Hi guys, we have T.A. Moore stopping by today with her up coming release Wolf At The Door, we have short guest post from T.A., a great excerpt and a fantastic $15 Amazon GC giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~
Wolf At The Door
(Winter Wolf 03)
T.A. Moore
For Jack and Gregor, the exiled Wolf Princes of the Scottish pack, it’s someplace they never wanted to leave. For Danny, who fled as soon as he could, it’s someplace he never planned to return. As for Nick, pathologist and carrion bird, he has nowhere else to be.
It offers only one thing—the Old Man’s help in putting down the bloody-handed treachery from the prophets who dogged them all the way from Durham. The twins’ father is many things, not all of them kind, but not even the prophets would cross him.
But when they finally arrive home, they find the Old Man gone and the prophets’ puppet installed in his place. Outnumbered, bereaved, and haunted by old mistakes, the four of them must discover the prophet Rose’s plan before it’s too late. As the stakes rise and the cold settles into their bones, they find that the old fairy tales hide horrors under their pretty words.
In the Highlands, Fenrir has stirred, and he’s hungry.
The prophets have always said that a Wolf Winter is red as blood—but they never said whose.
Blurb:Superpowered teen Sam, and his boyfriend, Harry, are already struggling to navigate being gifted in a normal world, and their problems are about to get deadlier.
Their oldest enemy, Caleb Reed, will stop at nothing to capture Sam and force him to use his abilities for Reed’s benefit. Though their team of friends and allies steps up to watch their backs, Reed sneaks past their defenses time and time again, leading Sam to wonder if one of their own has betrayed them.
When Reed threatens the life of a friend, Sam is forced to make the most difficult decision of his life—one with consequences he can’t even imagine.
Review: I liked this sequel to Harry and Sam’s previous story. There are twists and turns as Sam struggles with his growing abilities and keeping them a secret from Harry. But there is someone who is bound and determined to get Sam to use said powers for their own gain.
The story see’s things on a deeper level as the group tries to navigate their way through a throng of people with bad intentions. Sam for his part struggles with his secret plus the dreams he’s been having. There are great characters throughout that bring this story to life with amazing details that capture your attention and keep it riveted until the end.
I enjoyed the first book in this series as well as this book. An amazing addition to the series that held me spell bound from to start to finish.
Blurb:Jazz Vanessen is weird—and not just because he’s a werewolf. For most of his life, he’s felt different from his alpha male brothers and friends. Since he’s adopted, he can’t even blame it on family.
Now eighteen, Jazz meets his idol, the social activist Lysandra Mason, and her breathtaking nephew, Dash Mercury. When Dash is around, even stranger things start to happen, including Jazz falling hopelessly in lust. Not only is Jazz having visions, making people disappear, and somehow turning invisible, but somebody’s following him and threatening to reveal his pack’s secrets to the world.
Together with Dash and Jazz’s equally amazing friends—Carla, BeBop, Khadija, and Fatima—they discover the danger is even more lethal than they thought, and Jazz’s weirdness may save all their lives. .
Review: This is a spin off to the Harker’s Pack series. I read those books years ago and forget them.
A lot of information regarding the characters from those books take up a lot of room in the beginning. There was so much I felt bogged down at times. But then it levels off and we get to Jazz and Dash’s story which I liked but felt it was too fast paced at times and sometimes there were things that did not make sense.
Never the less this story, when it gets going, is intriguing and I enjoyed the plot and the new characters introduced. Jazz’s power was interesting and the way it played out was entertaining. The mystery was well written with a side of danger.
Genre: Other Paranormal, Science Fiction, Teen Fiction
Length: Novel (204pgs)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 3, 2015)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts
Blurb: Being different can be dangerous, and discovery can be deadly.
High school freshman James Kerr is finding out he’s not quite like his classmates. Around the time he realizes he’s attracted to his best friend, Paul Schmitz, James starts channeling a dead writer’s poetry and also discovers he has an ability to manipulate energy—a super power. Before James can figure out why this is happening to him, tragedy strikes in the form of Paul’s abusive father, and James is sent to a government-run school, The Paragon Academy, which specializes in juvenile paranormal research. There, he meets Lumen, the daughter of a famous Korean actress. Lumen’s psychic ability might be the key to helping James understand both his poems and his own power.
Review: Interesting story about James who comes into extraordinary powers and struggles to understand what is happening to him. Then he’s sent off to a gifted school to help him in his quest for control where he meets other students like himself.
Meanwhile the boy he has feelings for, his best friend Paul, disappears.
I loved the mystery and the suspense surrounding James as he seeks for the truth. There are many twists and turns as the story progresses. A lot happens that gives the book an X-Men feel to it which I loved.
The answers are sometimes not what James was expecting when they are discovered. This was a complex story with many characters that added depth to the story. Not everything was self explanatory but that added to the story.
Blurb: Jeremy Spencer never imagined the occult order he and his boyfriend, Bowyn, started as a joke in college would become an international organization with hundreds of followers. Now a professor with expertise in Renaissance music, Jeremy finds himself drawn back into the world of free love and ceremonial magick he’d left behind, and the old jealousies and hurt that separated him from Bowyn eight years ago seem almost insignificant.
Then Jeremy begins to wonder if the centuries-old score he’s been asked to transcribe hides something sinister. With each stanza, local birds flock to the old mansion, a mysterious fog descends upon the grounds, and bats swarm the temple dome. During a séance, the group receives a cryptic warning from the spirit realm. And as the music’s performance draws nearer, Jeremy realizes it may hold the key to incredible power—power somebody is willing to kill for.
Review: Jeremy is drawn back into the occult order he helped found many years ago. With the temptation of transcribing a score of Renaissance music never heard of before, he returns to a world and a lover he left behind. Re-entering a world of free love and occult magick, Jeremy begins to wonder if the score hides a dark purpose and can he really trust some of the people that surround him, when strange events begin to happen.
Well, this story takes you on a journey leading you down a path that many view as suspect and some view as cult. It shows us a side of the occult that many don’t look at; mixing music with magick and that’s where Jeremy comes in. Jeremy is contacted by his old lover, Bowyn, to help transcribe an old score said to be written by Ficino, a Renaissance scholar. A score that has never been published or transcribed before. The temptation is too much and Jeremy is pulled back into a world he walked away from. Jeremy still loves Bowyn and finds it difficult at times to remember why he walked away, but remembers when jealousy starts to creep in. Deciphering the score isn’t all that easy, but as Jeremy starts to piece together the music he discovers that it may not be as benign as he first thought. and mysterious sinister events point to someone who is determined to perform the ritual at all costs.
I will be the first to hold my hands up and say that some of the details in this book flew over my head no matter how detailed the explanations were. Renaissance music, occult and alchemy might make a great background for a slightly sinister book, but having no grasp for even the basics made it harder to grasp the full details and intent of what the characters were hoping to achieve. But, saying that I still enjoyed this book. It’s very well written and draws you in as the story unfolds. And it has suspense and mystery woven through, adding a sinister undertone. Although there is a basic relationship between Bowyn and Jeremy and they apparently love each other, they still have sex and fool around with others. I can’t actually say that they get a happily ever after, but it is a happily for them arrangement.
The mystery and suspense are good and leaves a thread of tension throughout the book. There’s death and betrayal, love and hope and occult dealings. I actually think this is an intriguing story that shows a ‘whiter’ or good side to the occult. It has informative information and you can see that the author has done a lot of research.
I will recommend this to those who love mystery and suspense, occult dealings, twists, betrayal, underhand dealings, murder and manipulation and a happy for them ending.
Blurb: The world ends not with a bang, but with a downpour. Tornadoes spin through the heart of London, New York cooks in a heat wave that melts tarmac, and Russia freezes under an ever-thickening layer of permafrost. People rally at first—organizing aid drops and evacuating populations—but the weather is only getting worse.
In Durham, mild-mannered academic Danny Fennick has battened down to sit out the storm. He grew up in the Scottish Highlands, so he’s seen harsh winters before. Besides, he has an advantage. He’s a werewolf. Or, to be precise, a weredog. Less impressive, but still useful.
Except the other werewolves don’t believe this is any ordinary winter, and they’re coming down over the Wall to mark their new territory. Including Danny’s ex, Jack—the Crown Prince Pup of the Numitor’s pack—and the prince’s brother, who wants to kill him. A wolf winter isn’t white. It’s red as blood.
Review: Dog Days is a paranormal, shape shifter book set in a dystopian post-apocalyptic future by TA Moore. Sounds like a mouthful, right?
So, I feel like I’ve had my own Mandela moment (bringing the conspiracy theories, I know probably not cool). I say this because I was absolutely convinced that I’ve read TA Moore before and even had another audio. but no, I haven’t. I see no trace of book, audio or even a review I’ve written for TA Moore. Therefore, I went into this one blind and with mixed feelings. This is because I find post-apocalyptic books hit and miss and my enjoyment very much depends on my mood, especially when it isn’t a rose-tinted end of humanity trope. The very nature of the genre also means that romance usually takes a back seat to the crazy shit happening as the world goes to hell. Fair warning, this is for people that like their dystopian futures and the characters dark, unsafe and gritty where survival instincts reign if you hope to survive the day. If you’re looking for something that is primarily romance, this probably isn’t your thing.
Moore has created an intricate world. The start is kind of like The Day After Tomorrow. When storms take over the world and so many millions die, especially the humans because the conditions are hostile and no amount of technology can prepare the populations for this scale of disaster. Danny Fennick, who lives and teaches in Durham, England, is a weredog and decides to go back to the Scottish Highlands where he had grown up as he prepares to live out the storm. However, being a dog when werewolves want to take over is just as dangerous and deadly to him as the storm that killing so many.
Jack, who happens to be Danny’s ex, is the crown prince of his pack. The biggest problem is that his own brother wants him dead and he has been banished from his pack for being gay. Jack is tough and rough, he has to be to not only survive the oncoming wolf winter, but to also survive being banished in this weather. Jack needs to be prepared to do anything to survive because that is what world requires for him.
This is a complex story where the characters come to life in this dark world, they are extremely well fleshed out making it much easier for me to understand their motivations and harshness of the world that they live in. Danny is the most relatable character, he is like the connection to humanity and he is reader’s bridge to understand Jack’s raw instinctive nature.
Derrick McClain did an awesome job of narrating this story. I love his narration and Dog Days is no exception. In the other audio I have narrated by him my collection is four contemporary romances, one light hearted shape shifter romance and this one. I hadn’t known what to expect, especially from a story that is very much in an English setting, but it was amazing. I really loved how he was able to do distinct voices for characters, especially with accents. He also managed to convey the emotions so well.
While cutting through the Interstices—the post-creation gap between realms—Smith, half-demon tech specialist for Enchanted Occasions Event Planning, spies the person he yearns for daily but dreads seeing again: the ifrit, Hashim of the Windrider clan.
On their one literally smoldering night together, Smith, stupidly besotted, revealed his true name—a demon’s greatest vulnerability. When Hashim didn’t return the favor, then split the next morning with no word? Message received, loud and clear: Thanks but no, thanks.
Although Hashim had burned to return Smith’s trust, it was impossible. The wizard who conjured him holds his true name in secret, and unless Hashim discovers it, he’ll never be free.
When their attraction sparks once more, the two unite to search for Hashim’s hidden name—which would be a hell of a lot easier if they didn’t have to contend with a convention full of food-crazed vampires on the one day out of the century they can consume something other than blood.
But if they fail, Hashim will be doomed to eternal slavery, and their reignited love will collapse in the ashes.
Luckily Smith is the guy who gets shit done. And Hashim is never afraid to heat things up.
Review: Devouring Flame is the second book in EJ Russell’s Enchanted Occasions series, which is also apart of the Dreamspun Beyond line. This works as a standalone book, as there is only a passing mention of one of the MCs from the previous book, but no mention of anything that had happened in Nudging Fate (Enchanted Occasions book 1).
Smith is half-demon, half-human (something that echoes from the first book with Anders). He is an event planner for Enchanted Occasions and while slipping between realms in Vegas (because of course the Sin City is basically the Hellmouth) he encounters the one being that he had dreamed of his happily ever after with. Hashim is an ifrit and despite knowing that Smith is the other half of his soul, he can’t give himself to the man that he felt such a strong connection to because he is a slave for a master that keeps Hashim’s true name from him. The catch is for demons, to be able to mate and bind their lives together, they need to exchange true names. While Smith is heartbroken because he has done so for Hashim, he does not realise the trouble that Hashim is in, and the evil wizard that is holding so many paranormals in their own personal hell.
Somehow, these guys have to conquer evil, find Hashim’s real name and somehow also work one of the major events of the century, where vampires hold a convention on the one day that they can consume real food. It’s a melting pot of drama, but Hashim will do anything to have Smith’s trust back, and Smith will do anything to help the man who holds his heart.
This is a good book for those that like a story where two people overcome a misunderstanding to finally find love again, because at the heart of it, that is the main theme of this book. It was fun and I found myself quickly invested in the lives of Smith and Hashim. The other workers of Enchanted Occasions are also quirky and I am hoping that we get to see some of those guys have their own HEA. I would also love to know more of the story of the cute minotaur Rion.
Claw—fearless leader of Seattle’s Team 32—has faced many dangers during more than a century and a half as a dreamcatcher. Yet nothing has ever scared him more than his obsession with Nathan Gallagher. Tormented by visions and dreams about the man ever since he first laid eyes on him, Claw now has to deal with living under the same roof with the object of his most ardent desires. And Nathan is so much more than a simple crush.
Brother of the caster who’s been plaguing Team 32’s area and less-than-willing houseguest of the team after a strange break-in attempt, Nathan may hold the key to finally apprehending his sister and putting a stop to the havoc she’s wreaking on Queen Anne…. Meanwhile, Nathan’s wreaking some havoc of his own on Claw’s heart.
Review: Lover Behind Enemy Lines is the third book in Liv Olteano’s Dreamcatchers series and is part of the house line Dreamspun Desires. My only experience in reading anything by the author is this series, but so far I like what I’ve read in terms of character development, romance, action and writing style.
The story focuses on the last single member of Seattle’s Team 32 of Dreamcatchers, who battle against the life draining spaga to keep the general populous safe. I highly recommend reading this series in order because there is an overarching storyline that is the entire basis for the backstory of the two MCs. Yet in saying that this book is definitely my favourite in the series, followed by book 1. I’m not sure if I just connected with the characters better, found their backstory a lot more intriguing or if it was just the result of two books of build up and I wanted to see the tough leader Claw get a HEA. Most likely it was a combination of all.
Aside from Claw, the other MC of this book is Nathan Gallagher. He pops up in book 2, where he is captured breaking into Team 32’s sanctuary and it was quickly realised that he is the brother to the team’s greatest enemy, a ley line witch with power to drain life from anyone, and she has been doing so at an alarming rate. Her evil needs to stop and the team need answers from Nathan.
However, Claw finds his feelings in turmoil, because something so primitive forms a connection between the two men. Claw is close to two hundred years old, he has seen a lot in his long life and he has loved in the past, as a very young man. Now Nathan is challenging his personal feelings while Nathan’s family are behind a situation that could kill many, including the team.
There is a lot of mistrust (understandably) but they work to form the trust so that the Team can stop the evil witch, which unfortunately for Nathan means that he finds out some horrifying truths about his family. Nathan has a really fascinating storyline, both his connection to Claw and his powers are really interesting and he is discovering a lot about himself while growing closer to Claw. The two have a wonderful chemistry, but there is enough mistrust and urgency in the current situation to be able to keep the instalove at bay.
This is a great end to the Dreamcatchers series and I really enjoyed every minute of it. If you’ve read previous books in the series, I don’t think you’d be disappointed, as per my opinion above. If you’re into the demon chasing, witch or spiritual side of paranormal romances this is good book (series) to get into.
Blurb:It’s no surprise teens Sam and Harry are inseparable. Harry’s ability to fly manifested at age ten—when he saved Sam’s life. Since then, Sam’s made it his mission to shield Harry from danger. They’re being watched by people with an unknown agenda, and their only chance is to run.
An encounter with Jonah Clayton and the group of gifted teens he’s training means a place for Harry and insight into his powers. But is there a place for an ordinary kid like Sam, or has he reached the end of his quest to help his best friend? Jonah’s group isn’t as benign as it seems, however, and the danger is far from over. Harry still needs Sam—who is far more than anyone can imagine.
Review: I always enjoy reading about characters with unique abilities. It intrigues me as to how they cope with them and use them. Harry has the ability to fly. He uses it for the first time to save Sam when they were younger. Now they are together and on the run from someone.
I loved these two together. There is romance but the sex is off page which was fine with me. Jonah is a questionable character when Harry and Sam meet him. He wants to train Harry without Sam around. There are others with Jonah who are also being trained how to use their abilities.
A good mix of characters with abilities and some that are either shady or mean what they say. I loved reading this story. I hope there will be another book to further the story a long.
Genre: Historical Americas, Western, Mythology, Other Paranormal
Length: Short Story (57 Pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (1st December 2018)
Heat level: Low
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts
Blurb: Lord protector of whores, thieves, sorcerers, and deviants.
Owning a parcel of land the railroad needs to cross means Edward gets to run the border town around the station as he sees fit. What starts as a place to indulge his varied appetites becomes a haven to society’s castoffs, and if Edward encourages legends about its founder to flourish, well, he’s not so much a liar as a man who wants to protect all the cultures living in peace. Being mayor means folks might ignore his vices, but they also expect him to fix what goes wrong.
When a crushing heat wave and drought threaten not only the town’s diverse holiday celebrations but its very existence, Edward must turn to the one man he’d rather french kiss a timber rattler than face—the icily elegant Cantonese mage Edward walked out on but never stopped loving.
Review:Edward is in need of some big help and he turns to the one man who would be willing to do it, his ex. A heatwave is on them and it is natural. A beautiful town created for those that most would not except and they need to fix it.
Magical and mysterious this story gives you that. It was just a taste though and I do hope that this author turns it into a pretty cool story. The story flowed just like one would like and the characters were quite a hit with me.
I enjoyed it quite a bit. Lets just say that it was not what I expected.
Hi guys! We have Kathryn Sparrow stopping by today with the tour for her new release Devil’s Bargain, we have a brilliant guest post from Kathryn with an exclusive excerpt, and a fantastic a $25 Amazon GC giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~
Devil’s Bargain
(King of Hearts 01)
Kathryn Sparrow
Seth Griffin is forced to live out his wildest dreams at the expense of his best friend, the man he loves.
Seth Griffin’s life was basically on track. Attend Cornell, double major in Mechanical Engineering and Astronomy, play basketball, and room with his best friend, Kevin. So what if he had a hopeless crush on his gorgeous, straight friend.
When Maynard Frederick Winthrop IV buys all of Seth’s family’s debt and threatens to foreclose, everything Seth has worked for is in jeopardy. Winthrop offers Seth a deal: spend a week at his mansion, a place that seems to defy logic and violate the laws of physics, performing challenges of Winthrop’s choosing. If Seth succeeds, all will be forgiven.
But can Seth do as Winthrop asks, especially when Kevin is the one who will pay the price?
Taka has been a dreamcatcher and part of Team 32 for over six decades, but nobody has tempted him like Ginger—a dancer at club Zee. Too bad dreamcatchers aren’t allowed to have meaningful relationships with regular people. His willpower proves a finite resource, though, when a mission at the club means spending much more time around Ginger.
Ginger’s infatuation with Taka is unwavering. When he proves to have some paranormal skills of his own, he earns himself a place on the team—if he wants it. His decision will change his life—not to mention Taka’s—irrevocably.
But living in the now could prove an issue for a man who has as much history as Taka. Can Ginger’s determination help him make his way into Taka’s heart?
Review: After reading and enjoying book 1 in Liv Olteano’s Dreamcatchers series, I was quite looking forward to reading Taka’s story. This is now the second book by Olteano that I’ve read, and while I don’t find the flow of writing engaging for every moment of the book, I still rather enjoyed the story and found myself more than a little invested in the fate of the characters.
Star-Crossed Lover is the second book in Olteano’s Dreamcatchers series, based around the men of Team 32 finding their true loves in between keeping Seattle safe from a spate of demon (spaga) attacks. Spaga are demons that normally drain people’s life force when they sleep, however, things are getting out of hand. The team need to figure out who or what is causing the increase in attacks. What I like about this is that these men aren’t necessarily the usual alpha, strong type of shape-shifter, vampire, etc. They are rather ordinary men who have honed their powers and have been selected to form the teams they are with.
This book continues the mystery of the increasing attacks on humans by spaga, and so unless you’ve read the first book, the finer details of the overarching plot could be extremely confusing.
Star Crossed Lover is the story of Taka, one of the dreamcatchers on Team 32 and one of the longest serving member of the current team. While Taka is passionate about his work, he is world weary and so a dose of romance and a true love is exactly what strong, alpha male needs. Taka has no idea what is coming his way. At a club he encounters, Ginger, who works at the club and, like many romance heroes, he has a sad back story.
Ginger no longer answers to his real name and he has had to build himself up from nothing. At the club where he works Ginger lays eyes on Taka and is instantly taken. He knows Taka is for him, but between the spaga and Taka refusing to entertain the idea of any type of romance, Ginger has his work cut out for him.
If you enjoyed the first book, this is a bit of a change in pace. I do think that this one wasn’t quite as good as the first book. However, I’d say that that was because throughout the book as delve further into the spaga plot line, I found myself more interested in what happens to the characters of the next book which is out in December 2018.
Drew’s always been a fighter: first in martial arts competitions, and now as a dreamcatcher—keeping the people of Seattle safe from spaga attacks that would drain their life force in their sleep. All he has to do to become a full member of Team 32 is complete his first mission.
