Hiya peeps! We have M.A. Church visiting today with her brand new release Texting, AutoCorrect, and a Prius (don’t you just love that title!), M.A. tells us some of her secrets and we have a new excerpt so guys, check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Texting, AutoCorrect, and a Prius
M.A. Church
Clay McDonald finds the perfect car on Craigslist and is quick to send the seller a text:
Is your penis still for sale?
AutoCorrect strikes again. Damn—he should’ve proofread. How embarrassing.
Luckily Darrell Anderson, a mechanic and the owner of the Prius, is more amused than offended, and the two men agree to meet. When they do, the attraction is instant, and a date is arranged. But a series of mishaps, misunderstandings, and misplaced assumptions sorely test the new relationship.
In a contemporary romantic comedy about the perils of technology and dating in the modern world, a text that went so wrong might just lead to something so right—but only if Clay can refrain from jumping to conclusions and give love the benefit of the doubt.
Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Kobo | B&N

M.A. Church!
*I hate spiders. Hate, hate, hate them. They freak me out with their long creepy legs.
*I refuse to watch horror movies. They give me nightmares. I have an overactive imagination that certainly needs no help.
*I’ve never written fanfic. I know a lot of M/M writers got their start doing that, but not me. When I first started writing, I did write at a free site, but I wrote original stuff.
*I hate dark chocolate. Just yuck.
*My favorite holiday is Halloween. When I still taught, I dressed up as a black cat for Halloween at school. I didn’t do much, because we weren’t allowed to do anything too outrageous. I wore black pants and a black shirt… and black cat ears. I also fixed my face to look like a cat.
*I don’t drink coffee. *the horror* Yep, that was never an addiction I acquired in college.
*I have allergies. Sometimes I have sneeze attacks, and I can sneeze like twenty times in a row.
*When I was in my twenties, I wanted a tattoo, but I couldn’t get past the needle.
*Thanks to being in a mudslide when I was a small child, I’m scared of the dark. When I go to bed, I leave the light in the master bath on. And in the kitchen. And in the den.
*I’m not afraid of black cats. I’m not a superstitious person. I was owned by one many years ago.

“Hey, I left the towel in the bathroom,” Bert giggled.
Darrell had no idea what was so funny about that, but… well, Bert’s brain was soaked in alcohol. He did make a mental note to go get the thing since he was washing clothes. “Okay. I’ll get it in a minute. Want to watch TV?”
“Sure,” Bert answered.
Darrell wondered if Bert knew his eyes were closed. He surfed the channels until he found a good movie. Within minutes Bert was asleep. Darrell retrieved Bert’s wet towel and added it to the pile of laundry. He sipped his soda and watched the movie alone. Of all the things he could’ve been doing on a Saturday night, babysitting Bert never entered his mind. Oh well, it wasn’t like he had anything better to do.
Once the movie ended, Darrell started picking up around the house. Seeing his phone, he decided to check it. Sure enough, there were several calls inquiring about the Prius. He either left a text or a voice message telling people what time they could come by to check out the car starting Monday.
Just as he was finishing up, he got another text message. Hey! This is Clay. I saw your penis for sale on Craigslist. Is it still available? If so, I would like to take it for a test drive sometimes tonight.
Darrell started laughing. Oh, that was hysterical. As much as he hated to admit it, that was the best offer he’d had in a long time. He fired back a message. Hi Clay, I’m selling a Prius. Is that what you meant? He couldn’t wait to see what the response was. Was it bad that he actually hoped whoever that was meant what the text said?
Another text came in: Yes!! Apologies new phone.
Darrell bit his lip. Somewhere out there was a guy dying of embarrassment. He answered: Well it’s Craigslist. You never know.
Still laughing, he checked the time. Bert was probably down for the night, and he had nothing better to do than this. Oh, what the hell. He sent back a quick text message telling Clay where he lived and to come and look at it.
Since it was summer, it didn’t get dark until much later, so they had some daylight left. After he sent the message, he got another text back saying Clay would be there in about thirty minutes.
Darrell walked back to his bedroom and changed into shorts and a T-shirt. After that text exchange, showing up in his night pants might be pushing it. He was still chuckling quietly as he walked out to the garage to check on the Prius.

About M.A.!
M.A. Church is a true Southern belle who spent many years in the elementary education sector. Now she spends her days lost in fantasy worlds, arguing with hardheaded aliens on far-off planets, herding her numerous shifters, or trying to tempt her country boys away from their fishing poles. It’s a full time job, but hey, someone’s gotta do it!
When not writing, she’s on the back porch tending to the demanding wildlife around the pond in the backyard. The ducks are very outspoken. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, and they have two grown children.
She is a member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.
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