Hi guys, we have Grace R. Duncan stopping by to kick off her book cruise for her upcoming release What About Now, we have a great exclusive excerpt and Grace has an awesome giveaway so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

What About Now
Grace R. Duncan
Five years ago, everything went wrong. Braden Kirk and Rafe Jessen’s long-term relationship started unraveling. They stopped talking, fears mounted, then Braden walked in on Rafe and another man, completely misreading the situation. Without giving Rafe a chance to explain, Braden walks out. Out of their home, their relationship, and the game development company they started together in college.
After months of therapy to deal with the attempted rape Braden walked in on, Rafe begins to understand that his dominant tendencies in the bedroom aren’t a bad thing and that Braden’s submission is likely what scared his partner into silence. But Rafe isn’t ready to let go of the man he loves more than life itself. He arranges for himself and Braden to end up on the same charity cruise, knowing Braden won’t let his phobia—terror of vast, deep waters—rule him.
With a plan and twenty-eight days, Rafe is determined to get Braden back, make him see there’s nothing wrong with being submissive, and find a way to get Braden to stay with him when they get home to LA.

Grace R. Duncan
Welcome to the What About Now book cruise (tour)! Thanks to MM Good Book Reviews for welcoming me today. I hope you’ll follow the entire tour. Lots of chances to win a signed paperback copy of What About Now, $10 at Dreamspinner Press or an audiobook copy of Choices!
Each cruise (tour) stop will feature an excerpt from the story related to where the characters were for that day. Check the Rafflecopter at the end of the post to enter your answer to the question related to the excerpt for the chance to win a backlist ebook for each stop.
Today stop is the first on our cruise and sees our couple in Hilo, HI. Let’s see what the boys got up to…

Breakfast was more crowded than Braden had thought it would be, but they managed to find a table away from the windows—those tended to go first anyway, thankfully—and grab some food. He’d retrieved a plate for Rafe first because he had a feeling Rafe would go for their coffee. He wasn’t disappointed when he got back to see Rafe setting mugs on the table. He savored the look of surprise on Rafe’s face when he set the plate down on Rafe’s side of the table.
“Uh… thanks,” Rafe said, blinking.
Braden grinned. “You’re welcome. Be right back.”
A few minutes later, they were both eating, focusing on the food and coffee. Braden noted Rafe kept reaching over and touching when he didn’t need two hands to eat. That didn’t bother Braden one bit. He enjoyed the touches, doing his own when he could manage it.
There wasn’t much time to talk after that. Once they got through the line to get off the ship, the guide herded them quickly to the van. The whole way up to the bike place, their guide talked about what they were seeing or where they were or the history of the island.
In fact, it wasn’t until they had their bikes that Braden had two minutes to say anything to Rafe. And it was only to ask him to wait so he could pull the sunscreen out of his backpack. “I stopped to get some last night in the ship store. Completely forgot it,” Braden said as he poured some into his hands. “Arm,” he directed, and a somewhat bemused Rafe held his arm out.
“I could do that.”
“Yes, you could. But I like to,” Braden said, and tried not to think of the shaving memory he’d had. Because that reminded him of some of the other things he wasn’t quite ready to face. “Besides, you never used to put it on right, and your skin is a sun magnet.”
Rafe grinned. “I do remember quite a few sunburns.”
Braden nodded. “Exactly. Other arm.” He finished slathering Rafe’s arms with sunscreen, then squatted down to cover both legs.
“Aren’t you afraid people are watching?” Rafe asked, amusement tingeing his voice.
Braden glanced around. “No one’s paying any attention to us. Besides, what does it matter?”
Rafe shrugged a shoulder. “It doesn’t, I suppose.” He paused and frowned. “That sort of thing used to bother you.”
Braden stood, poured a little bit onto his fingers, spread it over Rafe’s cheeks, then added some to the back of his neck. “I let a lot of things bother me before, that I am realizing were foolish,” he said quietly. He finished with Rafe’s face and went to step back, but Rafe caught a hand, leaned in, and kissed him.
“Your turn,” he said, plucking the bottle out of Braden’s hand.
Braden tried to keep from squirming as Rafe’s hands moved over him. He realized belatedly that Rafe may have not wanted the touching for the same reason Braden was struggling with it now. Erections certainly did not make bicycling any easier. Rafe kept it quick and mostly clinical, though, and a few moments later, Braden stowed the bottle in his backpack and they climbed onto their bikes.

About Grace
Grace Duncan grew up with a wild imagination. She told stories from an early age – many of which got her into trouble. Eventually, she learned to channel that imagination into less troublesome areas, including fanfiction, which is what has led her to writing male/male erotica.
A gypsy in her own right, Grace has lived all over the United States. She has currently set up camp in East Texas with her husband and children – both the human and furry kind.
As one of those rare creatures who loves research, Grace can get lost for hours on the internet, reading up on any number of strange and different topics. She can also be found writing fanfiction, reading fantasy, crime, suspense, romance and other erotica or even dabbling in art.
Find Grace here:
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Signed paperback of What About Now, $10 at Dreamspinner Press or an audiobook copy of Choices!
Grace R. Duncan Rafflecopter giveaway!
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Congrats on the new book!