Title: Devoted Alpha
Series: The Alpha/Omega Verse # 2
Author: DC Juris
Genre: Paranormal
Length: Short (46 pages)
Publisher: Torquere Press (April 27, 2016)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Blurb: Warning to readers: Contains daddy kink and male breastfeeding.
Sokel and Sebastian from “Broken Alpha” are back. Sokel has long known his Human mate has harbored certain hidden fantasies and desires, but he’s not the kind of Alpha to demand anything of his omega. One night, a whispered word slips past Sebastian’s lips — daddy. Ever the devoted Alpha, Sokel sets out to help his mate understand that these cravings don’t make him a deviant. But when Sokel visits a fellow healer in an attempt to please his mate, has he gone too far? And will their best friends and housemates, Korden and Rennett, be able to accept this new twist to their lifestyle?
ISBN: 978-1-944449-52-0
Product Link: http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=202&products_id=4640
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: This is the second book in The Alpha/Omega Verse. Sebastian and Sokel are back as the main MC’s in this book.
Sebastian is sweet and kind yet has hidden his deepest desires from his mate. Sokiel learns of Sebastian’s desires and proceeds to give his mate whatever he needs to make him happy.
Though some may find this book uncomfortable I was o.k. with it, it was role playing that the MC’s are doing. I loved the fact that despite Sebastian’s secret, Sokiel went out of his way to accommodate his mate.
That shows true love to me.