Title: The Buckle
Series: part of the Stranded anthology.
Author: Rob Colton
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (35 Pages)
Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing (February 26, 2015)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Blurb: One ditching and one rescue later, Hayden discovers the use of a telephone isn’t the only offer that’s on the table…
ISBN: 978-1-925222-32-6
Product Link: http://www.waywardinkpublishing.com/product/the-buckle-by-rob-colton/
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: This was a damn good story that I had a blast reading. I just wished that it was longer with more to it. I absolutely love Rob Colton. He gave me a story that had a cute, young guy with a big bear. It was a hot and very sexy story. This story is mainly sex but damn it is good. I do wish that it had been longer with more of an actual story to love, but it was good.
Hayden is at the bar for his brother’s birthday. He hasn’t been there before but he takes one look at the guys there and he is over heated. There is one guy though that has his eye and that would be the bartender. Rex is not just the bartender but the owner of the bar and a restaurant. He is always working and even his pal has made a comment about how he needs to get out. He didn’t think anything about it till Eli’s points out Hayden. Damn he has found the boy for him.
I had a kick with this story. It was fast, to the point, sexy, hot and to damn short. It made for a great read. I can see myself reading it more than once.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *