Title: Caught in the Middle
Series: Caught in the Act 02
Author: Robbie Michaels
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novel (180 pages)
Publisher: Harmony Ink. Dreamspinner Press LLC (May 28th 2015)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Blurb: After a rocky start to the school year, Ben and Adam are getting their feet on solid ground, despite a lot of obstacles. Amelia, Ben’s former girlfriend, isn’t willing to let Ben go so easily.
At Christmas, Amelia delivers a bombshell that keeps Adam and Ben apart over the holiday. When Adam returns from seeing his family, Ben, who avoids conflict at all cost, will not talk to him.
Adam figures out Amelia’s scheme, and when he confronts her, she retaliates by arranging an ambush in the school parking lot one night.
Ben is horrified when he sees Adam lying battered in the hospital. Adam is more than physically broken. His spirit is wounded, and he sees only the negative, the struggle ahead, and Ben’s betrayal. Healing, both in body and mind, is a long arduous road.
It’s up to Ben to convince Adam that there is still good in life and that he’ll be there to help Adam every step of the way. If Adam will let him.
ISBN: 978-1-63476-015-7
Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6435
Reviewer: Cat
Review: This is part of a series. This book picks up where Caught in the Act left off, so I suggest you read them in order.
Warning: Tissues will be needed.
In the first book, I really didn’t like Ben. In this book, I came to hate him. I understood they were kids, but both Adam and Ben are living in men’s roles, especially Ben.
Since Ben has been helping his mom run the farm, I expected him to be the more grown-up of the two. Instead, the spoiled city boy was more of a man than him.
I really felt sorry for Adam after the betrayal and though I should have seen it coming especially since it is in the blurb I didn’t see the attack being so bad until it happened.
This is a very good story. There is a lot of angst and heartache. I loved Adam being so strong and fighting for what he wanted. I will say it pushed my limits on believability with Adam practically fending for himself though his dad is in the picture he is usually in the city, hours away.
The crime on Adam was very fierce and being a hate crime you would have thought more would have been done… but it is fiction and it did serve its purpose well in the story. It brought Ben back to his senses.
Caught in the middle is a beautiful story of love, heartache, and growth.
If you like young adult stories, angst, drama and, young love this is for you.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *