Title: Sand Trap
Series: The Wyverns #4
Author: L.M. Somerton
Genre: Bondage and BDSM, Contemporary
Length: Short (61 pages)
Publisher: Pride Publishing (May 2, 2017)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Blurb: Exposing secrets can be lethal.
Crow has had his eye on baby-faced Shelton since the young man became part of the Wyverns, but Crow is a committed Dom and unsure that Shelton is ready, or willing, to become his submissive. Getting trapped together during a dust storm provides an opportunity to find out.
When the dust settles, the winds have scoured the desert and uncovered a shallow grave full of bodies. Smuggling people across the border is big business and Crow knows that the traffickers will not want their gruesome secret revealed to the authorities.
When Shelton is taken and used as collateral, Crow and the Wyverns have to decide just how far they are prepared to go to serve justice and save Shelton’s life.
ISBN: 978-1-78651-545-2
Product Link: https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/sand-trap
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: Crow finally decides to do something about his attraction to Shelton but while camping Shelton is kidnapped. I enjoyed this addition to the Wyvern’s series. Shelton is smart, kind, sweet and snarky. Crow is badass and possessive.
I liked the action scene but felt it was way too short considering it’s a biker book. Other than that it was a great read.