Title: Twice Bitten
Author: Rayna Vause
Genre: Contemporary Paranormal, Vampires
Length: Novel (200pgs)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (July 17, 2018)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts
Blurb: With a new species of vampire stalking the streets, the stakes are high. But that’s not the only reason hearts are on the line.
Danny Reynolds thought Kieran McCade was the one—true love and hot lust forever—until Danny found out Kier’s bloody secret and ran away screaming. Months later, Danny is facing his own paranormal crisis, and he needs Kieran’s help, but are there enough ways to apologize for breaking a vampire’s heart?
Nothing about Danny’s transformation is normal—not the attack that led to it, and not the symptoms Danny’s plagued with—but being in close proximity to Kieran is even worse than becoming a thing that goes bump in the night. Danny and Kieran aren’t the only things threatening to bump each other off, though. Secret organizations and clashing vigilante agendas want to get their hands on Danny. His only hope is to find a fix for his problem before he’s either captured or his abnormal transition starves him to death.
Danny and Kieran might have a real chance to repair their broken romance… but only if they keep Danny alive!
ISBN-13: 978-1-64080-746-4
Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: I really wanted to love this story. It had all the right aspects to it in a vampire story for me. The thing that kept me from loving was all the POV’s in it. It threw me for a loop that almost all the main characters good and bad had one. The mystery was completely gone as we knew what was going to happen before Danny did.
I prefer to guess at what is to come not be told but aside from that it was a really good story of Danny being attacked one night and going to his ex Kier, a vampire, for help. After finding out Kier was a vampire Danny left him so now he owns up to his mistake and asks for help.
I loved both characters and how they come to grips with each other. The baddies in this story had their own agendas depending on the group. There was no shortage of dangerous situations Danny and Kier find themselves in.
Good read.