Will & Patrick’s Endless Honeymoon by Leta Blake

Title: Will & Patrick’s Endless Honeymoon

Series: Wake Up Married 07

Author: Leta Blake

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (144pgs)

Publisher: Leta Blake Books (December 4, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Genius brain surgeon Patrick McCloud never thought he’d fall in love, let alone get married. He and Will Patterson are two years overdue for their honeymoon, and although romance doesn’t come naturally to Patrick, he’s determined to make it perfect.

Will works himself to the bone helping others and dealing with his family, who bring the drama nonstop. A tropical getaway without the usual shenanigans is just what the doctor ordered. But can Will’s family leave them in peace? Knowing the Patterson-Molinaro clan, it’s not likely…

ISBN: 978-1-62622-771-2

Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Wake Up Married collection features the same two men, Will and Patrick. So to get a full understanding of this series, they must be read in order.

Will and Patrick got married in Vegas, decided to stay married so Will could keep his money and have gotten married a second time. Now it is fun fill days in Hawaii for their honeymoon. To bad his pain in the ass family, just keeps showing up. To top it off Will’s ex is dying and things are just about going the same way as it always has.

I hate to admit that after book six, I was hoping that it was the last book in this series. It follows the exact same pattern as each of the previous books do. There is no surprises or anything to make it stand up, well except for the ex dying part. It is a dull story that makes you want to pull your hair out. And from the sounds of it, there will be another book in this series to come out soon.

Now it is funny book in its own way. The characters are very likeable, but you can only read about the same characters for so very long if there is nothing remarkable in the book. When I was given this story I was hoping for a little something different to make it stand out for me, but nope. The good thing was the fact that it was easy to remember the whole series, but in this case that was not a good sign. I am sorry but this book was just to predictable and a bit boring to me.

Will & Patrick’s Endless Honeymoon by Leta Blake Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Leta Blake - Will & Patrick's Endless Honeymoon RBBanner

Hi peeps, we have Leta Blake stopping by with her newest installment of Wake Up MarriedWill & Patrick’s Endless Honeymoon, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so enjoy the post and enter the giveaway <3 ~Pixie~

Will & Patrick’s Endless Honeymoon

(Wake Up Married 07)

Leta Blake

Genius brain surgeon Patrick McCloud never thought he’d fall in love, let alone get married. He and Will Patterson are two years overdue for their honeymoon, and although romance doesn’t come naturally to Patrick, he’s determined to make it perfect.

Will works himself to the bone helping others and dealing with his family, who bring the drama nonstop. A tropical getaway without the usual shenanigans is just what the doctor ordered. But can Will’s family leave them in peace? Knowing the Patterson-Molinaro clan, it’s not likely…

Will and Patrick’s Endless Honeymoon by Leta Blake continues the soapy, sexy fun of the original six part Wake Up Married serial. In Healing, South Dakota, marriage is never boring!

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Will & Patrick's Happy Ending by Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths Book Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths - Will & Patrick's Happy Ending Banner

Hi peeps, we have Leta Blake and Alice Griffiths stopping by with their last installment of Wake Up MarriedWill & Patrick’s Happy Ending, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Lisa’s review, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths - Will & Patrick's Happy Ending Cover s

Will & Patrick’s Happy Ending

(Wake Up Married 06)

Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths

Follow Will & Patrick in this final installment of the romantic-comedy serial, Wake Up Married, by best-selling author Leta Blake and newcomer Alice Griffiths!

Sure, Will and Patrick are in love now, but they weren’t when they got married in Vegas. For Patrick, that’s no problem, but Will can’t shake his doubts that a relationship started through coercion can ever become the real deal.

Since the Molinaro crime family has reversed their position on divorce, Will and Patrick have a chance to rectify their drunken mistake. But is divorce the solution? Find out in this final instalment of the much-beloved Wake up Married serial.

Episode 6 of 6 in the Wake Up Married serial.

Find the entire series on Amazon

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Will and Patrick's Happy Ending by Leta Blake and Alice Griffiths

51dZdxhlkLL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Title: Will and Patrick’s Happy Ending

Series: Wake Up Married, #6

Author: Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths

Genre:  Contemporary Romance

Length: 127 pages

Publisher: Leta Blake Books (April 15, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Blurb: Follow Will & Patrick in this final installment of the romantic-comedy serial, Wake Up Married, by best-selling author Leta Blake and newcomer Alice Griffiths!

Sure, Will and Patrick are in love now, but they weren’t when they got married in Vegas. For Patrick, that’s no problem, but Will can’t shake his doubts that a relationship started through coercion can ever become the real deal.

Since the Molinaro crime family has reversed their position on divorce, Will and Patrick have a chance to rectify their drunken mistake. But is divorce the solution? Find out in this final installment of the much-beloved Wake up Married serial.

ISBN: 978-1-62622-752-1

Product Link: http://amzn.to/1roR35x

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Wake Up Marrie collection features Will and Patrick. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

When I first started reading Will and Patrick’s story I thought it was really cute and funny as hell. However, after the fifth book I was ready to just drop the whole series. It just got old to me focusing on the two same men. I would have rather it been made two long stories than six novellas. Although I am glad that they got their happily ever after.

Will is still an idiot to me though. He has finally realized that his husband is for him. Now his family is behind them. Although, I still don’t much care for their strange attitudes. Owen is an even bigger idiot than Will and I wanted to throw him out the window. Whereas Ryan, who makes another appearance is the perfect character to truly hate.

Patrick is still my favorite, but even he was getting on my nerves a bit. Even though I felt bad for the way he was treated. Nona has finally found a way for these two to divorce, but now they have changed their minds. Will is taking the advice of Owen and is thinking divorce is the answer. Just as Patrick is telling him those three little words that should make one happy, Will is breaking his heart.

I am glad to say that these two do get their happily ever after. I just wished it hadn’t taken six books to find it. The story is well written and there is quite a bit of humor in it that makes it even better to me. It doesn’t hurt that the sex is hot and very wild. I loved the guys and I am glad that they finally end up with their true hearts standing out there.

But I am damn glad this series is over.

I would definitely recommend it though, especially if you love two sexy men and some crazy family members.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *

Will & Patrick Meet the Mob by Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths Book Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths - Will & Patrick Meet the Mob Banner

Hi guys, we have Leta Blake and Alice Griffiths stopping by with their new addition to the Wake Up Married serial Will & Patrick Meet The Mob, we have a great excerpt a fantastic giveaway and Lisa’s review, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link ~Pixie~

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Will & Patrick Meet the Mob

(Wake Up Married 05)

Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths

Follow Will & Patrick in this fifth installment of the romantic-comedy serial, Wake Up Married, by best-selling author Leta Blake and newcomer Alice Griffiths!

Patrick has finally accepted that he’s in love with Will, but his newfound determination to do something about that runs up against his father-in-law’s mobster plans. Though just what those plans are have as yet to be determined. As far as Will and Patrick can tell, they consist of blowing through town, wreaking small havoc, and turning the Patterson family’s lives on end.

Will must face the truth about his family before he can fully come to terms with his feelings for Patrick. And Patrick has to decide if this whackadoodle world is something he truly wants to be part of forever.

Episode 5 of 6 in the Wake Up Married serial.

Find the entire series on Amazon

Continue reading “Will & Patrick Meet the Mob by Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths Book Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Will & Patrick Fight Their Feelings by Leta Blake and Alice Griffiths Release Day Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths - Will & Patrick Fight Their Feelings -banner-4

Hi guys, we have Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths stopping by today with their brand new release Will & Patrick Fight Their Feelings, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Lisa’s review, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

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Will & Patrick Fight Their Feelings

(Wake Up Married 04)

Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths

Follow Will & Patrick in this fourth installment of the romantic-comedy serial, Wake Up Married, by best-selling author Leta Blake and newcomer Alice Griffiths!

Will and Patrick have embraced adding hot sexy-times to their fake marriage, but as their emotions deepen, they confront whether or not they want to be more than friends-with-benefits. Freshly free of a restrictive relationship, Will’s not ready for more than exploratory fun. And no matter how Patrick feels about Will, his own difficult past has left him wary of love.

The heat is high (and occasionally kinky) in this episode of the Wake Up Married serial, but Will and Patrick struggle to accept their mutual affection, much less confess it. How long will they fight their feelings?

Episode 4 of 6 in the Wake Up Married serial.

Continue reading “Will & Patrick Fight Their Feelings by Leta Blake and Alice Griffiths Release Day Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Will & Patrick Fight Their Feelings by Leta Blake and Alice Griffiths

51vZE0Wv0yL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Title: Will & Patrick Fight Their Feelings
Series: Wake Up Married, #4
Author: Leta Blake & Alice Griffiths
Genre: Contemporary
Length: 117 Pages
Publisher: Leta Blake Books (January 25, 2016)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: Will and Patrick have embraced adding hot sexy-times to their fake marriage, but as their emotions deepen, they confront whether or not they want to be more than friends-with-benefits. Freshly free of a restrictive relationship, Will’s not ready for more than exploratory fun. And no matter how Patrick feels about Will, his own difficult past has left him wary of love.

The heat is high (and occasionally kinky) in this episode of the Wake Up Married serial, but Will and Patrick struggle to accept their mutual affection, much less confess it.

How long will they fight their feelings?

ISBN: 978-1-6262275-0-7

Product Link: http://amzn.to/1SGDM33

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This is episode four and I have got to tell you that I still want to smack the shit out of Will. However he is starting to get my attention more and more. I love how it has a serious tone to it but the humor just captures my attention each time. It stands out that is for sure. However you have to start with book one just to understand it.

Will and Patrick are definitely heating up the sheets now. They have decided to add some sexy time to their fake marriage. Although Will still is a bit of a stooge to me. These two have more than enough problems on their sides that it makes it hard for each of them to push forward with the love and marriage part. Though the friends with benefits has it charm.

They are still living in their honeymoon suite but at least they are having a bit more heated fun. The problem with these two is that there is no divorce unless they are willing to give up the money Will has in his trust. He does so much good with it, that even Patrick is willing to help. Even if it is a bit strange to be married to a man after a hot night of sex.

This story has a lot of emotions in it that each guy will have to figure out. Their bond is forming and slowly deepening but both are holding back. The kink is very hot and will leave you wanting more. Now as usual Will’s family is a bit off the rocks and can mess anything up. They are a very quirky group that is true. I did love the fact that they are both in love with each other but neither is saying a word.

Now I am not usually one for books that continue writing about one couple, it usually leads to me being bored. This one however was entertaining, although I really wished that it gives me a bit more. I am not as into it as I should have been though. However I am loving it a bit more than I did in the other three stories.

It has a slow burn to it, but not as bad as it used to be. My attention was not as into it as it should have but I did have fun reading it. It is a fun little series that will have you giggling at parts of it. It also makes me want to read the next book. It is very amusing with just the right amount of attitude added in.

I did have fun with this book and would definitely recommend it.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *