Hi guys, we have C.J. Baty stopping by with the tour for her new release The Pinkerton Man series, which has books 1 The Pinkerton Man and book 2 Home on the Range, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

The Pinkerton Man
C.J. Baty
Stiles Langberry leaves England under the dark cloud of blackmail.
He resettles in America with a new name, becoming a Pinkerton Agent.
His new employer sends him undercover to a brothel that serves homosexual men, where prostitutes are being murdered. In the course of his investigation, he becomes involved with Paul, one of the prostitutes. Complicating matters, one of the suspects draws Stiles like no man before him. Stiles knows he must stop the killer before he strikes again.

Home on the Range
Pinkerton Agent Stiles Long is sent to the Circle W Ranch to uncover who is killing the ranch’s cattle. In order to discover the truth about the goings on at the ranch, Stiles has to prove to the ranchers he’s more than a good-looking city slicker.
Savage Beare, the head ranch foreman, is far from happy that Stiles is there to check things out. He has secrets of his own.
Stiles finds Savage incredibly good-looking, but cold and aloof.
He’s also a suspect. One of many.
When Stiles’ best friend and partner, Lizzie Ferguson, is kidnapped things begin to shake apart.
Stiles doesn’t trust anyone and he needs to find Lizzie before it’s too late.
The first evening was spent getting accustomed to the layout of the Velvet Rope. It was a large facility with several exits, a number of regular rooms, a few rooms with special equipment and, of course, gentlemen for hire. The Velvet Rope spared no expense when it came to entertaining the paying clientele. The best wines and whiskeys were made available as soon as you were ushered into the parlor. It was also made known that other forms of vice were available as well, though Stiles never used the stuff. He’d seen what opium had done to other men, and he did not want that particular addiction.
One thing that did surprise him after he was offered a seat in the parlor and given his drink of choice was the photo album with which he was presented. Inside the book were pictures of all the staff available, clothed and unclothed. There were approximately twenty pictures of different young men in the album. Stiles did come across the picture of one young man who whetted his appetite.
His name was Paul, and he appeared slightly older than most of the other offerings. Dark hair, dark eyes, and very muscular. Not overly so, but nicely filled out. He also had a large cock lying semi-hard against one of his legs in the picture of him naked. Stiles was just beginning to wonder what it would look like stiff when the butler who had ushered him in opened the doors to the parlor.

About C.J.
CJ BATY lives in southwest Ohio with her very patient husband and two encouraging children. Her heart however, lives in the mountains of Tennessee where she hopes to retire some day. The mountains have always provided her with inspiration and a soothing balm to the stresses of everyday life.
The dream of writing her own stories started in high school but was left on the back burner of life until her son introduced her to Fan Fiction and encouraged her to give it a try. She found that her passion for telling a story was still there and writing them down to share with others was much more thrilling than she had ever expected.
One thing she has learned from life and she is often heard to say is, “You are never too old to follow your dream!”
C.J. BATY can be found at:

Win! $4.99 WIP Gift Card
1 ebook copy of Drifting Sands,
1 ebook copy of Island Paradise
1 ebook copy of Whispers, Rumors, & Lies!
C.J. Baty Rafflecopter giveaway!

Thank you for hosting the PInkerton Man Series today.
Congratulations on your new release!