The Lusty Adventures of Theseus by Arthur Griffin

LustyAdventuresofTheseus[The]LGTitle: The Lusty Adventures of Theseus
Series: N/A
Author: Arthur Griffin
Genre: MMM Ménage/ Erotic Romance/ Historical Romance (Ancient Greece/Fantasy
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: The myth of Theseus and the Minotaur has never been quite this steamy!

Handsome Theseus journeys to Athens to claim his birthright as heir to the throne, and along the way he meets the roguish Pirithous, who teaches him all about matters of the heart—and body. When they reach the city, Theseus is shocked to discover that his father, the king, has a tradition of sacrificing young people to the Minotaur, the monster that inhabits the island nation of Crete.

Theseus and Pirithous, along with Iphitrion, a slave boy they befriend, set out to slay the Minotaur. After learning Crete is ruled by a mad tyrant with a fetish for orgies, Theseus puts his new skills to the test, fighting, flirting, and fornicating his way through the ranks, working his way past soldiers, satyrs, and gods alike as he attempts to accomplish his goal and save his city.

ISBN: 978-1-63477-094-1

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Reviewer: Eric

Review: Theseus, son of Aegis, is sent on an adventure of erotic proportions. He and his allies come across some very interesting people and beings that he has heard of but never seen. And when it comes to him having to do something, well, Theseus is a man who prefers to get things over with.

On his adventures, he comes across and does many things for several different beings and creatures. Some of which he has never done before. But he only has eyes for his ally, Pirithous. The more they travel the more erotic the adventure gets.

I found this piece to be amazing, addicting, and very entertaining. I look forward to reading more by this author as I’m sure you will find as much entertainment in it as I did. I love the way the story is told and the strength of the characters. The description is spot on and the heat is blazing hot.

Go for it as this book will have you more than just entertained.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Downpayment by AJ Mars

DownpaymentLGTitle: Downpayment
Series: N/A
Author: AJ Mars
Genre: Contemporary
Length: 200 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (February 15th, 2016)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: Mike Barrow and his friends are among many boys in Manchester who think the city will be their chance to improve themselves. But for now Mike is living in a damp flat with his friend Callum, and they’re both making ends meet by working the streets. When Mike meets Chris Wildsmith, a late-twenties entrepreneur, he thinks he’s hooked a job that will pay his rent for several weeks—a windfall already.

But his connection with Chris quickly goes beyond what’s normal between rent boy and client. Mike meets Chris’s friends, goes to Chris’s parties with him as his “boyfriend,” and finds himself swept up in a world he’s never known. He’s sure it’s all going to go horribly wrong, and when Chris’s work colleague figures them out and becomes violent, he’s almost proven right. But Mike isn’t the only one who has confused professionalism with something else.

The breakup that follows gives Mike the impetus he needs to relaunch himself as somebody else, a man who will hopefully be someone Chris very much wants to be with.

ISBN: 978-1-63476-911-2

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Reviewer: Eric

Review: Working the streets isn’t ideal but it gets Mike and his friends from day-to-day. But when he meets Chris all bets are off. Chris is a well to do entrepreneur that takes in Mike as his rent boy. Things start to become a bit blurred between them as something sexy develops. It is a matter of time before they make a move on each other.

This is one of those great stories that goes from great to greater. The author takes the time to surround you in the world without overdoing it. And continues to show you that fun can lead to some thing a little hotter and a lot more adventurous.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Finding the Sky by A.M. Burns

o-finding-the-skyTitle: Finding the Sky
Series: N/A
Author: A.M. Burns
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary
Length: 180 pages
Publisher: Harmony Ink Press, Dreamspinner Press (February 11th, 2016)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: For the entire school year, Dillon Smith has resisted the gang trying to coerce him into joining, and he can’t wait to escape them for the summer. Before he manages, he gets mixed up in a convenience store robbery. Due to Dillon’s late father’s involvement with the gang, no one believes Dillon was only in that store as a customer. Even his mother doubts him, so she sends him to his Uncle Bryan’s home in the country.

On the way Dylan and Bryan discover an injured hawk on the road, and they take the bird to a group of wildlife rehabbers in the area. While helping to care for the hawk, Dillon begins to see the world in new and different ways.

He even finds love with the rehabbers’ son, Scott, but the gang doesn’t plan to let Dillon get away from them without a fight.

