Title: Catch a Tiger by the Heart
Series: Agents of C.L.A.W. 04
Author: Jane Wallace-Knight
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy
Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (October 22,2019)
Length: Novella (98pgs)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: đź’–đź’–đź’–đź’–đź’– 5 Hearts
Blurb: Deer shifter Leon Kinney’s first day at C.L.A.W. sees him thrown into the deep end when he catches the attention of tiger shifter, and assassin, Alistair Byrne. When one of Alistair’s colleagues tries to kill him, revealing himself to be a member of the terrorist organisation known as Pan, it’s Leon’s help he needs.
Leon knew his life would change when he left his old job working for a technology company, but he hadn’t anticipated just how much. He finds himself jetting off to Cuba to go undercover in the house of a drug lord where the only person he can trust is the assassin assigned to protect him.
Falling in love with a killer while pretending to be someone else, being held hostage, and having guns pointed at him way too often wasn’t the way Leon had imagined his life going, but as he was quickly learning, maybe he didn’t know himself as well as he thought.
ISBN: 978-1-64637-014-6
Product Link: Siren-BookStrand
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: He had been working a normal job that wasn’t exciting but had what a normal person would need. That is until he was recruited by an organization that included excitement, adventure and danger, for those who were working on the outside. Leon was working as a collection and helped spy’s land on their feet. That was what he thought but on his first day he ended up helping one blow up a tank, and his life got stranger after that. Which considering he was a deer shifter was saying something.
Alistair was not only a spy but an assassin. One assignment that was suppose to be easy turned deadly, a tank was shooting at him. He needed help but the one on the other line was not who he expected. A tiger shifter who had a rough life until he had been taken in by a bear shifter, his job was what one would expected. Now with the help of a sexy little deer shifter they might just get out of this alive.
I came across this author quite some time ago and have always been fascinated by the worlds she has created. So when this series came out I knew I had to get my hands on it. I love paranormal’s that have a bit of suspense, danger, excitement and sexy ass spies in them. This gave me that and so much more. A tiger and a deer are an interesting combination. It caught my attention from the start and kept it till the very end.
I can guarantee that this is one of those stories that will be read many times over. I had a blast reading it and can’t wait to get my hands on the next story.