Hi guys, we have Tempeste O’ Riley popping in today with her brand new release Whiskers of a Chance, her first paranormal story! Tempeste chats a bit about writing Whiskers of A Chance, we have a great excerpt, a awesome giveaway and review, so enjoy the post and click that rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

Whiskers of A Chance
Tempeste O’ Riley
Jason Grant runs his own IT business from home, owns his own home, and has the best friend he could imagine. What he doesn’t have, or believe he will ever have, is love. When Jason catches a glimpse of his new neighbor on moving day, his libido ignites and his fascination in piqued. He even manages to concoct an excuse to go over and meet the man who makes him hope and want for more than he has in years.
Keith Skyler is a shifter in a world where his kind is known to only a few, but they don’t often mix and they never mate. Keith has been hoping for a mate since before he can remember, but gay lynx don’t have true mates. As far as he knows, they don’t have mates at all. However, while moving his little family across Seattle—and away from their tribe—his reality tips and spins more than he thought possible.
When these two men meet over a dish of five-cheese broccoli-noodle casserole, sparks fly. Who knew a welcome to the neighborhood gift could give both of them their chance at love?

What inspired you to write “Whiskers of a Chance”?
Well, now that’s a little complicated. It all started as an annoying plot bunny. Really it was a sex scene that wouldn’t leave me alone, so I wrote it out and at the end, rude kitty that Keith was, his claws made an appearance (you have to understand, I didn’t know I was writing a paranormal sex scene, lol). I put it aside, thinking it was done, I could go back to what I was working on, and I did. But then there was a call for an anthology of juicy bits and a friend pushed me to try to write a short. Yeah, me? Write a pure short story? HA! Not write a short that is an add-on to a novel, but a true short. Well, it was just the juicy part and I did have this sex scene I’d written most of… I could do something with that, right? Well, yes and no.
What happened in the end is that I put it aside again until my writing buddy Grace R. Duncan pushed me to write in tandem with her. She had an idea to write a shifter book and knew I needed to write and had this kitty story bouncing around so…. she nudged and pushed. Thank you, Grace! Next thing I know, I’m sending her chapters, she’s sending me chapters, and we are arguing over mass when shifting, which is better, wolves or lynx, and more while having a blast writing.
But the biggest thing that inspired my writing was the readers once I put out the first teasers. The responses I got were just WOW! My readers gobbled up the snippets and wanted more which made me want to write. They asked questions that made me want to delve into my world more and find the answers for them. And their enthusiasm made me more excited for my guys to get their HEA than ever. Oh, and I discovered that I can tandem write and retain my own voice 100%! If you want to see for yourself, grab a copy of Grace’s Devotion as well as my Whiskers and give them both a read 😉

Keith’s body pressed against his back. Without thinking, he leaned back into the warmth and strength now surrounding him. He’d caught a whiff of the man’s earthy scent before, but now it seemed as though it poured off him, seeping into every nerve and thought Jason had.
“Why?” Jason breathed, unsure what to do next. He knew what he looked like, and at just a touch under six feet tall, with somewhat dirty blond hair cut in a conservative, business look, and lackluster hazel eyes, he couldn’t believe a man with Keith’s rugged, model-worthy looks could really want him.
“I think it was the serious look on your face as you watched us unload.” He felt a shrug against his back. “Or maybe the activity you got up to later was what caught my eye. But either way, I was hoping you’d come over soon.”
Keith traced his ear with the tip of his tongue, sending shivers through Jason’s suddenly superheated body. “A-act-tivity?” Jason asked. He hadn’t thought anyone could see him.
Keith pressed against him tight, letting Jason feel how hard he was—and how big. Damn! “Oh yeah. I dreamed about you, about taking you in this very kitchen.”
This couldn’t be happening. Keith wanted him too? “And what did you p-picture us doing?”
“I’d rather show you,” Keith whispered into his ear before sucking the lobe into his hot, wet mouth and biting gently.
Jason nearly came just from that little action. “Oh God.” He whimpered, pushing back and rubbing his butt against Keith’s rigid cock. “You—I— Oh, please,” he choked out. He never did things like this, but right then, all he could think about was how perfect Keith would feel deep inside him, filling him, taking him right there on the counter.
Keith spun him around to face him so fast Jason got dizzy. He looked up, confused, before Keith took his mouth in a rough, demanding kiss that stole his breath and what was left of his thoughts. His world condensed down to the sweet bite of teeth and the wet slide of Keith’s searching tongue as he mapped and ate at Jason’s mouth. He was vaguely aware of moans and pleading whimpers, but he couldn’t focus on anything but the man currently devouring his very soul.
Keith’s fingers dug into his hip, hard enough he knew he’d have bruises later—a thought that brought more heat to his passion and joy to his battered heart. He snaked his other hand up to Jason’s head, his fingers threading through Jason’s short hair, and tugged enough to drive his want and need higher. Keith used his grip on Jason’s hair to tilt his head to the side and back, eliciting more breathy sounds from Jason. Keith kissed down his neck, nipping as he went. He rubbed his cheek against Jason’s and demanded roughly, “Tell me I can have you. Right here. Right now.”
Before he could make his mouth work, Keith bit him, sinking his teeth into the flesh where his neck and shoulder met. Instead of saying yes, as he’d intended, Jason keened high and loud, the sound echoing through the kitchen. Keith swiped his tongue over the now-tender skin before kissing his way back up his neck. “I need to hear you say it. And as much as I love the sounds you’re making, you have to answer me. Now.”
The deep, rumbling words edged him closer to oblivion. God, but he loved a man who knew what he wanted during sex. “Y-yes,” he panted and rocked his trapped dick against Keith’s. “Please, yes.”
The possibility for any more words was cut off when Keith plunged his tongue back inside Jason’s mouth, grinding their cocks together as he thrust in a way Jason hoped Keith would soon be doing a bit lower.

About Tempeste
Tempeste O’Riley is an out and proud pansexual genderfluid whose best friend growing up had the courage to do what she couldn’t–defy the hate and come out. He has been her hero ever since.
Tempe is a hopeless romantic that loves strong relationships and happily-ever-afters. Though new to writing M/M, she has done many things in her life, though writing has always drawn her back–no matter what else life has thrown her way. She counts her friends, family, and Muse as her greatest blessings in life. She lives in Wisconsin with her children, reading, writing, and enjoying life.
Tempe is also a proud PAN member of Romance Writers of America®, Rainbow Romance Writers, and WisRWA. Learn more about Tempeste and her writing at http://tempesteoriley.com.
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Winner’s Prize: $25 Dreamspinner Press Gift Card
Runner Up’s prize: An ebook from Tempeste’s backlist
Tempeste O’ Riley Rafflecopter giveaway!
Title: Whiskers of a Chance
Author: Tempeste O’Riley
Genre: Paranormal/ Shape Shifters
Length: Novel (204 pages)
ISBN: 9781634765251
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (30 Sept 2015)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Prime
Blurb: Jason Grant runs his own IT business from home, owns his own home, and has the best friend he could imagine. What he doesn’t have, or believe he will ever have, is love. When Jason catches a glimpse of his new neighbour on moving day, his libido ignites and his fascination in piqued. He even manages to concoct an excuse to go over and meet the man who makes him hope and want for more than he has in years.
Keith Skyler is a shifter in a world where his kind is known to only a few, but they don’t often mix and they never mate. Keith has been hoping for a mate since before he can remember, but gay lynx don’t have true mates. As far as he knows, they don’t have mates at all. However, while moving his little family across Seattle—and away from their tribe—his reality tips and spins more than he thought possible.
When these two men meet over a dish of five-cheese broccoli-noodle casserole, sparks fly.
Who knew a welcome to the neighbourhood gift could give both of them their chance at love?
Product Link: https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6828
Review: I love a good shape shifter MM romance, in fact it has to rate as my favourite type of romance and Tempeste O’Riley’s Whisker of a Chance definitely rates highly among them.
Lynx and Alpha’s heir, Keith Skyler, has managed to move himself and his sister and nephew away from their tribe (chain) but most importantly, he has removed them away from his manipulative and evil father, the tribe’s Alpha. This new life has naturally set Keith off on an adventure he didn’t know could ever be possible for him – a gay shifter who was born to be an Alpha. Keith was fairly certain, he would never have a true mate because he was gay.
Then there is Jason Grant. He was instantly infatuated by his new neighbour and after giving Keith a welcome to the neighbourhood casserole, he too is flung into an adventure and a world completely unknown to him.
I can’t really think anything that makes this book stand out as an OMG when it comes to shape shifter and soul mates/mates (or whatever jargon the author chooses to use), even when it becomes very apparent that there is more to Keith’s lynx than being an Alpha. However, I really did love this. The characters – both MCs and minor characters – were all wonderful. They all had their own complexities, which were thoroughly explored with our MCs and partially explored with the minor characters.
I especially love Jason’s BFF Sasha (Russian guy), Keith’s lynx friends including Vance as well as the wolves that Keith also meets through his work as a vet. In fact, I would have loved to have known more from the latter two groups.
The characters were complex, enjoyable and relatable – the sex was hot – the attraction and tension between Keith and Jason was palpable – and overall it was a lot of fun.

Going on my TBR list, can’t wait to read this.
Awesome cover and the excerpt is amazing!
Definitely want to read! I love paranormal books, but paranormal with MM?! Heck yeah!