ISBN: 978-1-63476-338-7

Product Link:

Reviewer: Eric

Review: Being in the wrong place at the wrong time seems to be an unfortunate situation for Dillon Smith. He was excited for the school year to end but when a mishap comes to be at a convenient store, his mother sends him to live with her brother in the countryside.

Out in the country, Dillon meets Scott, a boy who has some things figured out and has the charm to keep Dillon from looking back.
But when an unforeseen circumstance comes to Dillon’s mother, life gets rough and complicated for Dillon.

Scott remains nearby as a comforting shoulder but could there be more? Will something come between Scott and Dillon?

Or bring them closer together?
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

A Manx Tale by Paul Alan Fahey

18810999Title: A Manx Tale (Liars and Lovers Book 3)
Author: Paul Alan Fahey
Genre: Historical Romance
Length: Novella (92 pages)
ISBN: 9781611520132
Publisher: JMS Books LLC (November 11th, 2013)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: Caroline and Cyril have recently wed and are honeymooning on the Isle of Man, a glorious spot in the middle of the Irish Sea marked by picturesque villages, rocky cliffs, and bracing winds. Caroline is immediately drawn to the island’s history of rampaging Vikings, tales of mermaids and legendary kings, and the friendly inhabitants with quaint superstitions and proverbs. In no time, she falls in love with her surroundings.

But unexplainable events unfold, convincing her sinister forces are at work. Part by accident and part by design, Edward and Leslie join the couple, and together they must identify a turned British agent, retrieve a top-secret document, and learn the true meaning of the phrase, “It all comes back to the camps.” Will logic and reason prevail, or will a bit of magic and island whimsy save the day?
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Review: this is one of those books that had me so confused I didn’t even begin to understand what it was talking about. Of course, it didn’t help that I had started reading the third book in the series, without reading books one and two first. Overall, it was a bit confusing. But it was worth it in the end. I found this story to be quite intriguing.

Caroline and Cyril are a great couple and when they meet Edward and Leslie, things start picking up big time. I found myself intrigued by how the story was written and how the characters present and hold strong no matter what. It is amazing what a bit of strength and some danger can do for a story.

Overall, this story is strong, powerful, and mesmerizing. I found myself wanting to read it again and again. I would highly recommend this to those that like to read historical fiction and the mystery that comes with it.

Royal Line by Sean Michael

71-9fLAlvsL._SL1500_Title: Royal Line
Author: Sean Michael
Genre: Fantasy
Length: Novella (62 pages)
ISBN: 9781611246025
Publisher: Amber Allure, Amber Quill Press LLC (May 1st, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate ~ Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: Tiger-shifter Grio has one job, locating dormant tiger-shifters and introducing them to the world of Saffron Tigers. When he finds Professor Phoenix Lamoure, he soon discovers that Headquarters got a couple of key points wrong–Phoenix isn’t actually a professor, but he is Saffron Tiger royalty, a member of the lost royal line.

Phoenix didn’t have things easy growing up. His mother spent most of her life in a mental institution, and he spent his formative years in foster care. When a stranger approaches and tries to unearth his family history, Phoenix becomes wary. And when the stranger actually kidnaps him, all bets are off!

Can Phoenix ever believe what Grio has to tell him? Or will he be forever convinced that he’s as crazy as his mother is?

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A NOTE BEFORE PURCHASING: This title is part of the Purrfect Tales AmberPax™ Collection. To purchase this title individually, simply use the shopping cart on this page. To purchase this title as part of the entire AmberPax™, however, and receive an even greater discount off our normal retail price, use the shopping cart on the Purrfect Tales AmberPax™ page.

Review: I found this shifter book to be very hot. Hot enough to singe my fingertips. I loved how he wrote this book. Grio and Phoenix are amazing couple and know how to stick through things no matter what. Grio is rather stubborn but that is what makes him a good character. Both of them come across as surprisingly real for a short story. But Sean Michael shows off his strong suit when it comes to this shifter story.

The way it is written, the story comes across so amazing. So addicting to read. I simply loved it. Loved how it flowed, loved how hot the sex was and loved how no matter what there was heart to the story. And that is what does it for me. Some heart and a good strong storyline.
I would highly recommend this story for anyone that loves to read shifters and a hot couple.

Recipe for Love by Sean Michael

22016604Title: Recipe for Love, 2nd edition
Series: Spice it up
Author: Sean Michael
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (59 pages)
ISBN: 978-1-61124-596-7
Publisher: Amber Allure, Amber Quill Press LLC, (May 4th, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: Jack’s life is already on a downward spiral when his teenage daughter, Rache, shows up on his doorstep, and she’s pregnant. When he takes her to confront Billy, the boy who knocked her up on her last visit, he discovers the boy’s uncle, Dan, who is not just a fine baker, but also a real stud.

Much to Jack’s surprise, it looks like Billy is going to step up and assume his responsibilities with Rache. And for Jack, now that he’s met Daniel, could it be that the rest of his life is also looking up? Of course, there’s the small matter of Daniel not knowing that Jack is actually gay…

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Review: I found this story to be amazing, intriguing, and pretty hot. But I also found myself wondering what else was going on. But Sean Michael answered all my questions. One of my only problems was the fact the author didn’t take the time to bring me into the story. It seemed more like a random scene popped into the author’s head and he went from there. And as far as I can tell, he did pretty well with it.
Jack’s life is somewhat enriched but I couldn’t help but wonder if the story could have explained how he had a daughter in the first place. If he was straight, married, for a while or what.

But the more I read, the more I found myself getting to know the daughter and her situation. And then Dan stepped into the picture. Dan and Jack are living breathing characters that show their true colors no matter what. They are as real as you and me and they are awesome people. Responsible as well.

And as I read about the characters, I found myself immersed into the story unable to stop until it was done. The plot was resolved, but I found myself wishing the story would have gone longer. I felt somewhat disappointed, but still enjoyed it. I would recommend it to those that want to read a good story about a simple life experience and some fun.

Wholly Trinity by Shanyn Hosier

91jfGOKXpSL._SL1500_Title: Wholly Trinity
Series: Desert Ménage, #3
Author: Shanyn Hosier
Genre: MMF Ménage
Length: Novel (299 pages)
ISBN: 1495988147
Publisher: Shanyn Hoiser (February 25th, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: When John O’Brien met the love of his life, Paul Atwater, he knew they were meant to be together forever. Years later, when he met the girl of his dreams, Beth Mitchell, he was equally confident of their mutual destiny. Now that the three lovers have established a successful triadic relationship, what’s to stop them from making their happily ever after official?
Just about everything, as it turns out.

This isn’t the first time John’s had to drag Paul kicking and screaming into a deeper level of commitment. And while Paul can grudgingly admit the changes have consistently been improvements, it only makes him more certain their lucky streak is bound to run out that much sooner. Paul genuinely loves Beth, which has helped keep a damper on his jealousy so far. But she can give John the thing he now desperately wants—something impossible for Paul to compete with: a baby.

Is marriage and starting a family next in the cards for our intrepid threesome? Or will this new phase of their unconventional relationship prove to be the one that finally sends Paul packing? And when all of John’s careful plans prove inadequate in the face of tragedy, who will still be around to help pick up the pieces?

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Review: There is so much to say about this book. I love reading all different kinds of books. Gay romance, straight romance, but now I am finding a love for Ménage romance all together. This book is the third in a series and I cannot stop freaking out about how great it is.
John is a fantastic character with a lot on his plate. The more he gets through the tougher things seem to get for him. And honestly, it sucks royally. But when he meets Paul, he knows something is going right. He feels like they are forever destined to be together. To love each other. And then the two of them meet Beth. She is the perfect person to bring them into the world of love they have never considered before.

Everything about these characters shows they are like living breathing people. And it works out for both the author and the readers.
The story itself is fantastic. Fast paced, interesting, and verging on erotic, it shows just how amazing things can be when someone embraces the tough trials of life. And throughout the novel, John does just that: embraces the tough trials. Sure, everything seems like it can work out for the worst, but he figures things out. He, Paul, and Beth are on top of things without a problem.

This novel is one of those books that will help you understand and enjoy learning of the ménage romance life also known as the love triangle. In the end, you feel like you love the characters like you love your own family. I loved this novel and I think you all will too.

Love and Murder by W.S. Long

91X1+D3A7EL._SL1500_Title: Love and Murder
Author: W.S. Long
Genre: Erotic Romance/Thriller
Length: Novel (160 pages)
ISBN: 9781611525519
Publisher: JMS Books LLC (February 25th, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: Jake Chandler is a struggling small-town Florida lawyer, and his life is falling apart. His ex-wife makes seeing his daughter difficult, his boyfriend Noah may be cheating on him, and his money woes are growing. Jake hopes that a new murder defense case will help with his money woes, but his ex-wife Elena is the prosecutor. It’s bad enough she has to fight with him over custody of their daughter. Now she wants nothing more than to beat him in the courtroom, too.

And then people around him start dying.

First, an ex-lover gets his brains blown out while he and Jake have coffee. The danger comes even closer. Then Jake meets handsome FBI agent Xavier, who is investigating the crimes surrounding him. Can Jake trust this new man in his life? Is Xavier who he says he is? Or does his involvement put Jake and those he loves in even more danger?

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Review: This novel is amazing. I loved it so much. And I would highly recommend it. If you haven’t read WS Long, you should.
Jake Chandler is a good strong man who survives the worst of the worst and still manages to press on. And when he comes across a case that sweeps the rug from under him, it gets that much better. Xavier is another living breathing character that stands out strongly. Just as strongly as Jake Chandler. Over all, they are combustible and make for an incredible couple at the same time.

The story is profound, evocative, and addicting. I love a good murder thriller with a strong surprise and this has no exception to it. This book was sizzling and so amazing. I couldn’t stop reading it. The story was so good, I read it twice. And it was just as great the second time around.

If you love murder, surprise, and things to pick up when they get down, go out and get this book as soon as possible. It is so deliciously written, I couldn’t help reading it twice.

Wood, Screws and Nails by Piper Vaughn and Kade Boehme

WoodScrews&NailsLGTitle: Wood, Screws, and Nails
Author: Piper Vaughn and Kade Boehme
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Length: Novel (176 pages)
ISBN: 9781627988018
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (April 23rd, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: Aaron Costa’s summer was all planned. Despite having to remodel the family lake house, it would be a vacation of sorts, and he had every intention of enjoying it—until the friend who was supposed to help him got injured and left him in a lurch. He decides to take the opportunity to bond with his son and hires Julian and his roommate, Malachi, to assist.

As a broke college student, Malachi could use the money, and spending the summer with Aaron for eye candy sounds like a dream. “Look but don’t touch” becomes his motto. But when Julian starts flaking on his responsibilities and Malachi and Aaron are forced to spend long hours alone together, their mutual attraction is impossible to resist.
Aaron can’t fight the temptation sexy Malachi presents.

But more than their age difference stands in their way, not the least of which is Aaron’s semi-closeted status and the fact that he’s never openly discussed his sexuality with his son. He has no idea how Julian will react when he learns his father is not only gay, he’s also dating his best friend.
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Review: Yummy, amazing, and sexy as hell are three words I would use to describe this novella. Powerful, emotional, and fun are another three. Honestly, this is one of those books that is so worth it. Piper Vaughn is a new author and knows what she is doing.
Aaron has it all figured out. He has a plan to get a house remodelled in time for a sale in August. But when Malachi comes around willing to do some work to help out, Aaron finds himself consumed and distracted by Malachi’s beauty. A story that is worth the read and amazing as ever, this novella is one for the perfect reads list.

Aaron has his flaws and stands strong no matter what. Malachi is one of those men that doesn’t give up on what he wants when he wants it. And he wants Aaron. A story of understanding, construction, and some hot sex, this is a worthwhile read. I highly recommend it to those that want to have a nice good read. It takes place during the summer but it is perfect for any time of year.

Go on out and get a copy. You won’t regret it at all.

Tri Me by Shanyn Hosier

71BQYbXd6ML._SL1275_Title: Tri Me

Series:  Desert Menage, #2
Author: Shanyn Hosier
Genre: Ménage, MMF
Length: Novel (315 pages)
Publisher: Shanyn Hosier (January 6th, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: Saying “I love you” has never been easy for Dr. Paul Atwater. It took him years to say the words to the love of his life, John O’Brien. And yet, as they open their relationship to a vivacious blonde over the summer, Beth Mitchell seems determined to worm her way not only into his life, but also into his cold, prickly heart as well. No matter how hard he tries to resist.

Fearing exposure could ruin their careers, friendships, even family bonds, Paul and his lovers move forward cautiously. But regardless of their efforts to be discreet, prying eyes threaten to reveal their secret. Troubled romantic pasts come back to haunt them. Attempted blackmail by coworkers, a disapproving mother, and multiple bids to break up the threesome by Beth’s friends all threaten the tender feelings and fragile trust starting to build between them.

