Hi guys, we have Meg Harding popping in with the tour to her upcoming release The Last Favor, we have a great guest post, a fantastic excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

The Last Favor
Meg Harding
Three years ago Andrew Wilson and Flynn Barnett were in a relationship, until Flynn made a mistake that nearly cost Andrew his life. Andrew walked away from the FBI, his home, and his partner, and started over back in Montreal, running a restaurant.
Fast forward to the present and Andrew is knee-deep in preparations for his sister’s wedding. When an ex-colleague calls to ask for one last favor, the last person he expects to walk through his door is Flynn, in need of a place to stay. Only thing is, Andrew can’t say no.
Two weeks of wedding hijinks bring back all the old feelings that have simmered below the surface. Caught in a cycle of fighting and making up, the two men try to figure out if there’s anything they can salvage. And even if there is, Andrew can’t be sure this time will be any different.

Guest Post
Thanks for having me today MM Good Book Reviews! Flynn and Andy hold a special place in my heart, and their story is one that took me a while to get out. The two of them were endlessly stubborn. They’ve been through a lot with each other, and ultimately they weren’t able to stay together. Put in a situation years later, where they’re in close proximity, can they work through the trust issues they have?
I chose to write this solely in Andy’s perspective. Flynn’s been hurt by the things that have happened, but not to the extent that Andy has. It was important for me to make it feel like Flynn had redeemed himself, not through the reader seeing his thoughts and feelings, but through the reader coming to terms with things along with Andy.
Flynn is a snarky character, flawed and not a fan of people. Frankly, he comes off as a dick most of the time. Personally that’s why I adore this relationship so much. Andy and Flynn are opposites in some ways and similar where it matters. Andy can translate for Flynn. He’s taken the time—even when he’s angry—to look past the façade that Flynn puts out there.
This isn’t a story about second chances (though they do get that) or finding forgiveness (that happens too). It’s a story about how sometimes hating someone isn’t so different from loving them. And it might even lead to the same thing….

He isn’t expecting much when he opens the door, just a reasonably attractive man by Clint’s standards, which aren’t always credible. He hasn’t given any thought to what color hair the man would have (rich sable), or the color of his eyes (bright blue like the sun off a lake), or how tall he might be (several inches taller than Andy himself).
He hasn’t given any thought to whether he’d know the man.
He closes the door in that familiar face only moments after opening it, his stomach plummeting so far down it feels like it’s at his feet. His breathing is fast, his heart thumping away double time. He braces himself against the door, letting his head hang between his arms. There’s a good chance he’s having a panic attack. Flynn Barnett is standing on his doorstep. He tries to take a slow, long breath in.
“Seriously?” asks a deep, familiar voice in a slow drawl that’s somewhat muffled by the door. “This is a bit petty, no?”
Andy is going to kill Clint. He is going to tear him to pieces. “There’s been a misunderstanding,” he says. “I think you should ask your driver to take you to a hotel for the night.”
“My driver left.”
“Andy?” asks his mom, appearing in the hall behind him. “What’s going on? Let the poor man in.”
Andy shakes his head no. “He can’t stay.”
“You’re being ridiculous and very rude,” she says, eyeing him with concern. Her concern doesn’t stop her from gently prodding him out of the way so she can open the door. “You,” she breathes, standing frozen in the doorway, staring at their guest.
“Hello, Mrs. Wilson. Pleasure to see you again. It has been quite some time.”
She shuts the door in his face.
Andy can’t help it. He starts to laugh, and he can’t make himself stop. His mother doesn’t say one word, waiting for him to calm down on his own time. “You know he’s not going to leave if we don’t let him in,” points out Andy. “Probably climb the side of the house and come in through one of our bedroom windows.”
“I’ll go check and make sure they’re all locked.” And bless her, she starts to move like that’s exactly what she’s going to do.
“No,” says Andy, rubbing at his eyes, which are watering from his laughter. “I’m going to let him in. It was just the shock at first. That’s all. I’m fine. It’s fine. Everything’s fine.” He can be a mature adult about this. Clint wouldn’t have sent Flynn to him if it weren’t important. He knew their history.
He reopens the door and stares into a face from his past. A face he’d never thought to see again. Had kissed and stroked and even at times mended. The face of a man he had loved beyond words. A man who had given him the absolute happiest and the horrifyingly worst moments of his life.
“Hello, Flynn.”

About Meg Harding
Meg Harding is a graduate of UCF, and is completing a masters program for Publishing in the UK. For as long as she can remember, writing has always been her passion, but she had an inability to ever actually finish anything. She’s immensely happy that her inability has fled and looks forward to where her mind will take her next. She’s a sucker for happy endings, the beach, and superheroes. In her dream life she owns a wildlife conservation and is surrounded by puppies. She’s a film buff, voracious reader, and a massive geek.

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i always loved to read enemies to lovers stories
I love the friends to lovers or enemies to lovers.
I love opposites and friends to lovers.
I love May to December romance.
Looks like a good book can’t wait until April 6 to start reading.
I’m a big fan of opposites and also enemies to lovers – I find myself getting sucked into those stories easily. 🙂
I love all the tropes, as long as there is a HEA.
I like gay for you a lot 😉
Congratulations on the new release, Meg! My favourite trope is enemies to lovers… 😉
Congrats on the new release Meg! I’ve always enjoyed friends to lover or second chances.
Congratulations on your latest release. Perhaps my favourite trope is opposites attract and sometimes with an age difference