Title: Love, Love Me Dude
Series: Let it Beatle
Author: JD Walker
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (51 pages)
Publisher: Amber Allure, Amber Quill Press (10 June 2015)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Blurb: Tory Cuthbert is the owner of Misty View Motel, and he’s mostly satisfied with his life. He rarely thinks about the time, fourteen years ago, when a boy he loved—Wheeler Ridley—left him behind. Maury Landrum, one of Tory’s employees, is a tempting morsel, but Tory can’t seem to bring himself to take the next step, even though he knows Maury would be more than willing. Something keeps holding Tory back, and then that something literally shows up on his doorstep with a reservation for the weekend.
For Tory, the past comes rushing back with a vengeance, and to make things worse, Wheeler doesn’t even recognize him. Tory, however, tries to be as professional as possible in order to get through the next two days. But then, Wheeler extends his stay, hits on him, and becomes a pain in the butt. Why now?
Meanwhile, Maury abruptly resigns. Shocked, Tory watches his employee walk away from him, and that wakes him up to what was right under his nose all along. Now, Tory needs to figure out which man he truly wants, not only at the motel, but in his bed and in his heart.
ISBN: 978-1-68175-033-0
Product Link: http://www.amberquill.com/store/p/2197-Love-Love-Me-Dude.aspx
Reviewer: Prime
Review: I’ve read a number of JD Walker’s novellas/shorts and so I’m not afraid to say that I am a fan of both the writing style and the fun that I’ve come to expect. In fact, when I saw this book it was like a knee jerk reaction when I decided that I was going to read it.
This is about Tory, who owns a motel in a small town. He’s still hung-up on his high school crush. Then enter his high school crush… the story is simple and the outcome was charming and a lot better than I had expected. Its fun, it’s sexy and there is all manner of sexual tension, attraction and even possibly what could be classed as a love triangle.
The best part for me is that it’s named after a song! I am a firm believer that all stories have a sound track so not only was the author a draw, but the fact that music is involved was the thing that sealed it for me. I will admit that you don’t need to know anything about the Beatles to read this, the song just lends to the book’s name. However, for anyone who knows the song I guarantee, like me, you will have “Love Me Do” in your head.
Fun, sweet and charming. What more could you want, especially in a short story that is filled with plenty of action. Unfortunately, I just realised that the blurb gives away more of the plot than I think is completely necessary.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *