Black Balled by Andrea Smith & Eva LeNoir Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Andrea Smith & Eva LeNoir - Black Balled  Blog Tour Banner

Hi guys, we have Andrea Smith & Eva LeNoir stopping by today with their newest release Black Balled, yes it’s the book with all the controversy on ‘the site that will not be named’, now I don’t involve myself with all that stuff I’m just all about the books, and it’s up to you lot to decide if this book deserves a chance or if the authors have tainted the book… as I said it’s your choice. So for the book we have several excerpts and a fantastic giveaway, check out the post and see if this book deserves a chance 😉

Andrea Smith & Eva LeNoir - Black Balled  Cover

Black Balled


Andrea Smith & Eva LeNoir

Two dominant males, two worthy adversaries, in a business that takes no prisoners, will soon learn that fate refuses to be ignored . . .

My name is Troy Babilonia, but I’m best known  as Babu, a renowned literary critic with my own online column. I’m followed by thousands! I’m a living god in the literary world. I have no filter, and for that, my flock of humble followers are forever grateful. If it weren’t for me, they wouldn’t know what to read. I have zero tolerance for the weak-minded attention seekers, nor do I have respect for the self-proclaimed geniuses of the Indie world. My advice to all Indie authors is to never break the cardinal rule in this cut-throat business. Ever.

My name is L. Blackburn and I’m an Indie author. My extraordinary genius was loved and worshiped throughout the literary world, until one egocentric  critic tried to obliterate my career. It seems I broke some fucking “cardinal rule,” and now I’m paying the price for it. But I don’t plan on going down without a fight.

After all, when a predator goes after your cub, it’s time to go for the throat–and maybe more…much more.

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