Facing the scrutiny of a judgmental world, will the triad buckle under the disapproval of their taboo relationship? Will jealousies and insecurities cause it to crumble from within? Or will they find the strength to choose this new and surprising love over careers, friends, even family?

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Review: I cannot help the fact this novel is amazing. Just as the other one prior, I think it is for those that want to read something new. Shanyn is one of those authors to keep an eye out on. When I started this novel, I found myself fascinated. And now, I am glad I went for it. I would highly recommend this series be read in order.

The more I read about Paul, John, and Beth, the more I fell in love with their characterization. The author cleanly executed the characters and made them living, breathing people. It makes for something so interesting and never lets the reader become bored. The way she writes them makes them seem like they are honest, amazing characters with their flaws just as people do.

The storyline stands out so beautifully, so strongly, it will intrigue the reader. As Paul and John pursue further into their relationship, Beth works on worming her way into their love lives. And it begins to upset them both. Do they understand she wants to be with them? To be a part of the beautiful love they share?

Over all, this novel is beautiful, amazing and then some. I cannot wait to see what she comes up with next. This novel is so worth the money and the time. Go out and get it. You will not regret it. But remember: read this series in order as this is the second book.

In Trouble with Angels by Felicitas Ivey

InTroubleWithAngelsLGTitle: In Trouble with Angels
Author: Felicitas Ivey
Genre: Holiday/Paranormal/Angels and Demons/Humor
Length: Short (40 pages)
ISBN: 9781627987561
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (February 3rd, 2014)
Heat level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: With the increasing commercialization of Valentine’s Day in the 1950s, the Pagan deities of Love, led by Eros, gather to make sure everything runs smoothly. Shy, quiet angel Shateiel offers help, and Eros is quite taken with the cute angel, though he keeps his lust to himself. When the higher-level angels discover Shateiel’s little rebellious streak and how he’s been spending his time, they intervene to keep him from falling from grace. Now, Eros may wish he’d admitted his feeling before it was too late.
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Review: This book was downright amazing. I found it so fresh to read of angels and demons, and goddesses and gods of love. The book held such a fun ring to it. The freshness of the story had me curious and kept me that way until the story ended. I found the character Eros to be downright fun. He had a way about him that kept me interested and curious how he handled things.

The characters were great and unique. The plot was addicting. And when it finished I wished it hadn’t. I wanted to read so much more about it. This author truly does have the gift to write great books. I look forward to seeing what Felicitas Ivey comes up with next.

Her work is downright superb. Highly recommended.

Frankie & Al by Sue Brown

FrankieandAlLGTitle: Frankie & Al
Author: Sue Brown
Genre: Contemporary/Humor
Length: Novel (158 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (March 21st, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: Dumped by his boyfriend, Frankie Mason goes out with the girls, gets totally trashed, and ends his night by falling in front of a taxi. He’s rescued by a man with beautiful green eyes who takes care of him until he’s put into an ambulance. Frankie curses himself as he realizes he doesn’t have the man’s phone number. Still in pain a few days later, he is dragged out to a club only to be saved by Green Eyes once more. This time, he isn’t letting the man go.

Unfortunately, Frankie has to attend a team-building exercise, nicknamed Womb Weekend, organized by his company. Al is working so he doesn’t mind, until he discovers who the team leader is. Al has a lot of explaining to do!

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Review: This is another example of Dreamspinner Press’s eye for excellently written romance. And with Sue Brown’s excellent storyline, there is no way this is book is a disappointment.

When Frankie gets broken up with, he goes through a small stage of depression. He figures the only way to get over being broken up with is to devour himself in liquor. It is amazing how Sue Brown knows how to write the perfect characters. The way Frankie and Al interact and go about their daily lives is purely entertaining and then some.

The story is so interesting, fast paced, and strong. I love how Frankie and Al interact and how their interaction with each other fuels the story, keeping it fresh and interesting. And the more I read into it, the more addicted I became. Overall, it is fast paced, interesting, and well worth the money put forth to it. Go out and get it today.

Malting by Sean Michael

91hXcryPLUL._SL1500_Title: Malting

Series: Beer and Clay
Author: Sean Michael
Genre: Erotic Romance
Length: Novella (132 pages)
Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing (February 20th, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: This is book one in the Beer and Clay series
Sometimes unpredictable is exactly what’s needed, but can Corner Pub owner Damon convince shy Thursday night regular Toby of that?

