful to see him come into himself and discover his place in the pack.

I really can’t say much more about whom the other two people are in the developing relationship, but I will say I didn’t see it coming at the start. But I am far from disappointed.

This book had so many surprises around every corner and I cannot wait to see where Victoria Sue takes it next. Because let me tell you there are so many more things to discover and explore.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

James Eyre by Jade Astor Cover Reveal!

Jade Astor - James Erye Banner

Hi guys, we have Jade Astor popping in with her upcoming release James Eyre, so check out that stunning cover! <3 ~Pixie~

Jade Astor - James Erye Cover

James Eyre


Jade Astor

A gender twisting adaptation of the classic Gothic romance Jane Eyre!

In Victorian England, 21-year-old James Eyre, frightened by his feeling for another man, decides to leave the boys’ school where he has spent ten years, first as a student and then as a teacher. He manages to secure a position as a private tutor for Axel Vance, the ward of a wealthy man who owns an estate in Yorkshire. 

From the night of his arrival, James begins to sense that things are not as they should be at Thistleton Manor, the home of the enigmatic Edmond Manchester. Late at night, wild screams seem to echo through the house, and during the daytime objects disappear from James’s room and are replaced with sinister-looking voodoo dolls. Though his instincts tell him to flee, James stays on because he enjoys his duties and the company of his pupil—and even more so because he has begun to develop an attraction for his employer, Mr. Manchester. 

To his surprise, Mr. Manchester seems to return his feelings. However, a jealous former lover and a phantomlike presence in the house seem determined to tear them apart. If he is to have any hope of a happy future with the man he loves, James must solve the mystery of Thistleton Manor and save Edmond’s life as well.

Release Date 21st January 2016
Jade Astor - James Erye Banner

About Jade

Jade Astor is a longtime fan of both m/m and f/f erotic love stories, and got her start writing paranormal and sci-fan fan fiction back when such publications were still run off on photocopiers, stapled together, and shipped out to other fans in manila envelopes. Years later, she was delighted to find a thriving population of like-minded writers and readers in the ebook community. When she is not writing, Jade enjoys sculpting, tinkering with computers, and training (and retraining) her small herd of unruly but adorable rescued Chihuahuas.

Website | Dark Hollows Press Author Page | Facebook

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Mate of the Tyger Prince

51Ewe+2XXYL._SX390_BO1,204,203,200_Title: Mate of the Tyger Prince
Series: N/A
Author: Shannon West
Genre: Paranormal/Shapeshifters/M-preg
Length: Novel
Publisher: Dark Hollows Press LLC (January 19, 2016)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: Diplomatic marriages between two members of different planets certainly aren’t unheard of—but for Prince Mikos of Tygeria and Col. Ryan Donnelly of Earth, it might just be a fate worse than death.

The union is meant to end a devastating war that has lasted for over a hundred and fifty years, but when the female bride intended for the fierce, sexy prince runs away, her handsome brother is substituted instead. Men are for mating as far as the Tygerian prince is concerned, but the colonel also happens to be Mikos’s sworn enemy, not to mention being completely irritating.

Ryan is horrified to learn that the Tygerians not only expect him to take the place of his sister, marry the Bloody Prince of Tygeria, and go to live with him on his mysterious planet, but they also expect him to undergo physical alteration to have the man’s baby!

And nobody is taking hell no for an answer. Ryan’s is asked to turn his whole life upside down and the handsome Tygerian gets under his skin like nobody else. But with the fate of the universe at stake, how can he say no? Can the two enemies put aside their differences and focus on making love and not war—not to mention a baby?

As a powerful love struggles to take root, can they learn to trust each other and stand together against the forces that are trying to tear them apart?

ISBN: 978-1-944054-28-1

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Every once in a while you come across an author that not only can catch your attention with their books but keep it throughout the whole story. These books are the type that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat. Shannon West is one of those authors. Her stories not only are very entertaining but they have a world inside of them that makes you wish you were right there with them.

The characters are not only well written with a lot of depth to them, but they have you falling in love with them or wanting to shoot them. However if you cross them, they will put you down. They are very protective of their mates and their family. They will protect them with their lives if needed.

The war has been going on for quite some time and many deaths have been because of it. It is time for peace, so a diplomatic marriage has been set up. The groom is not pleased, his people pretty much prefer men yet he is set up to marry a woman. Thank god she ran while she had the chance, but her brother is about to take her place. Talk about a pissing contest between them.

Mikos is not only attracted to Ryan but he is intrigued by the man. Too bad Ryan has a major attitude. However, I think he can be forgiven considering not only does he have to have body modification done to him, but he is the one that carries the babies. He will miss his world and his life, but Mikos plans on helping him with that little detail.

Mikos and Ryan are sworn enemies so there is a lot to get over, however they will have time. The problem was Ryan considered himself completely straight, well until Miko’s kissed him.

I would definitely recommend this book and the ones before it. It was amazing and I had enjoyed it quite a bit.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Mate of the Tyger Prince BY Shannon West Book Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have Shannon West stopping by with her latest release Mate of the Tyger Prince a fantastic new sci-fi, m-preg story, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Lisa’s review so enjoy the post and click that rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~ 

Shannon West - Mate of the Tyger Prince Cover

Mate of the Tyger Prince

(Mate of the Tyger Prince 01)

Shannon West

Diplomatic marriages between two members of different planets certainly aren’t unheard of—but for Prince Mikos of Tygeria and Col. Ryan Donnelly of Earth, it might just be a fate worse than death. The union is meant to end a devastating war that has lasted for over a hundred and fifty years, but when the female bride intended for the fierce, sexy prince runs away, her handsome brother is substituted instead. Men are for mating as far as the Tygerian prince is concerned, but the colonel also happens to be Mikos’s sworn enemy, not to mention being completely irritating.

Ryan is horrified to learn that the Tygerians not only expect him to take the place of his sister, marry the Bloody Prince of Tygeria, and go to live with him on his mysterious planet, but they also expect him to undergo physical alteration to have the man’s baby! And nobody is taking hell no for an answer. Ryan’s being asked to turn his whole life upside down and the handsome Tygerian gets under his skin like nobody else. But with the fate of the universe at stake, how can he say no? Can the two enemies put aside their differences and focus on making love and not war—not to mention a baby? As a powerful love struggles to take root, can they learn to trust each other and stand together against the forces that are trying to tear them apart?

Release date 19th January 2016

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Kiss of the Alpha by Shannon West and Victoria Sue

51Twd8ZBIrL._SX390_BO1,204,203,200_Title: Kiss of the Alpha
Series: Supremacy of Wolves, #2
Author: Shannon West & Victoria Sue
Genre: Paranormal
Length: Novel (154 pages)
Publisher: Dark Hollows Press (August 26, 2015)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: Jay Tabor, rebel leader of Territory Three has done something he swore he would never do, and that’s work with Quinn, the Supreme Alpha of the Nine Territories, to save his Brother Aaron’s life. Now on the run after his rebel hideout was discovered in Virginia, Jay has found a relatively safe haven for his insurgent group deep in the mountains of Tennessee. His peace is short-lived, however, when he gains a new captive—Devon, the Alpha of Territory Three.

Devon has been beaten, tortured and starved by the rebels in an effort to “tame” him, but when he’s transferred to a new camp, he discovers not only kindness but an unwanted attraction to his new captor—one that goes both ways. Devon has finally found his true mate in Jay, but the man is his sworn enemy, and a dominant, controlling lover, who insists on his independence.

When they’re both kidnapped by forces bent on harming them, Jay has only one chance to save his wolf. He has to prove that Devon is his submissive partner and he has to do it in front of their enemies in order to save their lives.

With only one chance to make it good, he has to put on a show or risk losing his lover and his mate forever.

ISBN: 9781944054007

Product Link:!kiss-of-the-alpha/cjrv

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: This is the second book in the Supremacy of Wolves series.

Jay, rebel leader of territory three has been given a gift from another rebel. An Alpha wolf named Devon. Devon has been abused and starved and Jay is incensed that anyone or anything has been treated this way so nurses him back to help.

Amid mistrust, hope, feelings of betrayal the two men become closer. When Devon tells Jay they are mates Jay refuses him. There is so much mistrust in this book between the two. But I understood why, as Devon had been kidnapped and hurt by humans intent on harming every wolf they could. I really liked that Devon and Jay switched back and forth even though Jay was the more dominating male.

Jay was very alpha and dominating. I really enjoyed the entire book. It flowed smoothly, kept the reader’s interest by combining, suspense, adventure, action, drama and intense situations. I can’t wait to see what these two authors have in store for the next book. Fantastic story with some hot sex to add spice.

Highly recommended.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Eternal Circle by Victoria Sue Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hiya guys, we have Victoria Sue popping in today with her newest release Eternal Circle, I asked Sue a couple of questions, there’s a great excerpt, we have a brilliant giveaway and we have Leigh’s review. So check out the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

Victoria Sue - Eternal Circle Cover

Eternal Circle

(Sirius’ Wolves 03)

Victoria Sue

How can you repair something that should have been unbreakable? Darric, Blaze and Conner had been together for centuries, and their bond, like their love, should have been eternal. Blaze is trying not only to hold his family together, but stop himself falling apart.

The fragile relationship between the werewolves and the humans is at risk once more, and the goddess Sirius seems to have deserted them. Inexplicable changes are taking place to their little omega, and whilst Aden’s powers are increasing, Conner seems to be losing his.

The terrorist group, The Winter Circle, is getting bolder and placing everyone in danger. Worse, there is a traitor among them, perhaps someone a lot closer than they want to admit. Just when Blaze thought the worst that could have happened is behind them, the traitor is revealed, and Blaze realizes that their circle is not only broken, but in danger of being irreparably torn apart.

Amazon | Dark Hollow Press | ARe | Smashwords | BookStrand

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Montego Boy by Tavish Lee

montegoboyTitle: Montego Boy
Series: N/A
Author: Tavish Lee
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short (15 Pages)
Publisher: Dark Hollows Press (July 9th 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥ 2 Hearts
Blurb: There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of tourists at the resort in Montego Bay the week Mike arrives for his summer vacation, but the only one he notices is the young guy in the hotel room right next to his. Jesse’s like something from a tropical wet dream: about 18 or 19, sun bronzed from his sturdy legs to his heat bleached hair, buffed muscles glistening with suntan oil—and prone to sunbathe in nothing but a pair of expensive looking sunglasses.

The heat is on as Mike gets up his nerve, and a few other body parts, in his quest to make this one the most memorable getaway of his life!

ISBN: 978-1-94075-675-2

Product Link:!montegoboy/cowr

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This is the third book by this author and I must say as long as you like straight up porn then it is definitely for you. Older hot man sees a sexy younger man and things get hot. The problem is there is no story line what so ever.

I was quite disappointed in it, other than the fact that it is very hot sexual wise. I can really go into the story too much without giving it away. I am not sure if I would check any more books by this author.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Love Comes True by Shaye Evans

81xrTanh67L._SL1500_Title: Love Come True
Series: A Touch of Love, #7
Author: Shaye Evans
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short (35 Pages)
Publisher: Dark Hollows Press (February 13th 2015)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 2.5 Hearts
Blurb: Australian country boy Dean West grew up on a farm and as a result, he’s never had a Valentine. He hates secluded land and craves the freedom he has dreamed of – surfing and living on the coast – ever since his first visit at age eleven on one of his parent’s rare getaway holidays.

When his parents decide to holiday on the North Coast again, Dean decides to make the most of it by making some of his dreams, albeit temporarily, come true. First, he takes a dawn run along the beach and that’s where he meets Riley, a pro surfer who he feels instantly drawn to.

Sharing their mutual love of surfing, Dean and Riley begin to explore the attraction between them, but what will happen when the trip is cut short and Dean has to go home early?

Will he spend another Valentine’s Day alone and unhappy, or will another one of his dreams come true?

ISBN: 978-1-942176-63-3

Product Link:!love-come-true/c3fs

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Dean was not a cowboy. He hated the country and just wanted to be near the ocean. His parents took him there every once in a while. Here he was a gay kid in a town that is not exactly open to his kind it would seem. On holiday, he gets to spend the time at the ocean, but to his shock he finds love also. It would seem Riley was just as interested as he is.

It is a cute little story but it is told to fast for me. There is no real draw in it. I was a bit disappointed in the story. It just seems to be missing that zest for me to love it.

Like I said it is cute but too short for my liking. It actually comes off as if this author is new to writing.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Justice for Me by T.S. McKinney & B.J. Grinder Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!

T.S. McKinney & B.J. Grinder - Justice For Me 960x350

Hi guys, we have T.S. McKinney & B.J. Grinder stopping by today with their newest release Justice for Me, we have a brief interview with the authors, a great excerpt and a stunningly fabulous giveaway, so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

T.S. McKinney & B.J. Grinder - Justice For Me 1a

Justice for Me


T.S. McKinney & B.J. Grinder

All Malachi wanted was to forget about the shit-show they’d all just endured with Victor and Nicholas and spend the rest of his life with the love of his life…Megan.  That’s what he thought he wanted.  What he found out was that giving up his desire to be a Dom isn’t as easy as he thought it would be and Megan isn’t about to pretend like she is sexually submissive.  Not gonna happen!  They love each other tremendously but just need another…addition to their party of two.  Malachi needs an obedient, quiet, and trained male submissive to fulfill the Dom inside of him. Megan needs a submissive that has enough experience in the BDSM world that is still new to her.

That isn’t what either of them gets.

Justice Conners.  He’s the opposite of everything they wanted…but is he just what they both needed?

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