But the first person he must defend is his ex, Angelo… the only man Drew ever loved, even if he was the one to leave. Drew never got over Angelo, and it seems Angelo might feel the same, despite the heartbreak he suffered at Drew’s hands.
As the chase after a powerful and resourceful caster hits close to home, old feelings resurface. But if Angelo learns of the dreamcatchers, he’ll be a target for the spaga. And how can he trust Drew now that Drew’s keeping bigger secrets than ever?
Review: I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one. I’ve never read anything by Liv Olteano, but I was more than happy to try a new author and hope that the novel would bring a change of pace to my current TBR pile. After a long line of reading various witch/wizard/mage stories I thought that I would enjoy this change of pace. It looked like a bit of action, in the sense of reading a crime fighting type story, mixed with romance. Judging from the blurb, this seemed like a rather different type of story than I’ve been reading recently.
Lover, Lover is the first book in Olteano’s Dreamcatchers series, based around the men of Team 32 finding their true loves in between keeping Seattle safe from a spate of demon (spaga) attacks. Spaga are demons that normally drain people’s life force when they sleep, however, things are getting out of hand. The team need to figure out who or what is causing the increase in attacks. What I like about this is that these men aren’t necessarily the usual alpha, strong type of shape-shifter, vampire, etc. They are rather ordinary men who have honed their powers and have been selected to form the teams they are with.
This story has the action I mentioned just now, yet is also at heart a very sweet romance where two men who had been together once find each other once more. Drew is an expert martial arts fighter, but he has dreamed of doing more and his path led him to being on Team 32. He has been trained and now their leader declares that it is time for Drew’s first assignment. He starts his job with enthusiasm and despite finding out he has to protect his ex, Angelo, Drew will do anything to make sure the man is safe. The reason they broke up comes down to simple stupidity and being brought together again, this time with Angelo knowing the full truth, shows that things weren’t as impossible as the two men had thought they were in the past.
This story is the start of an ongoing mystery – who the hell is letting so many spaga loose in Seattle. It’s a fun story. I think this will appeal not only to paranormal fans, but to those that enjoy romance series that follow military/police/crime fighting teams.
Hi guys! We have E.J. Russell popping in today with her upcoming release Devouring Flame, we have a short intro from E.J., a great exclusive excerpt and a awesome giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~
Devouring Flame
(Dreamspun Desire 35 / Enchanted Occasions 02)
E.J. Russell
Reunited and reignited.
While cutting through the Interstices—the post-creation gap between realms—Smith, half-demon tech specialist for Enchanted Occasions Event Planning, spies the person he yearns for daily but dreads seeing again: the ifrit, Hashim of the Windrider clan.
On their one literally smoldering night together, Smith, stupidly besotted, revealed his true name—a demon’s greatest vulnerability. When Hashim didn’t return the favor, then split the next morning with no word? Message received, loud and clear: Thanks but no, thanks.
Although Hashim had burned to return Smith’s trust, it was impossible. The wizard who conjured him holds his true name in secret, and unless Hashim discovers it, he’ll never be free.
When their attraction sparks once more, the two unite to search for Hashim’s hidden name—which would be a hell of a lot easier if they didn’t have to contend with a convention full of food-crazed vampires on the one day out of the century they can consume something other than blood.
But if they fail, Hashim will be doomed to eternal slavery, and their reignited love will collapse in the ashes.
Luckily Smith is the guy who gets shit done. And Hashim is never afraid to heat things up.
Blurb: Sheets of ice are spreading across the human world, ushering in an ice age as the magic drained from Demonside turns that world into a desert. Angus and reluctant warlock Terrance have defected from Vinland to the Mayan Empire—a land of dark and potent magic. But the Mayans aren’t offering sanctuary for free.
Nor is the world willing to stand back as Vinland attacks, and the backlash will affect all magic users.
Mage Saka has no tribe. He is now just another refugee fleeing the dying Demonside. He knows the conflict brewing now will be worse than the first demon war. Countries are banding together—not just against Vinland, but against all magic. Where will the powerful Mayan Empire stand?
Angus might have the power to fight Vinland and the Warlock College, but the cost will be terrible. Saka is torn between helping Angus and stopping him. And Terrance would do anything for Angus, but he’s terrified of the man Angus is becoming, even as Saka is warming to the idea of a relationship between the three of them.
No matter what choice they make, victory will be bittersweet, and when the ash settles and the snow melts, nothing will be the same.
Review: This is a culmination of the previous two books. Angus, Terrance and Saka are fighting to keep the worlds from being destroyed. It’s a journey into finding out what they are capable of and the reason they are slowly driven to be together at times.