Damon loves his life—his bar, his employees and his beer. He especially loves Thursdays. That’s when the mysterious little redhead dances into his bar, drinks two honey wheat brews, and flits right back out.

Toby’s comfortable. He has a good job, great friends, and he is paid to do what he loves—sculpt. His life is great, if a little predictable. And if he secretly wears a plug to Corner Pub every Thursday, well…that’s nobody’s business but his.

But when Toby meets Damon, his predictable little life flies right out the window. Damon shows him the big, wide world of the Dom/sub lifestyle, plugs and piercings, and teaches him that maybe, unpredictable is exactly what Toby needed all along.
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Review: Enthralling, interesting, and erotic as hell, this novella is deliciously written. Sean Michael is not afraid to go there and bring you into the worlds he writes. I love his work.

Damon knows how to get under people’s skin and into their minds. He runs and owns the Pub. And as works his job, he keeps an eye on Toby a regular. Toby is one of those regular people who has almost nothing special going on for him. But when he meets Damon, he cannot help the range of emotions that flow through him.

Hot sexy and erotic, I love everything about this book. The story is hot and solid. The way Damon and Toby interact makes me want to know them more. And just when I think I know nothing about these two, I find out it is in a series. I cannot wait to start reading the next book. It is so worth the read.

At the Lake House by Parker Linn

71qz2rOG11L._SL1500_Title: Escort 5: At the Lake House
Author: Parker Linn
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short (43 pages)
Publisher: Amber Allure, Amber Quill Press (March 5th, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate/Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: The sequel to Amber Allure’s best-selling The Escort: A Night On The Town…
As a professional escort, Ryan James’ job is to service his clients, be it simply to accompany them somewhere socially or to provide more intimate services.
Lately, Ryan has been feeling restless. He’s long overdue for a vacation, and when former client Patrick Armstrong asks Ryan to babysit his friend, Simon, who is suffering the aftermath of a bad breakup, Ryan jumps at the chance.
But what starts as a working vacation at Patrick’s country retreat in upstate New York takes a sudden and unexpected turn when Simon makes Ryan an offer he can’t refuse…
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Review: I love nothing more than for a comfortable story to come my way. And when I heard about this story and saw what it was about, I had to get it. It is the fifth in a series and I don’t recommend you read this book series out of order. I don’t know what it is about this book but it is alluring and interesting. Once I started reading it, I found Ryan to be smooth and well written. He knows how to take care of his clients. And he soon learns what they look for. Patrick is the client and he knows what he wants. And when he comes across Ryan, he finds himself unable to stop staring. Thank god for having Ryan as his escort.

The story is hot, fluid, and sensual. Amazing, sexy. This story is so worth it. And it is well priced too. I would highly recommend this story to those that like hot romances that don’t cross too far into the other side of romance. I would highly recommend it and say that it is best to read this series in order.

Owning Corey by Maris Black

81bPApS6+2L._SL1500_Title: Owning Corey
Author: Maris Black
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novel (312 pages)
Publisher: Maris Black Books (August 12th, 2013)
Heat Level: Moderate/Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: WHEN introverted doctor Ben Hardy’s high maintenance girlfriend wants to introduce a little more kink into their love life, he doesn’t expect it to come in the form of the hunky EMT who just moved to Blackwood. Ben’s not gay, but DAMN! He can definitely see why all the women turn to mush when the new guy is around. Baby blue eyes, flirtatious smile, body of an underwear model…

The prospect of being naked in the same room with him is horrifying. So why the hell is Ben actually considering it?
COREY Butler desperately needs to leave his shady past behind, and the microscopic town of Blackwood is just the place to do it. No drama, no danger, no sleeping under bridges… What he doesn’t need is a huge crush on someone who’s completely out of his league. When Dr. Hardy’s gorgeous girlfriend propositions him for a threesome, he knows the smart thing would be to say no.

Of course, it would. But then Corey’s never been known for making smart decisions.

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Review:  Something about this novel makes me smile a lot. As I read it, I found myself intrigued and then some. Maris Black certainly knows how to write a good strong novel.

Ben Hardy is a strong, believable character. There is something about Ben that I cannot quite put my finger on but I like it. Corey is a fantastic character that shows how even a bad past can be gotten over. And honestly, I love how Maris shows the way of a threesome turning into something much more beautiful.

The storyline itself is so addicting and intriguing. You never expect to read a story of something so hot but Maris Black is not afraid to go “there” and show you a fun, good, hot time. Honestly, it is the kind of storyline that I hope to see something just as strongly of in her future novels.

There is something about Maris’s novels that always makes me want to buy them right off the bat. How intriguing, sexy, and hot they can be. How the author shows excellence in the knowledge of writing beautiful characters. And the sex scenes are hot as hell.

I would highly recommend Maris’s books with no problem.

As You Like It by Pelaam

71xuWFr9ACL._SL1425_Title: As You Like It

Author: Pelaam

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Short (47 pages)

ISBN: MLR-1-02014-0213

Publisher: MLR Press

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Eric

Blurb: When Noah meets Jacob, the heat isn’t limited to the kitchen.

When Noah contacts ‘As You Like It’ to cook a meal and help decorate his home for his visiting family, he doesn’t expect Jacob, a chef as tasty as he is talented, to turn up at his door. The attraction between them simmers slowly, and finally boils over. However, a misunderstanding threatens to sour their burgeoning relationship.

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Review: Noah contacts a business to prepare a meal for him and what he gets is more than he has bargained for. This story is amazing. I found Noah and Jacob to be quite delicious. They stand out strong and hold their own when the time comes. And the lovemaking in this story is delicious.

I feel like Pelaam definitely knew what she was writing about and had great story flow to. She proved she knows what she is doing when it comes to writing sexy erotic romances. And it shows for sure throughout the story. The storyline remained strong and then some. The sex scenes were finger licking good and the characters were delivered perfectly.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone that likes erotic romances and/or wants to give them a go. You won’t regret purchasing this book!

For My Brothers by Mark Abramson

ForMyBrothers_100dpi_cvrTitle: For My Brothers

Author: Mark Abramson

Genre: Memoir

Length: 437 pages

ISBN: 9781925031768

Publisher: Wilde City Press (January 22nd, 2014)

Heat: N/A

Heart: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Eric

Blurb: Mark Abramson was a bartender on Castro Street, Haight Street, and South of Market during the worst years of the AIDS crisis, roughly from 1984 to 1996 when new life-saving drugs came on the market. He was also involved in several of the major fundraising events of the times, from gay bars to the waterfront piers of San Francisco and theaters in between.

For My Brothers is filled with true stories of encounters with Connie Francis, Johnnie Ray, and Christine Jorgensen, plus friendships with Al Parker, John Preston, and Sylvester and dozens of lesser known characters who deserve to be remembered.

Purchase Link:

Review: This book was amazing! I’ve never read a memoir before, but I found this book to be addicting. Getting the insight on an author that had understood and truly got through the tough times was riveting to me. The more I read the more I wanted to know and the book answered all my questions. When I finished it, I felt like I could truly get why the author did what he did. I couldn’t get enough of it.

Getting a taste of history and the reasoning behind it. It was like getting a history lesson but in a fresh fun way. I loved the fact he included the encounters with singers and friendships. I couldn’t get enough of this book. It is so worth it.

Highly recommended.

Blind Beauty by Elyzabeth M. Valey

20721623Title: Blind Beauty

Series:  The Witchs’ Mischief, #2

Author: Elyzabeth M. Valey

Genre: Historical/Fantasy/Naughty Fairy Tales

Length: Novella (57 pages)

ISBN: 9781771307178

Publisher: Evernight Publishing

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Reviewer: Eric

Blurb: James Macintosh is hours away from his new home. He’s ready to live a secluded life away from all the rumors, insults, and disgusted faces concerning his appearance. However, a meeting with a mysterious woman and her child, mingled with a sudden harsh snowstorm, will set him down a very different path than the one he had originally envisioned.

Richard Randywine is an accidental fugitive living with a band of rowdy thieves. A good man at heart, he has gotten used to hiding his emotions behind his strapping muscles and brute strength. Yet, when the thieves ambush an unsuspecting rider, Richard is forced to drop his mask and step forward.

Will both men be able to see what lies before them or will they be blind to the possibility of happiness?

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Review: I found this book to be beautiful. To me, James and Richard are good people motivated by their own means. The storyline is solid and interesting for sure.

James Macintosh is a curious guy that is ready to find himself living away from the tough life, the drama of the big city. He is done with it. Richard is running from a group of people who wants him to do bad when he wants to be good. Both of them stood out in their own manner and that is clear to the reader.

