Title: Julio’s Wolf
Series: Werewolves of Manhattan 06
Author: A.C. Katt
Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Length: Novel (203 pgs)
Publisher: MLR Press (September 30, 2016)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Blurb: Julio Reyes has had a hard life. Orphaned at fourteen, he ran away from a group home to avoid rape but wound up being an independent prostitute in NYC. He has a life plan—go to school, become a stylist and open his own salon.
Etienne Daurensbourg is one-hundred and thirty-nine years old and fears he’ll never find his Mate until his friend Alexei introduces him to Julio. Julio is Etienne’s Mate but before he has a chance to court Julio, who is a human high beta and therefore stubborn and independent, Julio gets knifed and is forced to let Etienne provide him with a home and help to recover.
Pack problems arise that may force Etienne into the pit. Will Julio be able to love Etienne despite the fact he is a loup garou?
ISBN: 978-1-944770-33-4
Product Link: MLR Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: Each book in the Werewolves of Manhattan collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.
I started reading romance stories at the age of twelve and was always intrigued by the worlds that authors can come up with. Then a few years ago I read my first gay romance and I decided that there was just something about them that I liked more. For me a good paranormal love story with passion, fire, danger and trouble are a good hit. A.C. Katt gives me that type of story. They are fresh and very unique. The plots and story line are top rate and always keeps my attention from start to finish.
There is just something about the worlds that she creates that keeps me captivated throughout the whole entire book. So much so that when a new book comes out, I must always start reading the very first book that leads up to this one. I love how there is a serious tone to it, but that it is equally matched with humor. I can’t stand a book that has no humor in it; I would rather be laughing then just sitting there. I also love how the mates are well loved and protected by their stronger mates.
Julio was just fourteen when his life changed. His parents were killed and he was sent off to a group home for boys. The home was filled with angry teens who just loved to mess with the ones that came in. Julio was a prime target because not only was he gay but he was very fem. He took off to avoid being raped, only to end up with a man that was sadistic and cruel. Once he managed to escape, he had figured the only way he would survive was to be his own independent prostitute. Saving another led him to friends who got him out and led him onto the path that would give him the greatest rewards.
Etienne is an alpha who has found his mate. However someone from Julio’s past arises and almost cost him his life. Etienne needs to protect his mate, but it might also cause a war that could cost them everything.
To me there is nothing better than a good romance, but when it is a paranormal then it hits higher marks to me. I love them especially when there are some gorgeous men in some kinky situations. I can honestly tell you that this is going to be one of those types of series that you can’t put down and have to read more than once. It is the perfect story for me and gave me all that I needed. I love the way all the feelings they felt was involved in this story.
I had a blast reading it and I can’t wait to read the next story.