I loved everything about the book. From Angus’ life and what he discovers to Saka and his fight with his own feelings as well as the struggle the three face throughout. It was a well written thought out story that immerses the reader in an awesome series.
I do not want to give away to much so I’ll leave my review with saying it was a great journey.
Half-norn event planner Anders Skuldsson is under strict orders from Asgard not to meddle with Fate. But with Enchanted Occasions’ latest booking—a competition for the hand of Faerie’s one true prince—crashing around his ears, it’s really difficult to toe that particular line. But if Andy pretends to be a contender for the prince…. It’s only temporary, so Odin can’t blame him. Right?
Conall of Odstone’s half-brother, Prince Reyner, was supposed to choose a mate before being crowned and wed. But the idiot left Con to impersonate him. Again.
When Con meets Andy, his anger turns to desire… and despair. Even if Andy forgives him for his imposture, how could someone eligible for a prince’s hand settle for the court outcast? And the double-deception isn’t their only obstacle. Unless Andy makes the right choice, their fates could be sealed by…well… Fate.
Review: Nudging Fate looked and indeed was a very sweet romance which is based on a comedy of err… little white lies and miscommunication. When I saw the author’s name, I had initially thought that I had read a cowboy story Dreampsun Desires by the same author which I enjoyed, but alas, the book cover that I had in my head was a book by BA Tortuga and that EJ Russel doesn’t have any books published is Desires anyway. So, no idea what I was thinking, and I didn’t let that stop me from diving in.
The thing that really did draw me in for Nudging Fate was what appeared to be a heavy Norse mythology influence. (I blame the book my sister had called Indiana Jones Explores the Vikings. I’ve been fascinated with them ever since and the mosaic of Jörmungandr, the World (Midgard) Serpent, really hooked me).
The book itself follows Anders Skuldsson, he’s an event planner for the supernatural world, the company being called Enchanted Occasions. He loves his work and is very good at what he does. However, because of who and what he is, Anders can manipulate the fates of people. He is therefore under orders to never do so or face a harsh punishment from Odin himself. The story finds him knee deep in planning the choosing of a Prince’s consort by a series of dates and challenges that makes it like a royal version of the Bachelor. All Anders’ orders came from the now absent Queen. However, when he meets the Prince, Anders is immediately attracted to the man and pretends to be one of the contenders.
Little does Anders know that Prince Reyner is actually Conall Oddstone. The Prince’s bastard, illegitimate brother who had been conceived after the Queen’s Consort had a love spell cast. The outfall from that one event has left both the Prince and Conall deeply affected, especially when their father was transformed into an Wyvern as an act of revenge. Conall has masqueraded as his brother numerous times but only when the queen absent as she is the only one that can see through their deception. Conall hates the pretending, especially when he starts to fall for Anders and Anders is under the impression that Conall is his brother Prince Reyner.
With a pain in the butt brother and something running afoul in the games that would choose Reyner his consort, Conall and Anders still manage to steal time away to fall in love. But when the truth comes out, it turns out that this entire situation is far more complicated. There isn’t really a cliffhanger. Anders and Conall get their HEA. Yet, I would like to know the fate of some of the minor characters (and hope they find love) after the havoc that was wreaked between the games and the coronation of the new king.
To be perfectly honest, part of what happened at the end was perfectly predictable. To a certain extent, the whole of the ending was predictable. And that is probably the only reason I didn’t give this one a 5/5. Despite being enjoyable, the drama was a little flat. Regardless, I am looking forward to more from Enchanting Occasions and I would love to have a little resolution for one minor character in particular.
Blurb:The blood sacrifices have brought rain to Demonside, but across the void, the Warlock College of Vinland is still storing and gathering magic, heedless of the warnings of the international magical community. The underground is full of warlocks who disagree with the college, but do they care about wizards and demons or only about snatching power?
With a foot in each world, Angus is no longer sure whom he can trust. The demons don’t trust humans, and even though he is learning more magic, he will never be one of them. He is human and only tolerated. Some demons would be happy to slit his throat. It’s only because his demon is powerful in his own right that Angus is alive.
Saka only has a year to prove that Angus’s people can change and that the magic taken will be rebalanced, but the demons want action. His affection for Angus is clouding his judgment and weakening his position in the tribe. Time is running out, and he must make a choice.
Review: This is the second story in the series. Two worlds that depend on the each other are being thrown off due to an imbalance. The results of what could happen are frightening and scary for the characters. Angus finds himself growing attracted to his college friend Terrance as Saka comes to terms with his feelings for Angus.
I loved everything about this story. The characters were well thought out and played their parts to bring this book to life. I loved the dynamics between the worlds as we traverse between worlds with Angus. The differences were plain to see.
The solution finding to the problem of the imbalance and it’s possible outcomes were terrifying. I found myself riveted to my seat as this brilliantly written story unfolded. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series to see what happens next.
Hi peeps! We have T.J. Nichols stopping by today with the tour for his new release Blood for the Spilling, we have a great exclusive excerpt, a brilliant $10 DSPP GC, and we have Shorty’s review so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~
Blood for the Spilling
(Studies in Demonology 03)
T.J. Nichols
Sheets of ice are spreading across the human world, ushering in an ice age as the magic drained from Demonside turns that world into a desert. Angus and reluctant warlock Terrance have defected from Vinland to the Mayan Empire—a land of dark and potent magic. But the Mayans aren’t offering sanctuary for free.
Nor is the world willing to stand back as Vinland attacks, and the backlash will affect all magic users.
Mage Saka has no tribe. He is now just another refugee fleeing the dying Demonside. He knows the conflict brewing now will be worse than the first demon war. Countries are banding together—not just against Vinland, but against all magic. Where will the powerful Mayan Empire stand?
Angus might have the power to fight Vinland and the Warlock College, but the cost will be terrible. Saka is torn between helping Angus and stopping him. And Terrance would do anything for Angus, but he’s terrified of the man Angus is becoming, even as Saka is warming to the idea of a relationship between the three of them.
No matter what choice they make, victory will be bittersweet, and when the ash settles and the snow melts, nothing will be the same.
Blurb: Detective Zach Johnson never resented his lack of magic, although he hated that as a mundane he had no power to stop a corrupt Talent council from stealing the resources of the magical community. However, the return of the ancient ifrit guides led a blood-thirsty hummingbird to choose him as a partner. Now he can be a true equal to his shaman lover, Art Lammas, and the two of them can take on the council and the entire community if need be.
Art Lammas loves Zach’s enthusiasm and sense of justice, but the Talent community is much more complex than he assumes. Not only does El Paso struggle under the corrupt leadership of the council, but it stands at a place where three different traditions clash: the Vatican-trained shamans from Mexico, the Egyptian-trained shamans of mainstream America, and the Native Peoples traditions, which are far more complex than Art can possibly describe. Art would far rather focus on solving their cases. More than that, Art fears that Talent might be the one force in the universe that could drive a wedge between them. Art would happily burn all the magic out of the world before allowing that to happen, but he may not have that choice.
Review: I adored Zach and Art in this story. They have a solid relationship with the other as they work their cases. I loved how well they worked together and how the story evolved. The continuation of the series was apparent as struggles over power and the many different shamans are prevalent in this continuation.
There is not a lot of action in the story it’s more an explanation of different things that overall add to the series as a whole in the understanding of things happening. Art tries his best to stay out of the magical situations when they pop up.
I simply loved this addition to the series. I am looking forward to the next installment where we will hopefully find out who the evil ifrit is.
Hi guys! We have Leta Blake stopping by with her new release Any Given Time, we have a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~
Any Given Time
Leta Blake
Neil isn’t a ghost, but he feels like one. Reincarnated with all his memories from his prior life, he spent twenty years trapped in a child’s body, wanting nothing more than to grow up and reclaim the love of his life.
As an adult, Neil finds there’s more than lost time separating them. Joshua has built a beautiful life since Neil’s death, and how exactly is Neil supposed to introduce himself? As Joshua’s long-dead lover in a new body? Heartbroken and hopeless, Neil takes refuge in his work, developing microscopic robots called nanites that can produce medical miracles.
When Joshua meets a young scientist working on a medical project, his soul senses something his rational mind can’t believe. Has Neil truly come back to him after twenty years? And if the impossible is real, can they be together at long last?
Any Given Lifetime is a stand-alone, slow burn, second chance gay romance by Leta Blake featuring reincarnation and true love. This story includes some angst, some steam, an age gap, and, of course, a happy ending.
Author of the bestselling book Smoky Mountain Dreams and the fan favorite Training Season, Leta Blake’s educational and professional background is in psychology and finance, respectively. However, her passion has always been for writing. She enjoys crafting romance stories and exploring the psyches of made up people. At home in the Southern U.S., Leta works hard at achieving balance between her day job, her writing, and her family.