The more I read into the book, the more I loved the storyline. It stands solid and then some. I found myself wanting to read more of Elyzabeth’s story but overall I felt it was a bit too short. I hoped it would have been longer but it wasn’t. So for that, I was disappointed.

But I would recommend this book overall. It is pretty good and knows how to keep interest from the start.

Pukawiss the Outcast by Jay Jordan Hawke

PukawissLGTitle: Pukawiss the Outcast

Author: Jay Jordan Hawke

Genre: Contemporary/Young Adult

Length: Novel (204 pages)

ISBN: 9781627986472

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press, Dreamspinner Press (January 16th, 2014)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Eric

Blurb: When family complications take Joshua away from his fundamentalist Christian mother and leave him with his grandfather, he finds himself immersed in a mysterious and magical world. Joshua’s grandfather is a Wisconsin Ojibwe Indian who, along with an array of quirky characters, runs a recreated sixteenth-century village for the tourists who visit the reservation. Joshua’s mother kept him from his Ojibwe heritage, so living on the reservation is liberating for him. The more he learns about Ojibwe traditions, the more he feels at home.

One Ojibwe legend in particular captivates him. Pukawiss was a powerful Manitou known for introducing dance to his people, and his non-traditional lifestyle inspires Joshua to embrace both his burgeoning sexuality and his status as an outcast. Ultimately, Joshua summons the courage necessary to reject his strict upbringing and to accept the mysterious path set before him.

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Review: Overall, this book is a fresh take on the world and how someone’s heritage takes part in their life. And as I read it, I wanted to know more. But the book clearly took care of my questions.

I loved this novel from the start to the end. I’m not one for digging into a character’s heritage and learning about that character’s life but this was beautiful. Joshua is one of those characters that stand out in a crowd and for good reasons. He has to face his mother and her strict Christian values and at the same time, he has his grandfather thrusting Ojibwe beliefs on him.

Another thing is how the story flows. The storyline is solid and to the point. It makes for a strong read and then some. The kind of novel that keeps you interested and doesn’t preach at you. I found this novel to keep me interested. I never saw a dry point in my opinion.

When I read, I found myself curious about the Objbwe tribe the novel managed to answer every last one of them. In the end, I was highly satisfied with the novel. Jay clearly knew what he was getting into when he wrote this novel and knew how it was going to end. He had a clear mind on this the whole time.

I would highly recommend this novel. Not just for the characters but also the strong story that makes the reader want to know more.

Beloved Pilgrim by Christopher Hawthorne Moss

BelovedPilgrimLGTitle: Beloved Pilgrim, 2nd edition

Author: Christopher Hawthorne Moss

Genre: Transgender//European/Historical

Length: Novel (304 pages)

ISBN: 9781627985390

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press, Dreamspinner Press (January 23rd, 2014)

Heat Level: moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Eric

Blurb: At the time of the earliest Crusades, young noblewoman Elisabeth longs to be the person she’s always known is hidden inside. When her twin brother perishes from a fever, Elisabeth takes his identity to live as a man, a knight. As Elias, he travels to the Holy Land, to adventure, passion, death, and a lesson that honor is sometimes found in unexpected places.

Elias must pass among knights and soldiers, survive furious battle, deadly privations, moral uncertainty, and treachery if he’ll have any chance of returning to his newfound love in the magnificent city of Constantinople.

First edition by Nan Hawthorne published by Shieldwall Books, February 2011

Purchase Link:

Review: There is so much to say about this novel. It is amazing, sentimental, personal, surprising, and then some. Once the reader starts going for it, they won’t be able to stop reading it. There is too much to like for someone to not like it. I couldn’t stop reading it once I started.

Elizabeth has a lot on her hands. Everything from the longing to be a male, to the fact she is loving family. She wants nothing more than to be like the boys. To fight in a battle that can very well take her life with no issue. When she does something that is less than acceptable, she dives into what her brother with the intentions of showing the honor and courage he did.

The storyline remained a constant surprise, amazement and never a boring moment. The more I read, the more I liked this novel. And I could tell the author put everything he could into writing this book. He had a clear knowledge of what he wanted and went for it. And it shows through the novel.

Altogether, I found this novel to be beautifully written, strongly executed and a perfect novel if there ever is. I would highly recommend this novel to everyone that wants to read a strong novel that shows a sense of care and the courage one needs to keep going when times get bad.