Title: Thin Blue Grind *Free Read*
Series: Cold Case Psychic 10.5
Author: Pandora Pine
Genre: Psychics
Length: Short (26pgs)
Publisher: Pandora Pine
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 4 1/2 Hearts
Blurb: When Cold Case Detective Ronan O’Mara enters a charity Strip-A-Thon on New Year’s Eve will he nail his sexy performance or will he just get nailed by his psychic husband, Tennyson Grimm?
Product Link: Prolific Works
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: A short sexy read with Ronan performing on stage and Ten in the audience looking on at Ronan’s strip tease.
Entertaining and cute this shows how the couple feel for one another.
Great read.
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