Series: The Galactic Captains 03
Author: Harry F. Rey
Genre: Science Fiction
Length: Novella (162pgs)
Publisher: NineStar Press (March 4, 2019)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: đź’–đź’–đź’–đź’– 4 Hearts
Blurb: The problems of the Outer Verge are stacking up for Ales, now a commander of the Union fleet. From rebellious priests on Jansen to terrifying rips in space sucking matter out into the unknown, not to mention jealous lovers scattered across space, Ales is pulled in infinite directions. Disrupting the Galactic Balance isn’t so simple, and Admiral Turo is also a hard man to please.
While trying to secure a crucial trade deal on the heterosapien world of Nelu, Ales struggles to ignore the stark inequalities cutting through life in the galaxy. If he’s not fighting for a future free from the horrors that blighted his past, what’s the point of living?
With the Outer Verge bitterly divided and factions readying for war, the new horizons Ales dreamed of feel galaxies away.
ISBN: 978-1-950412-16-7
Product Link: NineStar | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: This book finds Ales being sent get an agreement on a planet by his lover Turo. While there he realizes he does not like the way things are going between him and Turo and so ensues a lot of thinking and realizations on the matter. Ales struggles with who he has become and who he wants to be.
There are a lot of twists and turns, double crosses and betrayal are all in abundance with this installment of the series. Some I never saw coming others I did. It also has a dreary feel to the story, given what happens I understood.
It was an interesting mix as the story unfolded. I was intrigued by the twists and such. I felt that Ales needed to leave certain people alone for his own sanity. As always these books must be read in order as they pick up where the previous one ends. This story ends on a cliffhanger that will continue in the next book.
Great read.