Henry's End by Julie A. Richman Release Day Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Julie A. Richman - Henry's End Blitz Banner

Hi guys, we have Julie A. Richman stopping by today to show off her newest release Henry’s End, we have some great excerpts to whet your appetite and a fantastic giveaway, so enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~ 

Julie A. Richman - Henry's End Teaser Cover L

Henry’s End


Julie A. Richman


I used to have them—before the nightmares started.

I dreamed of nice guys, love…normalcy.

Things like reading the Sunday paper in bed with my lover.

But who needs dreams when your reality is filled with a string of faceless dominating men in uniform? Men that pack a thick bulge and are only too happy to satisfy my deviant sexual cravings.

Me. That’s who.

And then HE walked through the door and shared with me, a total stranger, his intimate dream of love. Damn him for verbalizing every single detail of the dream I buried long ago.

And now I don’t know how I’m going to live without that dream.

Or him.


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